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137 files changed, 0 insertions, 7508 deletions
diff --git a/src/100-lines.txt b/src/100-lines.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 8e05b6d..0000000 --- a/src/100-lines.txt +++ /dev/null
@@ -1,126 +0,0 @@
2title: 100 lines
3id: 100-lines
4genre: verse
7 title: Autocento of the breakfast table
8 class: autocento
11Whenever you call me friend \
12I fall down on my knees and cry \
13because I know it's the only thing \
14never to happen before in this \
15life is something you can't see \
16it's a pillow under a [hook shot][] \
17[I want to tell you something anything][tell-you] \
18but you are there and I am here \
19we are [trapped inside ourselves][trapped] \
20and the distance is too far \
21you are something that I would tell \
22[would be nothing][] before too long \
23you are not the finisher of dreams \
24you are the beginning of [nightmares][] \
25or waking but I'm not sure which \
26this [letter is for you][] in the future \
27it will lead you on the path \
28of goodness or of rightness or of \
29wrong people and right meanings \
30or the meaning will be hidden \
31or wrestling the demon I will have become \
32restless under the starlight \
33it's too bright here to think \
34the negatives would be pitch black \
35darkness of a silver mine \
36there are [no trees][] here \
37where have you been where are you now \
38I am no longer here or there \
39you are anywhere or are you \
40up in the clouds is a ghost \
41he is white and blue like a cloud \
42he paints with his teeth \
43he paints the rainbow before midnight \
44that you can see from your window \
45staring out under the sunlight \
46through the gauze curtains \
47[over the high mountain][mountain] far away \
48that is covered over with snow \
49past the rivers and forests \
50that lie awake under Orion \
51hunting the bull that runs forever \
52just out of his reach \
53pointing the way for the two of us \
54to join together in song or dance \
55or that other thing and sing \
56the Grinch down off Mount Crumpet \
57[his heart breaking his chest][heart] \
58thumping with the beat \
59his [little dog too][] running running \
60with the bull full of laughter and blood \
61he can't see it anymore because it's become him \
62we are trapped he says we are \
63trapped in ourselves it turns out \
64that all along it wasn't you or me \
65but he and her or her and him or \
66he and he or she and she or they \
67even they tell us that nothing has happened \
68even they know that it's a big joke \
69one more thing to know before the death \
70we are crying like crocodiles \
71before their loved ones' coffins \
72we are bellowing with grief like buffalo \
73on a berth of wild oxen \
74we are wailing our clothes are in rags \
75[we want][want1] [we want][want2] [we want][want3] \
76but never can we get \
77what is it \
78we don't know what it is \
79but it's something it's anything \
80it's too many people or not enough \
81it's too few trees we need more \
82beavers to build riverdams we need \
83grapes too or [plums][] from the ice box \
84or an ice box even would be nice \
85all I have is this cube isn't that right \
86or is a sphere a cube a donut a coffee \
87cup your hands in mine yes that's right \
88now bring the water to your face \
89clear and cool and \
90full of something \
91what is it wanting \
92or yearning \
93I can see in your eyes they're clear now \
94they are as clear as a running stream \
95or the sky that's clear right \
96or the water that is in the Bahamas \
97because I hear that's clear \
98you're as clear as the sound of a bell \
99you're as clear as the [braying of horses][] \
100you're as clear as the glass in God's eye \
101and I \
102I'm as dull as an ox plowing \
103[through fields in his yoke][yoke] \
104I'm as dull as clouded amber \
105I'm dull as you find me \
106tonight after dinner \
107I'm reading the crossword \
108you're sitting beside me \
109you're watching TV.
111[hook shot]: theoceanoverflowswithcamels.html
112[tell-you]: lovesong.html
113[trapped]: howtoread.html
114[would be nothing]: no-nothing.html
115[nightmares]: in-bed.html
116[letter is for you]: poetry-time.html
117[no trees]: plant.html
118[mountain]: mountain.html
119[heart]: moon-drowning.html
120[little dog too]:
121[want1]: i-wanted-to-tell-you-something.html
122[want2]: fire.html
123[want3]: lovesong.html
125[braying of horses]: table_contents.html
126[yoke]: last-passenger.html
diff --git a/src/about-the-author.txt b/src/about-the-author.txt deleted file mode 100644 index fb024e2..0000000 --- a/src/about-the-author.txt +++ /dev/null
@@ -1,67 +0,0 @@
2title: About the author
3id: about-the-author
4subtitle: (not pictured)
5genre: prose
8 content: The body that surrounds him is his, but his insides are not.
11 title: Stark Raving
12 class: stark
13 order: 19
14 prev:
15 - title: Something about all music being performances of _4′33″_ in places where other bands happen to be playing
16 link: music-433
17 - title: Riptide of memory
18 link: riptide_memory
21----------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------
22[He was born][] on a few separate occasions _[green traffic lights][] at night_
24There was the day of his conception \ _[a TV in front of a dumpster][]_
25a wintery affair saved for those involved
27The day he wriggled forth \
28from the dark tunnel of nothing \ _surprise photo of you at Walgreen's_
29[his mother's womb][]
31The founding of his little city \
32deep inside by the small builders \ _a [pink dress in the alley][] behind your house_
33alien as they were and still \
34somehow intimately familiar
36Like any city it had its ups \
37and downs the fever of 1994 \ _me buying a Reese's peanut butter cup for a child_ \
38was especially devastating \ _[whose family couldn't afford it]_ \
39but they were a hardy folk \ _[in front of me in line at Safeway][]_
40not much given to flight
42As all things must pass the \
43little city began slowly to decay \ _trees at night their skeletons_ \
44the [old ones claimed the young][] \ _revealed by a camera flash_
45had no respect for culture anymore
47They began to die off slowly \
48more quickly than being born \ _[two earthworms on pavement after a rain][]_
49the end was coming closer
51As the [last breath][] was made \
52the last accounts closed in the city _keys tacked to a sign in Buffalo Park_
54It was given over to other builders _man flipping a [four-wheeler][] and walking it off_
56----------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------
58[two earthworms on pavement after a rain]: the-sea_the-beach.html
59[He was born]: sixteenth-chapel.html
60[a TV in front of a dumpster]: options.html
61[his mother's womb]: death-zone.html
62[green traffic lights]: stayed-on-the-bus.html
63[pink dress in the alley]: in-bed.html
64[in front of me in line at Safeway]: last-bastion.html
65[old ones claimed the young]: creation-myth.html
66[last breath]: last-passenger.html
67[four-wheeler]: deadman.html
diff --git a/src/about.txt b/src/about.txt deleted file mode 100644 index da07ac6..0000000 --- a/src/about.txt +++ /dev/null
@@ -1,134 +0,0 @@
2title: Autocento of the breakfast table
4subtitle: about this site
5genre: prose
8 content: by Case Duckworth
11 title: About Autocento
12 class: meta
13 next:
14 - title: Index of common titles
15 link: common-titles
16 prev:
17 - title: Index of first lines
18 link: first-lines
24_Autocento [of the breakfast table][]_ is a hypertextual exploration of the workings of revision across time.
25Somebody^[[citation needed][]]^ once said that every relationship we have is part of the same relationship; the same is true of authorship.
26As we write, as we continue writing across our lives, patterns thread themselves through our work: images, certain phrases, preoccupations.
27This project attempts to make those threads more apparent, using the technology of hypertext.
29I'm also an MFA candidate at [Northern Arizona University][NAU].
30This is my thesis.
35This project revolves around two sister concepts: the _hapax legomenon_ and the _cento_.
37_Hapax legomenon_ ([ἅπαξ][] λεγόμενον) is Greek for "something said only once."
38It's used in linguistics to describe words that appear only once in a corpus.
