dotsMy dotfiles (for real this time) 12 dayssummary log tree
jimmygmi->{html,gmi,...} 6 weekssummary log tree
scrambleConvert an egg to a Makefile 7 weekssummary log tree
postcardA small, friendly messaging protocol 8 weekssummary log tree
bloggerA sophisticated^Wblogging system using git 2 monthssummary log tree
planeta feed reading planetoid 3 monthssummary log tree
lla linklog 3 monthssummary log tree
lama lisp in lua 3 monthssummary log tree
oka minimal build system in posix sh 3 monthssummary log tree
schwaSource Code Htmlizer Writ in Awk 4 monthssummary log tree
subtexta groff-like publishing system in basic unix tools 6 monthssummary log tree
acdwmmy window manager in scheme 6 monthssummary log tree
etexcited text 6 monthssummary log tree
ndujaa truly minimal ssg 7 monthssummary log tree
boudinA small static site generator in CHICKEN scheme with here-docs 10 monthssummary log tree
cocka dumb webserver 11 monthssummary log tree
bolluxa Gemini browser in like, idk, 96% pure Bash 11 monthssummary log tree
chicanerysubtle, opinionated improvements to r7rs 11 monthssummary log tree
schmaltzEmbed scheme code into text 11 monthssummary log tree
etcmy computer configs 12 monthssummary log tree
emacsA config of one's own 12 monthssummary log tree
sfeedMy sfeed scripts 13 monthssummary log tree
chicken-scratchexpand files as chicken here-docs 13 monthssummary log tree
appleLisp Game Jam 2023 entry 13 monthssummary log tree
fffFlat Fuck Format 13 monthssummary log tree
git-init-remoteInitiate a remote for a git repo 14 monthssummary log tree
cacophonyEvery page a program 14 monthssummary log tree
mrgrctrnlSet up magic tunnels with ssh 14 monthssummary log tree
yolkANSI escapes for CHICKEN 14 monthssummary log tree
ruseAn attempt to make r7rs development in chicken scheme a little easier 15 monthssummary log tree
yawp.sha blogging engine in sh 15 monthssummary log tree
wikmemake a wiki out of a directory of markdown files (WIP) 16 monthssummary log tree
shinInclude shell files in other shell files 16 monthssummary log tree
velluma pager in POSIX sh 17 monthssummary log tree
twerka twtxt client in sh 17 monthssummary log tree
miscManually Installed and Source Compiled 17 monthssummary log tree
superstackA substack proxy that gets rid of the crap 18 monthssummary log tree
viennaa tiny, tasty ssg 18 monthssummary log tree
nofetchshow those losers on r/unixporn what you think of them 19 monthssummary log tree
shiteshit out a site 22 monthssummary log tree
foilcopy and paste shit 22 monthssummary log tree
potatofarm potatoes. avoid orcs. do NOT adventure. 23 monthssummary log tree
hta bespoke markup and authoring format 23 monthssummary log tree
radishRADISH (radio2.0): play radio, music, noise 23 monthssummary log tree
fwendplaneta planet for fwends 23 monthssummary log tree
shatoma feed generator in mostly POSIX shell 23 monthssummary log tree
autocentoMaster's thesis experiment featuring hypertextual connections between a body of work. 24 monthssummary log tree
cgitpersonal fork of cgit-pink 24 monthssummary log tree
docawkA quick-and-dirty literate programming thing in awk 24 monthssummary log tree
autoshartrun autostart desktop files without a DE 24 monthssummary log tree
k7rk7r: k8serizer 2 yearssummary log tree
radioPlay online radio stations 2 yearssummary log tree
thesauraclesThe wise Thesauracles knows the synonym you seek. 2 yearssummary log tree
licensorAdd a license to your repo 2 yearssummary log tree
squ.awkawk meets lisp in a great confusion 2 yearssummary log tree
trainfuckEveryone's favorite esolang, but trains 2 yearssummary log tree
qotdquote of the day (RFC 865) server 2 yearssummary log tree
hat-trickSmall SSG in shell/awk/make (and the website built at 2 yearssummary log tree
unka very small static site generator 3 yearssummary log tree