# shin ## include shell files built to scratch a personal itch. SHIN is an awk(1) script that plops include files in to .shin files. here's the usage text: ``` SHIN: include shell files in other shell files USAGE: shin FILE... FILEs named FILE.shin will be built to FILE.sh in the same directory. to include files in shin files, use the following comment syntax: #< INCLUDE shin will add INCLUDE below that comment, as well as a comment denoting the end of INCLUDE. ``` it's really that simple. and stupid. ## configuration SHIN will look for include files in the current directory, unless you set the SHINPATH environment variable. $SHINPATH is a colon-separated list of directories like $PATH or $MANPATH. ## extras `shin.awk` is the plain awk script. because awk is dumb about handling arguments, `shin` is a shell script that will do `shin.awk`'s work unless you pass `shin -h`, in which case it will print a helpful message. ## license SHIN is licensed under the FAIR license. see COPYING for details.