39If expanded to _n-grams_, it can be used to describe utterances that occur only once, and this is where it gets interesting.
40If this line of thinking is taken to its logical conclusion, we can say that all writing, all utterances, are _hapax legomena_, because they appear only once in the world as they are.
41In short, everything is individual; everything is differentiated; everything is an island.
43On the other hand, a _cento_, from the Latin, from the Greek κέντρόνη, meaning "patchwork garment," is a poem composed completely of fragments of other poems.
44It's a mash-up that makes up for its lack of originality in utterance with a novelty in arrangement.
45Usually, it refers to taking phrases, lines, or stanzas from other authors' works, but I don't see why it couldn't refer to _n-grams_ or individual words.
46If _this_ line of thinking is taken to its logical conclusion, we can say that no writing is truly original; that every utterance has, in some scrambled way at least, been uttered before.
47In other words, nothing is individual.
48We float on an ocean of language which we did nothing to create, and the best we can hope for is to find some combination that hasn't been thought of too many times before.
49As Solomon said, "[There is nothing new under the sun][nothing-new]."
51_Autocento of the breakfast table_ works within the tension caused by these two concepts.
56In compiling the works that make up this text, I've pulled from a few different projects:
58* [Elegies for alternate selves](and.html)
59* [The book of Hezekiah](prelude.html)
60* [Stark raving](table_contents.html)
61* [Buildings out of air](art.html)
63as well as added new articles, written quite recently.
64As I've compiled them into this project, I've linked them together based on common images or language, moving back and forth through time.
65This should give the reader a fair idea of what my head looks like on the inside.
70Because this project lives online, I've used a fair amount of technology to get it there.
71First, I converted all the articles[^1] present into plain text files, which are viewable [here][text].
72Then, I used John McFarlane's venerable document preparation system [pandoc][], along with a short [script][compile.lua], to compile the text sources to HTML using [this template][].
73The compiled HTML is what you're reading now.[^2]
75To host the project, I'm using [Github][], an online code-collaboration tool with the version control system [git][] under the hood.
76This enables me (and you, dear Reader!) to explore the path of revision even more, from beginning to end, based on my commits to the repository.
77You can view the repository and its changes and files at [my Github profile][].[^3]
79Using this site
82All of the articles on this site are linked together hypertextually (i.e., like a webpage).
83This means that all you need to do to explore the creative threads linking these articles together is to start clicking links.
84However, if you find you're looping around to a lot of the same articles, you can head back to the [index][] and click through the titles in order---that article contains the titles of all the other works in this project.
86Alternatively, you can click the lozenge (◊) at the bottom of each page.
87It'll take you to a random article in the project, thanks to [this javascript][].
89If you want to experience the earlier projects in something resembling the original orders, previous and next links are provided at the bottom of each page, next to the lozenge.
90Sometimes, there are more than one of each of these, or there are none, dependant on the structure of their original project.
92Things still to do
95_Autocento of the breakfast table_ is a work in progress.
96The first draft is completed, but some revision and aesthetic work remains to be done for me to consider it fully "[published][]"
97(what does this word mean in 2015?).
98You can see the full list of to-dos by visiting the [issues page][issues] of the Github site.
100Contact me
103If you'd like to contact me about the state of this work or my writing in general, you can email me at <>.
105<!-- links & footnotes -->
106[of the breakfast table]:
107[citation needed]:
113[text]: src/common-titles.html
117[this template]:
120[my Github profile]:
122[index]: first-lines.html
123[this javascript]:
125[published]: published.html
128[^1]: I've decided to use the word _article_ instead of _poem_, because not all of the texts included are poems; and instead of _piece_, because _piece_ is vague and, to my mind, pretentious.
129 I'm aware that the true [etymology]( of _article_ does not reflect my use of it, namely "a little chunk of art", a la the (personal folk) derivation of _icicle_, _treicle_, etc.
131[^2]: The great thing about `pandoc` is that it can compile to, and convert between, about fifty formats or so.
132 This means that if, in the future, I choose to convert this project to a printable form (for example PDF, ODT, or even DOCX), I'll be able to with a fairly small amount of work.
134[^3]: For more information on the technological aspect of this project, see the []( file at the root of the github repo.
diff --git a/src/about_author.txt b/src/about_author.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 8f51909..0000000 --- a/src/about_author.txt +++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
2title: About Case Duckworth
3id: about_author
4genre: prose
7 title: Autocento of the breakfast table
8 class: autocento
11Case Duckworth is the cowardly but lovable Great Dane who solves mysteries on TV.
12Maybe you've seen him while watching commercials for Pine-Sol or Orange-Glo cleaners.
13These products dress as monsters to lure only the right kind of venture capitalist, but Duckworth believes in the right of all [venture capitalists][] to invest in products they believe in.
14His mortal enemy is the evil Old Man Jenkins, who believes that the only venture capitalists that should be allowed to invests are from the Meddling Kids gang of Edo.
16When not being a Great Dane, Duckworth is a Christmas ham, spreading good cheer and pork products to underprivileged gangs of venture capitalists in winter.
17He keeps them warm with his questionable farming practices and threat of Trichinosis, as well as with his own brand of firestarter called Duckworth Stax.
18He usually steals his Stax from dog food factories, making him a modern Robin Hood in addition to a Great Dane and Christmas Ham.
20Case Duckworth truly is a jack-of-all-trades.
21The only thing missing from his repertoire is the ability to begin a word with anything but an "R" sound, although given the fact he is a dog, it's remarkable he can speak at all.
22Duckworth was voiced by [Don Messick][] until his death in 1997, when [Frank Welker][] took over, to the dismay of fans everywhere.
24[venture capitalists]: love-as-god.html
25[Don Messick]:
26[Frank Welker]:
diff --git a/src/amber-alert.txt b/src/amber-alert.txt deleted file mode 100644 index f782378..0000000 --- a/src/amber-alert.txt +++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
2title: AMBER alert
3id: amber-alert
4genre: prose
7 content: Apparently it does nothing.
8 link: ''
11 image: amber.jpg
12 title: Amber Hagerman
13 link: ''
16 title: Stark Raving
17 class: stark
18 order: 6
19 next:
20 - title: Exasperated
21 link: exasperated
22 - title: The Death Zone
23 link: death-zone
24 prev:
25 - title: Last bastion
26 link: last-bastion
27 - title: Something about the nature of poetry and time
28 link: poetry-time
31[Lost things][] have a way of [staying lost][].
32They have to want to be found---is that why we tack up signs, hang socks from hooks in the park, have a box for what's been lost but now is found?
33Maybe the lost *want* to be found but we're looking in the wrong places.
34Maybe we speak the wrong language, the language of the found, to call to them.
35Maybe we should [try another door][].
37[Lost things]: lappel-du-vide
38[staying lost]:
39[try another door]: statements-frag.html
diff --git a/src/and.txt b/src/and.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 5e40517..0000000 --- a/src/and.txt +++ /dev/null
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
2title: And
3genre: verse
6 content: |
7 "What is your favorite word?"
9 "And. It is so hopeful."
