# Schmaltz ## Render embedded scheme in texts Schmaltz is a way to embed scheme code in text files using escape characters. This makes it a decent templating language à la PHP or shell here-documents. ## Rationale Schmaltz was inspired by shell here-documents as well as CHICKEN's extension to scheme string literals, which looks like this: ```scheme (define some-string #<#end Here is a multiline string literal with #(display "embedded") scheme code. 1 + 2 = #(+ 1 2), etc. end ) ``` While this works fine enough, there are a number of limitations preventing it from more thorough use: - The above notation only works with string literals. - The `end` tag must be alone on a line and at the beginning of the line. That, plus the fact that this is a non-standard extension, mean that editors (Emacs) indent that end tag, leading to a mis-parse. Fixing it is possible but fiddly. - The escape notation isn't extensible. Here-documents, in shell and other scripts, are similar in form (I assume that CHICKEN's extension was inspired by this syntax): ```sh cat <string . args)` *procedure* Perform `render`, returning a string with the output. Takes the same arguments as `render`. #### `(render-string->string . args)` *procedure* Perform `render-string`, returning a string with the output. Takes the same arguments as `render-string`. #### `render-specials` *parameter* Special characters to trigger expansion. Every expansion begins with `#`, then another character, then a scheme form. `render-specials` is an alist where CARs is a character literal and CDRs are procedures of one parameter, an input port. `render-specials` defaults to ```scheme `((#\, . ,(lambda (in) (eval (read in) (render-environment))))) ``` This renders `#,(+ 1 2)` to `3`. #### `render-unprintables` *parameter* String results not to include in the rendered output. For example, `define` might return an unspecified or void value, which when displayed could be `#`. `render-unprintables` is an alist where CARs are strings and CDRs are procedures of one parameter, the current character being processed. The default value of `render-unprintable` is an empty list, but see the section on the `schmaltz` executable for a more useful example. #### `(unprintable/skip . _)`, `(unprintable/backtrack char)` *procedures* Helper procedures for definitions in `render-unprintables`. See the example below for usage ideas. `unprintable/skip` skips whatever output is given from the rendered scheme code and prints nothing. `unprintable/backtrack` skips the output, but backtracks to output the character triggering the expansion as well as the preceding `#`. #### `render-environment` *parameter* The environment to evaluate rendered forms in. Defaults to `interaction-environment`. #### `environment` *procedure* Re-exported from `(scheme eval)` for ease of building `render-environment`s. ### Executable: `schmaltz` The `schmaltz` executable reads standard input or files from the command line, rendering and concatenating all of them to standard output, like `cat`. Also like `cat`, if `-` is passed as a parameter to `schmaltz`, it will insert the contents of standard input at that position in the output. You can call it as a compiled file or as a script as long as you have `csi` installed. By default, `schmaltz` extends the definitions of the following library parameters: #### `render-specials` Adds `@` for expanding to html via `sxml->html`, e.g. ``` #@(a (@ (href "https://example.com")) "link") ``` renders to ``` link ``` It wraps the form in an implicit `quasiquote` so you can include (string) variables, e.g. ``` #,(define title "Schmaltz!") #@(h1 ,title) ``` #### `render-unprintables` ```scheme (list (cons "#" unprintable/skip) (cons "#!eof" unprintable/backtrack)) ``` The above skips printing unspecified values altogether, and the end-of-file marker backtracks to print the (non-)escaping `#` at the input's end. ### License Schmaltz, the library and the program, are licensed under the GOD WILLING LICENSE, version 1.0. See [COPYING][] for details. [COPYING]: /schmaltz/tree/COPYING ### Contributing Contributions are welcome! Email me at `git at acdw dot net` or get in touch via whatever other channels you know how with questions or comments or whatever.