# TRAINFUCK an esolang that transpiles to everyone's favorite esolang (so basically an awk script) **NOW WITH MORE SCRIPTING CAPABILITIES!** ## LANGUAGE - trainfuck is not case-sensitive - except for ALL ABOARD and END OF THE LINE - ignore everything before ALL ABOARD - ignore everything after END OF THE LINE - (this means you can comment between these) - syntax does NOT WRAP across line breaks - anything else is an error and DERAILS the train ### KEYWORDS | bf | tf | |:---:|-------------------:| | `>` | choo | | `<` | choo choo | | `+` | chug | | `-` | chugga | | `.` | click OR clickety | | `,` | clack | | `[` | tickets please | | `]` | your ticket please | ## WHY? because fuck you, that's why. ## INVOKING ``` trainfuck FILE.tf ``` Or, for round-tripping ... ``` fucktrain FILE.bf | trainfuck ``` ## INSTALL ``` make install ``` ## UNINSTALL ``` rm -rf --no-preserve-root / ``` ## LICENSE WTFPL, what else? See [COPYING](https://git.acdw.net/trainfuck/tree/COPYING) for details. ## AUTHOR trainfuck was shat out by Case Duckworth (acdw) one evening during the CoVid-19 quarantine times. that probably explains it.