10 attrib: Margaret Atwood
11 link: ''
14 title: Elegies for alternate selves
15 css: elegies
16 order: 3
17 next:
18 - title: Words and meaning
19 link: words-meaning
20 prev:
21 - title: How to read this
22 link: howtoread
25And you were there in the start of it all \
26and you folded your [hands like little doves][] \
27that would fly away like an afterthought \
28and you turned to me the window light on your face \
29and you asked me something that I did not recognize \
30like a great throng of people who are not you \
31and I asked are we in a [church][] \
32and you answered with the look on your face \
33of someone [grieving something gone][] for years \
34 but that they had been reminded of \
35by a catch in the light or in someone's voice \
36and I think maybe it could have been mine \
37and I looked away thickly my head was in jelly \
38and I didn't get an answer from you but I got one
40I looked at the man in front of us with glasses \
41he was speaking and holding a book \
42and I didn't understand him he was far away \
43and I could tell I was missing something important \
44and you nodded to yourself at something he said
46[church]: boar.html
47[grieving something gone]: roughgloves.html
48[hands like little doves]: cold-wind.html
diff --git a/src/angeltoabraham.txt b/src/angeltoabraham.txt deleted file mode 100644 index ac7586c..0000000 --- a/src/angeltoabraham.txt +++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
2title: The angel to Abraham
3id: angeltoabraham
4genre: verse
7 title: Elegies for alternate selves
8 class: elegies
9 order: 10
10 prev:
11 - title: Dead man
12 link: deadman
13 next:
14 - title: Feeding the raven
15 link: feedingtheraven
18Abraham, Abraham, you are old and cannot hear: \
19what if you miss my small voice amongst the creaking \
20of your own grief, kill your son unknowing \
21of what he will be, and commit Israel to nothing?
23Abraham, you must know or hope that [God][] \
24will not allow your son to die; you must know \
25that this is a test, but then why \
26are you so bent on Isaac's destruction? \
27Look at your eyes; there is more than fear \
28there. I see in your eyes desperation, \
29a manic passion to do right by your God \
30whom you are not able to see or know.
32Am I too late? I [will try][] to stay \
33your old hands, the knife clenched \
34within them, intent on ending life.
36Will you hear my small voice amongst the creaking, \
37or will it be the chance bleating of a passing ram?
39[God]: boar.html
40[will try]: i-am.html
diff --git a/src/apollo11.txt b/src/apollo11.txt deleted file mode 100644 index e04c0cb..0000000 --- a/src/apollo11.txt +++ /dev/null
@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
2title: On seeing the panorama of the Apollo 11 landing site
3id: apollo11
4genre: verse
7 image: "img/panorama-apollo11.jpg"
8 title: "Big deal."
9 link: ""
12 title: Elegies for alternate selves
13 class: elegies
14 order: 5
15 next:
16 - title: Ars poetica
17 link: arspoetica
18 prev:
19 - title: And
20 link: and
23So it's the [fucking moon][]. Big deal. As if \
24you haven't seen it before, hanging in the sky \
25like a piece of [rotten meat][] nailed to the wall,
27a maudlin love letter (the i's dotted with [hearts][]) \
28tacked to the sky's door like ninety-eight theses. \
29Don't stare at it like it means anything.
31Don't give it the chance to collect meaning \
32from your hand like an old pigeon. Don't dare ascribe \
33it a will, or call it fickle, or think it has any say
35in your affairs. It's separated from your life \
36by three hundred eighty-four thousand miles of space, \
37the same distance you stepped away from time that night
39you said your love was broken, a crippled gyroscope \
40knocking in the dark. It was then that time fell apart, \
41had a nervous breakdown and started following you
43everywhere, moonfaced, always asking where you're going. \
44You keep trying to get away from it but it nuzzles closer \
45and sings you songs that sound like the cooing of a dove \
46that will only escape again into an empty sky at dawn.
48[fucking moon]: deathstrumpet.html
49[rotten meat]: roughgloves.html
50[hearts]: proverbs.html
diff --git a/src/arspoetica.txt b/src/arspoetica.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 8e4a92b..0000000 --- a/src/arspoetica.txt +++ /dev/null
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
2title: Ars poetica
3id: arspoetica
4genre: prose
7 title: Elegies for alternate selves
8 class: elegies
9 order: 6
10 prev:
11 - title: On seeing the panorama of the Apollo 11 landing site
12 link: apollo11
13 next:
14 - title: The ocean overflows with camels
15 link: theoceanoverflowswithcamels
18What is poetry?
19[Poetry is.][is]
20Inasmuch as life is, so is poetry.
21Here is the problem: life is very big and complex.
22Human beings are neither.
23We are small, simple beings that don't want to know all of the myriad interactions happening all around us, within us, as a part of us, all the hours of every day.
24We much prefer knowing only that which is just in front of our faces, staring us back with a look of utter contempt.
25This is why many people are depressed.
27Poetry is an attempt made by some to open up our field of view, to maybe check on something else that isn't staring us in the face so contemptibly.
28Maybe something else is smiling at us, we think.
29So we write poetry to force ourselves to look away from the [mirror][] of our existence to see something else.
31This is generally painful.
32To make it less painful, poetry compresses reality a lot to make it more consumable.
33It takes life, that seawater, and boils it down and boils it down until only the salt remains, the important parts that we can focus on and make some sense of the senselessness of life.
34Poetry is life bouillon, and to thoroughly enjoy a poem we must put that bouillon back into the seawater of life and make a delicious soup out of it.
35To make this soup, to decompress the poem into an emotion or life, requires a lot of brainpower.
36A good reader will have this brainpower.
37A good poem will not require it.
39What this means is: a poem should be self-extracting.
40It should be a rare vanilla in the bottle, waiting only for someone to open it and sniff it and suddenly there they are, in the orchid that vanilla came from, in the tropical land where it grew next to its brothers and sister vanilla plants.
41They feel the pain of having their children taken from them.
42A good poem leaves a feeling of loss and of intense beauty.
43The reader does nothing to achieve this---they are merely the receptacle of the feeling that the poem forces onto them.
44In a way, poetry is a crime.
45But it is the most beautiful crime on this crime-ridden earth.
47[is]: words-meaning.html
48[mirror]: moongone.html
diff --git a/src/art.txt b/src/art.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 1550658..0000000 --- a/src/art.txt +++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
2title: Art
3id: art
4genre: prose
7 title: "Buildings out of air: Paul in the Woods"
8 class: paul
9 order: 1
10 next:
11 - title: Hymnal
12 link: hymnal
13 - title: Axe
14 link: axe
17Paul was writing in his diary about art.
19_[This is my brain][]_ he wrote.
20_This is my brain and all it contains.
21['I contain multitudes' said Legion.][]
22I think it was Legion._
23The big heading he had written at the top of the page (_ART_ it read, but only when looking at it from his point of view) sat cold and alone, neglected in the [white space][] surrounding it.
24He noticed this presently (but not after he had written a little more about multitudes), paused, frowned, and began to write again.
26_ART stands alone at the top of a blank page_ he wrote.
27_It follows ~~itself in circles~~ its own footprints in a circle around its own name.
28It leads nowhere but is present everywhere.
29~~It contains~~ It contains multitudes.
30Every painting ever made is a painting of every other painting.
31Every song is a remix, a [cover version][]._
32He crossed out the part about songs for getting off topic.
33He made a note to himself in the margin---_Music is not ART._
35[This is my brain]: ouroboros_memory.html
36['I contain multitudes' said Legion.]: TODO_BIBLE_LINK
37[white space]: sense-of-it.html
38[cover version]: music-433.html
diff --git a/src/axe.txt b/src/axe.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 486d669..0000000 --- a/src/axe.txt +++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
2title: Axe
3id: axe
4genre: prose
7 title: "Buildings out of air: Paul in the Woods"
8 class: paul
9 order: 5
10 next:
11 - title: Leaf
12 link: leaf
13 - title: Building
14 link: building
15 prev:
16 - title: Dream
17 link: dream
18 - title: Art
19 link: art
22Paul took his axe and went out into the woods to chop trees.
23Or rather he went into the trees to chop wood.
24He wasn't sure.
25Either way it helped him think.
26Last time he'd gone out, he'd had an idea for a shoe-insert company he could start called "Paul's Bunyons."
27He chuckled to himself as he shouldered his axe and went into the forest.
