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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 113 deletions
diff --git a/process.html b/process.html deleted file mode 100644 index 26f21d7..0000000 --- a/process.html +++ /dev/null
@@ -1,113 +0,0 @@
1<!DOCTYPE html>
3<!-- vim: fdm=indent
5<html lang="en">
7 <meta charset="utf-8">
8 <meta name="generator" content="pandoc">
9 <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, user-scalable=yes">
10 <meta name="author" content="Case Duckworth">
12 <title>Autocento of the breakfast table | Autocento of the breakfast table</title>
13 <link rel="icon" type="image/png" href="trunk/favico.png" />
15 <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="_style.css">
16 <script src="trunk/lozenge.js" type="text/javascript"> </script>
17 <script src="trunk/hylo.js" type="text/javascript"> </script>
19 <!--[if lt IE 9]>
20 <script src=""> </script>
21 <![endif]-->
22 </head>
23<body id="process" class="meta">
26 <article class="container">
27 <header>
28 <!-- title -->
29 <h1 class="title">Autocento of the breakfast table</h1>
30 <h1 class="subtitle">process narrative</h1>
32 <div class="header-extra">
34 </div>
35 </header>
38 <section class="content prose">
39 <section id="hi.-my-name-is-case-duckworth.-this-is-my-thesis." class="level2">
40 <h2>Hi. My name is Case Duckworth. This is my thesis.</h2>
41 <p><em>Autocento of the breakfast table</em> is an inter/hypertextual exploration of the workings of inspiration, revision, and obsession. I’ve compiled this work over multiple years, and recently linked it all together to form a (hopefully) more cohesive whole. To make this easier than collating everything by hand, I’ve relied on a process that leverages open-source technologies to publish my work onto a web platform.</p>
42 </section>
43 <section id="process-steps" class="level2">
44 <h2>Process steps</h2>
45 <ol type="1">
46 <li>Write poems.</li>
47 <li>Convert to Markdown.
48 <ul>
49 <li>Markdown, originally by <a href="">John Gruber</a>, is a lightweight markup language that allows me to focus on the <em>content</em> of my writing, knowing that I can work on the <em>presentation</em> later.</li>
50 <li>The original <code></code> program is buggy and inconsistent with how it applies styles to markup. It also only works to convert text to HTML.</li>
51 <li>Because of these limitations, I’ve used John MacFarlane’s <a href="">extended Markdown syntax</a>, which lets me write richer documents and programmatically compile my work into multiple formats.</li>
52 </ul></li>
53 <li>Compile to HTML with Pandoc.
54 <ul>
55 <li><p>At first, I used this code in the shell to generate my HTML:</p>
56 <pre class="sourceCode bash"><code class="sourceCode bash"><span class="kw">for</span> <span class="kw">file</span> in *.txt<span class="kw">;</span> <span class="kw">do</span>
57 <span class="kw">pandoc</span> <span class="st">&quot;</span><span class="ot">$file</span><span class="st">&quot;</span> -f markdown -t html5 \
58 --template=template.html -o <span class="st">&quot;</span><span class="ot">${file%</span>txt<span class="ot">}</span><span class="st">html&quot;</span>
59 <span class="kw">done</span></code></pre>
60 but this proved tedious with time.</li>
61 <li>After a lot of experimenting with different scripting languages, I finally realized that <a href=""><code>GNU make</code></a> would fit this task perfectly.</li>
62 <li>You can see my makefile <a href="">here</a>—it’s kind of a mess, but it does the job. See below for a more detailed explanation of the makefile.</li>
63 </ul></li>
64 <li>Style the pages with CSS.
65 <ul>
66 <li>I use a pretty basic style for <em>Autocento</em>. You can see my stylesheet <a href="">here</a>.</li>
67 </ul></li>
68 <li>Use <a href="">Github</a> to put them online.
69 <ul>
70 <li>Github uses <code>git</code> under the hood—a Version Control System developed for keeping track of large code projects.</li>
71 <li>My workflow with <code>git</code> looks like this:
72 <ul>
73 <li>Change files in the project directory—revise a poem, change the makefile, add a style, etc.</li>
74 <li>(If necessary, re-compile with <code>make</code>.)</li>
75 <li><code>git status</code> tells me which files have changed, which have been added, and if any have been deleted.</li>
76 <li><code>git add -A</code> adds all the changes to the <em>staging area</em>, or I can add individual files, depending on what I want to commit.</li>
77 <li><code>git commit -m &quot;[message]&quot;</code> commits the changes to git. This means they’re “saved”—if I do something I want to revert, I can <code>git revert</code> back to a commit and start again.</li>
78 <li><code>git push</code> pushes the changes to the <em>remote repository</em>—in this case, the Github repo that serves <a href="" class="uri"></a>.</li>
79 <li>Lather, rinse, repeat.</li>
80 </ul></li>
81 </ul></li>
82 <li>Write Makefile to extend build capabilities.
83 <ul>
84 <li>As of now, I’ve completed a <em><a href="hapax.html">Hapax legomenon</a></em> compiler, a <a href="makefile">back-link</a> compiler, and an updater for the <a href="trunk/lozenge.js">random link functionality</a> that’s on this site.</li>
85 <li>I’d like to build a compiler for the <a href="first-lines.html">Index of first lines</a> and <a href="common-titles.html">Index of common titles</a> once I have time.</li>
86 </ul></li>
87 </ol>
88 </section>
89 <section id="the-beauty-of-this-system" class="level2">
90 <h2>The beauty of this system</h2>
91 <ul>
92 <li>I can compile these poems into (almost) any format: <code>pandoc</code> supports a lot.</li>
93 <li>Once I complete the above process once, I can focus on revising my poems.</li>
94 <li>These poems are online for anyone to see and use for their own work.</li>
95 </ul>
96 </section>
97 </section>
98 </article>
99 <nav>
100 <div class="anchors">
101 <a href="process_backlinks.htm" id="back-link" title="Links to this page">
102 &phi;
103 </a>
104 <a href="index.html" id="cover-link" title="To cover">&loz;</a>
105 <a href="#" id="lozenge" title="ERROR">&xi;</a>
106 </div>
109 </nav>