# licensor: plop a license in there Are you tired of copying and pasting licenses into your new projects? Do you always forget what the dang github api thing is? Or I don't know, have some other reason why doing licenses is hard? Well now you don't have to worry! Just run `licensor` in your new repo and BLAMMO! Done. ## Usage literally taken from `licensor -h`: ``` licensor: easily provide a license for a project USAGE: licensor [-h|-l|-L] licensor -s QUERY licensor [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] [LICENSE] FLAGS: -h Display this help and exit. -l List available licenses and exit. -L List available licenses, disregarding cache. This flag will re-download the license repo. -f Overwrite existing license. -q Be quiet (don't log anything). -z Fold output to 70 characters (see -w). -Z Disable folding of output. -p Include "optional" license content. -P Don't include "optional" content. OPTIONS: -s QUERY Search for a license matching QUERY. Only license titles are searched. -y YEARS Set copyright date(s) to YEARS. Default: $(date +%Y). -a AUTHORS Set copyright holder(s) to AUTHOR. Default: use the first of - git config --get user.name - getent password $USER - $USER -e EMAILS Set AUTHOR's EMAIL address. Default: $(git config --get user.email), or stay blank. -c COPYRIGHT Set the entire COPYRIGHT string to print. By default, it's built from the above information: "Copyright (C) ". -w WIDTH Fold the output to WIDTH characters. Default: 70. -o FILE Output the fetched license to FILE. Default: $PWD/COPYING. PARAMETERS: LICENSE The license to use. Default: MIT. ``` You can use an output file of `-` (i.e., `licensor -o-`) to print the license to stdout. ### Available licenses Licenses are pulled from [SPDX][]'s [git repository of licenses][spdx-git]. This includes all of the more common licenses, and honestly, if you're wanting to do something weird is `licensor` the right project for you? *That being said, adding the ability for arbitrary license "repositories" is probably for the best.* [SPDX]: https://spdx.org/licenses/ [spdx-git]: https://github.com/spdx/license-list-data/ ### Templating SPDX uses a [particular templating format][spdx-template-format] that `licensor` can read and use. As of v1.0, only `beginOptional`/`endOptional` and `var;name="copyright"` fields are filled in; all others are stripped from output. ## Configuring There are some environment variables you can set to change `licensor`'s default behavior: - `LICENSE_REPO_VERSION` : 3.17 - `LICENSE_REPO_URL` : `https://github.com/spdx/license-list-data/archive/refs/tags/v$LICENSE_REPO_VERSION.tar.gz` - `LICENSE_REPO_PATH` : `license-list-data-$LICENSE_REPO_VERSION/template` - `LICENSOR_LICENSE` : MIT - `LICENSOR_OUTPUT_FILE` : COPYING ## Contributing Send me an [email](mailto:acdw@acdw.net). ## License MIT, baby. See [COPYING](/licensor/COPYING) for details. ## Author Case Duckworth wrote this. He did not look around for existing solutions.