29Deep into the woods he admired the organization of the trees.
30"They grow wherever they fall" he said "but still none is too close to another."
31He sounded like Solomon to himself.
32[He imagined he had a beard.][]
34He walked for a long time in the shadows of the forest, in its coolness.
35It sounded like snow had fallen but it was still [October][].
36The first time the trees seemed to radiate out from him in straight lines he stopped and turned around four times.
37After he walked on he noticed it happened fairly often.
39Still, after he felled his first tree that day he realized they grew from the epicenter of his axe.
40He paused in the [small dark sound][] of the forest quiet.
42[He imagined he had a beard.]: riptide_memory.html
43[October]: january.html
44[small dark sound]: last-bastion.html
diff --git a/src/big-dipper.txt b/src/big-dipper.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 76942d5..0000000 --- a/src/big-dipper.txt +++ /dev/null
@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
2title: The Big Dipper
3id: big-dipper
4genre: verse
7 title: Stark Raving
8 class: stark
9 order: 2
10 next:
11 - title: The Moon is drowning
12 link: moon-drowning
13 - title: Something about the nature of poetry and time
14 link: poetry-time
15 prev:
16 - title: The Death Zone
17 link: death-zone
18 - title: Table of Contents
19 link: table_contents
22After searching for days or even months \
23I finally find it reclining lazily \
24[above the peaks][] above the city as if to ask \
25Did you miss me? Yes very much I reply \
26and rush to embrace it but it smiles \
27and recoils and tells me No no you \
28have to try harder than that it says \
29I do not give myself up so easily
31I try a different tack \
32I sing to it bring it flowers nightly \
33I compare its eyes to the morning dew \
34it has not seen the morning dew \
35I say its mouth is the sunset over mountains \
36it knows mountains but the sunset \
37is only a rumor from the Evening Star \
38I tell the Big Dipper that it moves \
39[like a quiet river across the earth][]
41Rivers I have seen says the Big Dipper \
42they sparkle in the light from my stars \
43Your stars like eyes I say and it smiles \
44[No it says that is too easy][] \
45It turns its back \
46it walks home along the back of the mountain
48[above the peaks]: finding-the-lion.html
49[like a quiet river across the earth]: no-nothing.html
50[No it says that is too easy]:
diff --git a/src/boar.txt b/src/boar.txt deleted file mode 100644 index c8a6672..0000000 --- a/src/boar.txt +++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
2title: The boar
3id: boar
4genre: verse
7 title: Elegies for alternate selves
8 class: elegies
9 order: 8
10 prev:
11 - title: The ocean overflows with camels
12 link: theoceanoverflowswithcamels
13 next:
14 - title: Dead man
15 link: deadman
18Now the ticking clocks scare me. \
19The [empty][] rooms, clock towers, belfries; \
20I am terrified by them all.
22I really used to enjoy going to church, \
23singing in the choir, listening to the sermon. \
24Now the chairs squeal like dying pigs---
26It was the boar that did it. \
27[Fifteen feet][] from me that night \
28in the grass, rooting for God \
29knows what, finding me instead.
31I ran, not knowing where or how, \
32not looking for his pursuit of me. \
33I ran to God's front door, found \
34it locked, found the [house][] empty
36with a note saying, "Condemned."
38[empty]: mountain.html
39[Fifteen feet]: telemarketer.html
40[house]: i-am.html
diff --git a/src/boy_bus.txt b/src/boy_bus.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 4352c98..0000000 --- a/src/boy_bus.txt +++ /dev/null
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
2title: Boy on the bus
3id: boy_bus
4genre: verse
7 title: Stark Raving
8 class: stark
9 order: 9
10 next:
11 - title: I think it's you (but it's not)
12 link: i-think-its-you
13 - title: Last Bastion
14 link: last-bastion
15 prev:
16 - title: L'appel du vide
17 link: lappel-du-vide
18 - title: Exasperated
19 link: exasperated
22When he said [Bible][] I heard his southern accent \
23and he had a face I expect all pastors must have \
24a round open honest face \
25that will always be a boy's face \
26though its owner may rightly call himself a man \
27near my age though I hardly call myself a man
29I have seen this face before whether in life or a dream \
30I can't tell \
31I might've seen him on the street once \
32twice who knows and his pastor's [moon face][] \
33reminds me of something \
34some distant light my life used to own
36[One night on my birthday the moon was so strong it cast shadows][] \
37I could see to the far hill and back it was all clear to me
39The moon hasn't done that in a long time \
40[its face has been obscured by clouds][] for weeks \
41and that boy on the bus his face I've forgotten \
42I thought I recognized a good number of people \
43on that bus who I didn't know at all
45[its face has been obscured by clouds]: moongone.html
46[One night on my birthday the moon was so strong it cast shadows]: in-bed.html
47[moon face]: moon-drowning.html
48[Bible]: mountain.html
diff --git a/src/building.txt b/src/building.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 724b85f..0000000 --- a/src/building.txt +++ /dev/null
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
2title: Building
3id: building
4genre: prose
7 title: "Buildings out of air: Paul in the Woods"
8 class: paul
9 order: 28
10 next:
11 - title: Yellow
12 link: yellow
13 - title: Cereal
14 link: cereal
15 prev:
16 - title: Stagnant
17 link: stagnant
18 - title: Axe
19 link: axe
22_[ART and CRAFT][] are only the inside and outside of the same building.
23The ceiling is_---here he put his eraser to his bottom lip, thinking.
24He crossed out _~~The ceiling is.~~_
25_The floor is reality and the ceiling is ~~aspiration~~ ~~desire~~ that which is desired.
26CRAFT is building a [chair][] from wood.
27ART is using the wood as a substrate for an emotional [message to a future person][], the READER / VIEWER._
29_The important thing is they are both made of wood.
30The important thing is they were both, at one point, alive natural things that grew and changed and pushed their way out of the dirt into the air.
31They formed buildings out of the air.
32They didn't even try._
34_What separates us from them, the trees?
35[We have to try.][]
36We must labor to create our ART, [our buildings of air][].
37We lay them out brick by brick, we build them up by disintegrating trees and forming them again into what they were before.
38Why must we do this? Are there any advantages to this human method?_
40_Our advantage is [memory][].
41Our advantage is the reaching-out over space and time to others with our words, our ART.
42Our buildings last for generations, and after they are demolished they are written about, [photographs][] are taken, we **remember**.
43The [act of memory][] is our only ART._
45[ART and CRAFT]: toilet.html
46[chair]: boar.html
47[message to a future person]: poetry-time.html
48[We have to try.]: plant.html
49[our buildings of air]: common-titles.html
50[photographs]: man.html
51[memory]: ouroboros_memory.html
52[act of memory]: riptide_memory.html
diff --git a/src/call-me-aural-pleasure.txt b/src/call-me-aural-pleasure.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 3b530f1..0000000 --- a/src/call-me-aural-pleasure.txt +++ /dev/null
@@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
2title: Call me
3id: call-me-aural-pleasure
4subtitle: aural pleasure
5genre: verse
8 content: |
9 compiled thru Facebook statuses of the author
10 link: ''
13 title: Autocento of the breakfast table
14 class: autocento
17Like _40_ as I challenge anyone to come too! \
18It's like you're the epitome of lame! \
19She's all _I am SOOOO CONFUSED_ \
20Aw yeah she got [word from yarn][]. \
21---but technically it's a pretty sweet, huh?
23Dude we were going and delicate fragrance of arguments get based off of are not try \
24dropping glasses in such an emotional rollercoaster you \
25and yes, I'm cocky enough to do anything! \
26I am as good as Phineas and make another picture symphony \
27This is a modification of a young woman to try \
28groups disband after they get your [Meacham stuff][] please let it \
29RJ Covino, own statuses that'll be a great
31MY OWN afterbirth can do that \
32[I am 2 we can be KISSED][] ON THE page. \
33You know I'm not sure that \
34Ben & Jerry's FTW \
354/10 would not be able to vote, because I gotta do it \
36This is going to be sad about what \
37Rush Limbaugh comes forward with sunglasses but at least I wasn't wearing a messenger bag or skinny jeans! \
38The cooler THAN Facebook \
39Wine is the best. \
41YES I was surprised at first, [but the train one][], definitely. \
43Also Valhalla is a dumbass... \
44But we can get based off of course, Jon. \
45We watched this \
47That didn't get started on that \
49Anyone wanna watch out \
50I am cranky from Bro a good as a way to [hijack my hand][]. \
51Afterbend was not to produce photographs.
53[word from yarn]: roughgloves.html
54[I am 2 we can be KISSED]: spittle.html
55[but the train one]:
56[hijack my hand]: x-ray.html
57[Meacham stuff]:
diff --git a/src/cereal.txt b/src/cereal.txt deleted file mode 100644 index b2a99ad..0000000 --- a/src/cereal.txt +++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
2title: Cereal
3id: cereal
4genre: prose
7 title: "Buildings out of air: Paul in the Woods"
8 class: paul
9 order: 21
10 next:
11 - title: Man
12 link: man
13 - title: Dream
14 link: dream
15 prev:
16 - title: Sapling
17 link: sapling
18 - title: Building
19 link: building
22He woke up after eleven and didn't go [outside][] all day, not even to his Writing Shack.
23What did he do?
25He watched late morning cartoons meant for children too young to go to school.
26He ate bowls of cereal.
27He watched his mother play dominoes.
28He played dominoes with her for a little while until she was winning by such a margin it wasn't fun for either of them.
29He went down to the basement to do his [laundry][].
30He pulled the chain for the light and it turned on like magic.
31"Electricity is like magic" he said to himself.
32He thought he would like to write that down but his Implements were in the Shack.
33He'd already built up so much momentum inside.
35---Inertia? he thought.
36"What's the difference between inertia and momentum" he asked himself as he hefted dirty clothes into the washer.
37"Maybe inertia is the momentum of not moving" he thought as he measured and poured the blue detergent into the drum.
38"Momentum is the inertia of moving forward through time" as he selected WARM-COLD on the dial and pulled it out to start the machine.
39"What do you think is the difference between inertia and momentum" he asked his mother when he opened the door at the top of the stairs.
41"When you switch over your laundry could you bring up my underwear from the dryer" she asked not looking up from her dominoes.
42A [thread of smoke][] curled from her cigarette and spread out on the ceiling.
44[outside]: time-looks-up-to-the-sky.html
45[laundry]: underwear.html
46[thread of smoke]: last-passenger.html
diff --git a/src/cold-wind.txt b/src/cold-wind.txt deleted file mode 100644 index c44376c..0000000 --- a/src/cold-wind.txt +++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
2title: Cold wind
3id: cold-wind
4genre: verse
6dedication: Justin
9 title: Autocento of the breakfast table
10 class: autocento
13[Man of autumn][], cold wind, \
14blow down the trees' leaves. \
15[Fire on the ground][]. The sky \
16perfect water, frost-cold, \
17rippled only by flocks \
18[of black birds][] flying, gone. \
19Their brightness can blind \
20an uncareful watcher, work him \
21[in a froth of hands][], not-wings \
22that ache with the loss of flight. \
23A tear is flung faithfully \
24[to the ocean of air][], slipping in \
25slowly, is as gone as the birds.
27[Man of autumn]: january.html
28[Fire on the ground]: fire.html
29[of black birds]: i-think-its-you.html
30[in a froth of hands]: when-im-sorry-i.html
31[to the ocean of air]: lappel-du-vide.html
diff --git a/src/collage-instrument.txt b/src/collage-instrument.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 2c5459d..0000000 --- a/src/collage-instrument.txt +++ /dev/null
@@ -1,87 +0,0 @@
2title: Instrumented
3id: collage-instrument
4subtitle: a collage
5genre: prose
8 title: Autocento of the breakfast table
9 class: autocento
12[`tr`][] has been a part of the Unix toolset since the late 70s.
13Short for translate or transliterate, `tr` takes two strings as arguments, and replaces incidences of the first with the second while reading a byte stream.
14It also supports ranges of characters, in formats such as `A-Z` as well as the POSIX-compliant `[:alpha:]`.
15Although [`sed`][] has more options and features, for a quick search-and-replace, `tr` is more than sufficient.
17The [wind blows hard up here][]---far harder than anywhere else I've been.
18I wonder, at times, if it might [pick me up like an angel][] and carry me into the night.
20The secret to truly great [rolls is mayonnaise][].
21Although I have received looks of disgust at this assertion, I think the explanation is enough to expel doubt: mayonnaise includes the fat, cream and egg content rolls need to be any good, plus in mayonnaise they come premeasured and perfectly blended, which makes for incredibly easy and delicious rolls.
22After I explain myself, the looks of disgust usually remain.
24My mother used to make me mayonnaise rolls, and hers will always be the best.
25I had a teacher in college who explained xenophobia as "Mother's cooking is best."
27One of my favorite fictional theories is the [Shoe Event Horizon][], an economic truth which states that as a society progresses, shoe stores become more and more prevalent.
28The demand for shoes raises slowly, almost imperceptibly, causing shoe manufacturers to make more and cheaper shoes.
29This begins a vicious cycle during which more and more shoes are made, more and more cheaply, causing more shoes to be bought, and thus made, until finally the society reaches the Shoe Event Horizon.
30This is the point at which it becomes economically impossible for any stores but shoe stores to exist.
31After the economy collapses, the society's people invariably turn [into birds][], never to touch ground again.
33[`awk`][] is often used as a command-line stream-editing tool, but it is actually an entire interpreted language.
34It supports multiple variables and logical structuring, and has been the inspiration for [Perl][], which has largely replaced it.
35It was originally written in 1977, but over the years has evolved, with multiple implementations made for different uses.
37The best shoes I ever owned were Franco Fortinis, a brand I have yet to find anywhere else.
38Sometimes I wonder if I dreamed the shoes, like in stories where the protagonist buys a powerful object from a mysterious store and try to return it after it backfires in some tragic way, only to find the spot where the store stood is an empty lot, or worse, a [blank brick wall][].
40After having moved to Arizona, I fear I will forget what rain is like.
41I don't think it's sandbags falling on the body, and I believe it is cold.
42I think _Daredevil_, that piss of a film, has endeared itself to me forever with its depiction of rain.
44Recent studies have proven eyewitness testimony to be utterly unreliable.
45It turns out that memory is not a record set down on the tablet of the brain, but rather a series of impressions, emotions, and physical states that changes even with access.
46One of my students is having a hard time finding arguments in favor of the use of eyewitness testimony for a paper.
47This is how obvious the workings of memory are.
49And yet.
50[Without our memory we are nothing][].
51Memory is the tether to the floor of the ocean of our past, the ocean is our collective subconscious, which we float on, on the inner tube of individual perception, slathering on the suntan lotion of our prejudices, wearing the sunglasses of self-deception, all underneath the sun of technology.
52The seagulls of death circle slowly, calling to each other the call of their society, secret in its machinations.
54My father told me that once, when swimming, a rip tide pulled him far out to sea.
55He said it was impossible to tell until it was too late.
56The shore simply receded too slowly.
57He never told me how he made it back, but I imagine him, bearded, beached, coughing up saltwater: a new shipwrecked victim.
59[`grep`][] is a basic search tool for UNIX-based systems.
60It has a robust syntax, though I've had trouble remembering the regex nuances between it, `sed`'s, and `perl`'s.
61There is a POSIX standard, but no one follows standards.
63My mother loves Annie Dillard.
64She always talks about the praying mantis egg case scene: Dillard could never find a praying mantis egg case, until she finally saw one by accident.
65After that, she saw them everywhere.
67My mother showed me an egg case once.
68I haven't seen one since.
70My friend Steven has over three hundred pairs of shoes.
71He tells me his goal is eventually to obtain a calendar of shoes, and wear a different one each day of the year.
72He doesn't include the forty days of Lent, however.
73[He goes barefoot those forty days][].
77[wind blows hard up here]: cold-wind.html
78[pick me up like an angel]: lappel-du-vide.html
79[rolls is mayonnaise]: riptide_memory.html
80[Shoe Event Horizon]:
81[into birds]: statements-frag.html
84[blank brick wall]: building.html
85[Without our memory we are nothing]: early.html
87[He goes barefoot those forty days]: leg.html
diff --git a/src/common-titles.txt b/src/common-titles.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 0d14464..0000000 --- a/src/common-titles.txt +++ /dev/null
@@ -1,174 +0,0 @@
2title: Autocento of the breakfast table
3id: common-titles
4subtitle: index of common titles
5genre: verse
8 title: About Autocento
9 class: meta
10 next:
11 - title: Index of first lines
12 link: first-lines
13 prev:
14 - title: About _Autocento_
15 link: about
18[100 lines](100-lines.html)
19[about the author](about-the-author.html),
20[Case Duckworth](about_author.html) (nee
21[Amber): alert](amber-alert.html)!
24[the angel, to Abraham](angeltoabraham.html),
25[on seeing the panorama \
26of the Apollo 11 landing site](apollo11.html):
27"[Ars poetica](arspoetica.html):
29an [axe](axe.html), \
30[the big dipper](big-dipper.html) and
31[the boar](boar.html).
32The [boy on the bus](boy_bus.html) is
33[building](building.html). \
34[Call me](call-me-aural-pleasure.html)
35[_Cereal_](cereal.html) or
36[_Cold Wind_](cold-wind.html). \
37[Instrument](collage-instrumented.html) a collage."
39[Creation myth](creation-myth.html):
40[dead man](deadman.html) =
41[the death zone](death-zone.html) = \
42[Death's trumpet](deathstrumpet.html).
46[Elegy for an alternate self:](elegyforanalternateself.html)
47an [epigraph](epigraph.html), \
48[_ex machina_](ex-machina.html) and
50[Father](father.html) [feeding \
51the raven](feedingtheraven.html),
52[finding the lion](finding-the-lion.html),
53setting a [fire](fire.html).
56[hands](hands.html)-[on poetry](on-genre-dimension.html)! \
57[A hard game](hard-game.html):
58[hardware](hardware.html). \
59([How it happened](howithappened.html)?) \
61[How to read this](howtoread.html)
62[hymnal](hymnal.html): \
63"[I am](i-am.html)." "[I think it's \
64you (but it's not)](i-think-its-you.html)."
66[I wanted to tell you something](i-wanted-to-tell-you-something.html)
67[in bed](in-bed.html)--- \
68[I want to say](i-want-to-say.html)
69the [initial conditions](initial-conditions.html)
70of [January](january.html)'s
71[joke](joke.html) are
72[_l'appel du vide_](lappel-du-vide.html). \
73[The largest asteroid in the asteroid belt](largest-asteroid.html) is the
74[last bastion](last-bastion.html), \
75the [last passenger](last-passenger.html)
76[leaf](leaf.html), the
78[liking things](likingthings.html).
81[love as God](love-as-god.html) loves, better \
82than a [love song](lovesong.html),
83[man](man.html). This is \
84a [manifesto](manifesto_poetics.html).
86[The moon is drowning](moon-drowning.html).
87[The moon is gone, \
88and in its place: a mirror](moongone.html).
89[The mountain](mountain.html)'s \
90[moving sideways](movingsideways.html), [something about all music \
91being performances of _4&prime;33&Prime;_ in places \
92where other bands happen to be playing](music-433.html). Listen: \
93[no nothing](no-nothing.html), no
94[notes](notes.html), [_nothing_ is ever over](nothing-is-ever-over.html).
96[On formal poetry](onformalpoetry.html),
97[options](options.html): \
98an [ouroboros of memory](ouroboros_memory.html),
100[philosophy](philosophy.html), \
101[phone](phone.html)s, or
103A [litany for a plant](plant.html).
105[Something about the nature \
106of poetry and time](poetry-time.html):
109[proverbs](proverbs.html), \
110some [peaches](peaches.html).
112is [the purpose of dogs](purpose-dogs.html).
114A [question](question.html): if
115[a real writer](real-writer.html)
116[reports](reports.html) on \
117the [riptide of memory](riptide_memory.html), does
118[Ronald McDonald](ronaldmcdonald.html) \
119wear [rough gloves](roughgloves.html) or
120a [sapling](sapling.html)?
122[Seasonal affective disorder](seasonal-affective-disorder.html) is part of
123the [sense of it](sense-of-it.html). \
124The [serengeti](serengeti.html) is
125a [shed](shed.html).
126[The shipwright](shipwright.html) \
128[the sixteenth chapel](sixteenth-chapel.html) in
131[Let's start with something simple](something-simple.html): \
132[spittle](spittle.html) on
133[the squirrel](squirrel.html) sitting
134[stagnant](stagnant.html). \
135[Something about my tenure as a bear](dollywood.html).
137[stayed on the bus too long](stayed-on-the-bus.html).
139A [stump](stump.html) is not
140a [swansong](swansong-alt.html) is not
141a [_swan_, Song](swansong.html). \
144the [table of contents](table_contents.html) is
145a [tapestry](tapestry.html). \
146[Telemarketer](telemarketer.html)s swear that
147[the night we met, I \
148was out of my mind](the-night-we-met.html).
150[The sea and the beach](the-sea_the-beach.html), even
151[the ocean overflows \
152with camels](theoceanoverflowswithcamels.html).
153[Time looks up to the sky](time-looks-up-to-the-sky.html), \
154[to Daniel](todaniel.html) on
155the [toilet](toilet.html) writing
156"[Toothpaste](toothpaste.html)," \
157a [treatise](treatise.html) on
158[underwear](underwear.html) and
161[We played those games too](weplayedthosegamestoo.html).
163[When I'm sorry I wash dishes](when-im-sorry-i.html) in
164the [window](window.html), [walking \
165in the rain](walking-in-the-rain.html), thinking \
167[what we are made of](what-we-are-made-of.html): \
168[words and meaning](words-meaning.html),
169[irritably reaching after reason](words-irritable-reaching.html).
170I feel [worse, \
171looking over](worse-looking-over.html) at you,
172than when I'm [writing](writing.html) \
173an [x-ray](x-ray.html) in
diff --git a/src/creation-myth.txt b/src/creation-myth.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 7691184..0000000 --- a/src/creation-myth.txt +++ /dev/null
@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
2title: Creation myth
3id: creation-myth
4genre: verse
7 title: Autocento of the breakfast table
8 class: autocento
11So two hyperintelligent pandimensional beings \
12walk into a bar. One turns to the other and says, \
13"Did you remember to check the end state \
14of that simulation we were running?" The other \
15says, "No, I thought that you did?" To which \
16the first replies, "[Oh shit][], we missed it. \
17I suppose we must do all of this again. Barkeep,
19two beers please." The bartender nods in that way \
20that bartenders do, pours the two beers, \
21expertly, by the way, just so, and hands them \
22to the first [hyperintelligent pandimensional][] being. \
23The second one pulls a few singles out of his \
24wallet, places them on the bar, and the pair \
25turn around and begin walking toward a table \
26in the middle of the mostly-empty bar. The bar- \
27tender picks up the money, fans it out, frowns, \
28and calls to his patrons' backs: "Hey, this \
29isn't enough!" The two turn around simultan- \
30eously, with parity, and stare at him. A beat.
32One of them, the one without the beer, breaks \
33the silence by exclaiming, "Oh dear god, I'm \
34sorry! I didn't know your prices went up since \
35last time. What do I owe you?" The bartender \
36says, "Oh, just another [dollar][]-fifty." The being \
37reaches in his back pocket, slides out his \
38wallet, looks in smiling, and frowns when he sees \
39it's empty. He looks to the other and says, \
40"You got a [buck][]-fifty I can borrow?"
42The second hyperintelligent pandimensional being \
43considers this. He sets the beers down \
44on the table, pulls out his own wallet, opens \
45it, and frowns. "I'm broke too," he says.
47[hyperintelligent pandimensional]:
48[Oh shit]: movingsideways.html
49[dollar]: 100-lines.html
50[buck]: plant.html
diff --git a/src/deadman.txt b/src/deadman.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 813dd74..0000000 --- a/src/deadman.txt +++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
2title: Dead man
3id: deadman
4genre: verse
7 title: Elegies for alternate selves
8 class: elegies
9 order: 9
10 prev:
11 - title: The boar
12 link: boar
13 next:
14 - title: The angel to Abraham
15 link: angeltoabraham
18A dead man finds his way into our [hearts][] \
19simply by opening the door and walking in. \
20He pours himself a drink, speaks aimlessly \
21about hunting or some bats he saw \
22on the way over, wheeling around each other. \
23Look how [they spin][], he says, it's like the \
24ripples atoms make as they hurl past each other \
25in the space between their bodies. \
26We mention the eels at the aquarium, how \
27their bodies [knot while mating][]. The dead man \
28was a boyscout once, and tied a lot of knots. \
29His favorite was the one with the rabbit \
30and the hole, and the rabbit going in and out \
31and around the tree. The dead man liked it \
32because he liked to pretend that the rabbit \
33was running from a fox, and the rabbit \
34always ended up safe, back in his hole.
36[hearts]: words-meaning.html
37[they spin]: moongone.html
38[knot while mating]: spittle.html
diff --git a/src/death-zone.txt b/src/death-zone.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 043c5de..0000000 --- a/src/death-zone.txt +++ /dev/null
@@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
2title: The Death Zone
3id: death-zone
4genre: verse
7 content: And my life became death.
8 attrib: Philip Gould
9 link:
12 image: gould.png
13 title: Philip Gould
14 link: ''
17 title: Stark Raving
18 class: stark
19 order: 7
20 next:
21 - title: The Big Dipper
22 link: big-dipper
23 - title: Exasperated
24 link: exasperated
25 prev:
26 - title: Exasperated
27 link: exasperated
28 - title: AMBER alert
29 link: amber-alert
32When I think of death I think \
33of Peter Falk in _The Princess Bride_ patting \
34[his pockets][] as he leaves the room
36Life is a series of doors or so \
37they say but I ask them this \
38where does that last door lead?
40For Falk maybe it leads backstage \
41a black-walled catered affair with stage \
42lights slowly baking stale muffins
44[Sweaty cheese][] leaking onto dried-out \
45grapes a chocolate fountain clogged \
46by some errant strawberry crown
48but this is not where it leads for you or \
49for me that door opens onto darkness marked \
50only by a trellis or the lid of a casket
52the door of the [earth's womb][] opening \
53finally to accept us and with us the dirt \
54not to grow more strawberries for Falk
56but to pad his feet as he walks overhead \
57to visit someone he certainly cares about \
58but whose name is lost to posterity.
60[his pockets]: creation-myth.html
61[Sweaty cheese]: i-wanted-to-tell-you-something.html
62[earth's womb]: about-the-author.html
diff --git a/src/deathstrumpet.txt b/src/deathstrumpet.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 7ce5f45..0000000 --- a/src/deathstrumpet.txt +++ /dev/null
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
2title: "Death's trumpet"
3id: deathstrumpet
4genre: verse
7 title: Elegies for alternate selves
8 class: elegies
9 order: 28
10 prev:
11 title: 'To Daniel: an elaboration'
12 link: todaniel
15 content: |
16 So Death plays his little [fucking](apollo11.html) trumpet.
17 So what, says the boy.
18 attrib: Larry Levis
21He didn't have any polish so he spit-shined the whole thing, \
22top to bottom. It gleamed like maybe a tomato on the vine \
23begging to be picked and thrown on some caprese. Death loved caprese.
25He stood up and put the horn to his lips, imagining \
26it was a woman he loved. He blushed as he realized \
27it was a terrible metaphor. \
28He practiced for six hours a day---what else to do?
30Death looks at [himself in the mirror][moongone] as he plays. \
31The trumpet is suspended in midair. Damn vampire rules. \
32Death is always worried he might have missed a spot shaving \
33but he'll never know unless a stranger is polite enough. \
34Not that he ever goes out or meets anyone.
36He wakes up late these days. Stays in bed later. \
37He thinks he might be depressed. The caprese has gotten soggy \
38since he made it, maybe three days ago or maybe just two. \
39The sun streams through his kitchen blinds like smoke. \
40He decides to go to the arcade. When he gets there,
42there's only a [little boy][] with dead eyes. So far so good. \
43He's playing a first-person shooter. Death walks past him \
44and watches out of the corner of his eye. The kid's good. \
45Death wants to congratulate him. His trumpet is in his hand.
47[moongone]: moongone.html
48[little boy]: angeltoabraham.html
diff --git a/src/dollywood.txt b/src/dollywood.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 4dba82a..0000000 --- a/src/dollywood.txt +++ /dev/null
@@ -1,181 +0,0 @@
2title: Something
3id: dollywood
4subtitle: about my tenure as a bear
5genre: prose
8 title: Autocento of the breakfast table
9 class: autocento
12I turned off the TV as soon as the end credits began.
13I stretched in the La-Z-Boy&trade; I grew up in, pushing its back until I lay horizontal, feet slightly elevated.
14I stared at the light, at the bugs silhouetted inside it.
15I relaxed, thought about sleeping in the chair with the light on.
16I decided against it, pulled the lever to pull the chairback up and the footrest down, stood up, went around the corner, turned off the light, [stripped to my underwear][], and got [in bed][].
17I made sure my alarm was set for 8:00 and lay face-up in the dark.
18Eventually I slept.
20I still consider this to be the best summer I ever had, in terms of my sleep schedule.
21Every night I went to bed at midnight, after Stewart and Colbert.
22Every morning I woke up at eight, took a shower, ate my Frosted Mini-Wheats&trade;, and brushed my teeth.
23I took my time because I didn't have to leave for work until 9:30.
24My shift at Dollywood started at 10:00.
25It was my second summer there---I worked as Larry the Cucumber&trade; mostly, though sometimes I would pick up the shift for one of the official Dollywood mascots when they had their day off.
27I went outside when the wall clock read 9:32.
28The day was already beginning to warm up.
29I walked across the road to my car, a Saturn&reg;, my first, started it, pulled into the road, and looked up at my window, the only one on the second floor of my house.
30I said "So long" [in my head][] to my room, the house, and my two sisters still sleeping inside, and drove down the road.
34My morning commute was rural, through farms, creeks, hills, and hollows; past tourist cabin resorts and used Christian bookstores; nearly getting to Pigeon Forge but stopping before any of the Strip was visible.
35Like Las Vegas, Pigeon Forge has a Strip; it was second only to Vegas in terms of marriages performed; it was first in the country including Vegas to feature two Cracker Barrels&reg;.
36I went into Pigeon Forge only if I couldn't help it, which was rare; usually it was only if family from out-of-state were visiting, or the one time I and two friends went to the Buy-One-Pair-Get-Two-Pair-Free Boot Store and got a deal.
38I turned left before I got to any of Pigeon Forge, into the employee entrance of Dollywood.
39I drove down a small road: to my left a hill covered in kudzu; to my right a fence past which I could hear people riding The River Rampage&trade; or Rockin' Roadway&trade;.
40I turned left again, drove past HR and the Dollywood doctor's office, and checked for parking at the bottom of the hill.
41There wasn't any, so I drove up the hill, found a parking spot, and got out of my car.
42I thought about waiting for an employee shuttle until I realized it was 9:55, so I trotted down the hill and past HR.
43I crossed the road in front of the gazebo, walked down a little path, and met Tim the security guard as I was crossing the main road.
44He asked to see my ID, which I had ready for him.
45I showed it to him, he looked me up and down (I wasn't in costume, usually a no at Dollywood, but since my costume was green, expensive, and required at least two people to put on, I didn't have to wear it onto the park), and finally let me through.
46I walked through the employee entrance and clocked in at 9:58.
48I had only figured out how to clock in my second summer.
49The first summer I worked at Dollywood was also the first summer I worked a job, and due to the placement of the Atmosphere Characters in the hierarchy of Park management we got paid by the day.
50This confused me into thinking that I didn't need to clock in and out, especially since I still got paid.
51My confusion deepened when I walked onto Park one day with Chance, who also worked Veggie Tales&trade;, and he clocked in, but this was midway through the summer and I was too nervous to ask anyone about what I should do.
52I was worried that if I started clocking in it would cause suspicion, and I was terrified that my not clocking in would be caught and punished somehow.
53For about a month I lived in mild terror each morning and afternoon, avoiding my coworkers as they entered or left so they wouldn't see me walk past the red time clocks, each day wondering if the hammer would fall.
54I found out later that my manager Charlie had been paying me based on the days he'd scheduled me, clocking me in and out himself from his computer.
55He said it wasn't a big deal but to clock in next summer, this summer.
56So I clocked in and out every day, and these short sessions with the red time clock became favorite moments.
58I walked onto the park, past Jukebox Junction&trade;, over the bridge, under the rope that disallowed guests to visit the area until the Park opened at 10:00, down Showstreet, and into the back of Showstreet Palace Theater, where we characters shared a dressing room with the Veggie Tales&trade; actors.
59Our "dressing-room" was a part of backstage partitioned off by curtains, where the empty shells of Bob the Tomato&trade; and Larry the Cucumber&trade; lay, inside-out so the sweat inside could evaporate, between shifts.
60I grabbed my off-brand UnderArmour&trade; "slicks" from the laundry basket and went to the bathroom to change.
62After I changed I came out of the bathroom and knocked on the women's dressing room door, to see if Nina or Stacy were in yet.
63Nina opened the door.
64"Hey Case," she said. "How's it going?"
65"I'm good. Am I Larry today?"
66I had been off the day before, so I wasn't sure of the rotation.
67"Yeah I think so," said Stacy, putting on makeup in the mirror.
68So she was handling with Chance, while Nina and I were the vegetables.
69I liked this arrangement; I preferred to be Larry&trade; because I didn't have to talk to anyone, and I could make faces in the costume while families took pictures.
70Nina preferred the same thing, although she was slightly too tall to fit comfortably inside Bob&trade;.
71Stacy actually preferred to handle; her personality was bubbly and talkative; I don't think Chance liked any part of the job, really, and handling was less hot than being in the suit.
73"When's our first run?" I asked.
74"Well, the first show is at 10:20, so we were thinking about 11?"
75I nodded.
76"Where's Chance?"
77"I think he went out back to smoke," Nina said.
78"I'll go with you."
79The actors for the Veggie Tales show were coming in to use their dressing room, so we left Stacy with them.
80We walked through backstage, behind all the curtains, and through the side door into a sort of garage with ratty couches, a refrigerator, and an old TV mounted high up on the wall.
81Chance was sitting, smoking, and watching Jeopardy while thumbing through a magazine.
82"Hi Chance," I said.
83"Hey guys!" he flicked his smile, always somewhere between genuine and mocking, at us.
85"Think it'll rain today?"
86he asked, indicating the direction of the sky.
87It wasn't really visible from within the garage, due to the high fence keeping the guests on the path toward Timber Tower&trade; and Mystery Mine&trade;, and the tree just outside the garage.
88"I don't think there's a cloud in the sky," I said, but walked out of the garage and looked up to be sure.
89There were wisps of cirrus like stray brush strokes on a blue canvas, but that was all.
90"I think we'll have to do all of our runs today."
91"Damn," said Chance, and stubbed out his cigarette.
92We watched Jeopardy in silence for a few minutes.
93Chance checked his watch.
94"It's 10:19," he said, "we should get inside before the show starts."
96We went back to the dressing room, behind the curtains backstage, past the skins of Larry&trade; and Bob&trade;, their feet, and their battery packs, past the water fountain where I drank, and into the women's dressing room.
97Stacy had finished applying her makeup and was already in overalls, flannel, boots and cowboy hat.
98Seeing her, Chance said, "I'd better go put my outfit on."
99He left and came back, costumed.
100We killed time.
101Nina turned her wrist and looked at her watch.
102"It's 10:50," she said, looking at me and jerking her head toward the door.
103"Let's get ready."
105We went out and down the hall.
106The Veggie Tales were singing about Mr. Nezzer&trade; loving the bunny.
107Nina went to Bob&trade;, and I to Larry&trade;.
108We set to work pulling them right-side-out.
109When this was done we put on the backpacks that served as interior shells for the characters and held the battery packs.
110As Nina pulled on Bob&trade;'s legs, I pulled on Larry&trade;'s.
111I put my shoes in Larry&trade;'s feet---a concession made to the forms of us humans inside the suits (Bob&trade; and Larry&trade; on the show had no arms or legs).
112We clipped each other's batteries into the packs.
113We put our hands through the vegetables' arms.
114At this point, the vegetables' faces were sagging from our waists, like deflated balloons.
115We waddled over to the hallway outside the dressing rooms.
116Chance helped me put Larry's hands on, which were three-fingered like a cartoon, although in the cartoon the Veggie Tales characters don't have hands.
117He snapped them onto the arm.
118He helped me pull the head up and over my pack, and clipped the battery to the fan inside the suit.
119He zipped the back zipper, and the suit started to inflate---Bob&trade; and Larry&trade; were inflatable to cut down on their weight.
120Stacy had done the same with Nina and Bob&trade;.
121She asked, "Ready?"
122We said, "Ready."
123Chance got ahead of us, opening the door.
124I had to push my hands into my chest to deflate the suit so it could fit through the door.
125We stepped into the dappled sunlight of Dollywood.
129The first few minutes of the run were fairly peaceful.
130A few families walking by saw us and walk over, forming a small line for their children to say hello, get a hug and a picture.
131One of the kids, about three, got about five feet from me, pass some sort of magic barrier, and suddenly become terrified.
132She screamed and run back to her parents.
133I tried to get eye-contact (it was hard to tell exactly where Larry&trade; was looking, since his eyes were about a foot above my head and were fixed forward), get small, and hold out my hand, but she had seen quite enough.
134She shook her head and hid behind her mother's leg.
135I waved with my fingers and stepped back to receive the next child.
137Sometimes, doing this job, I felt like a priest giving some sort of communion.
138Sometimes I felt like a celebrity, especially when children asked for an autograph (this happened fairly often, and Chance had to guide my hand with the Sharpie&trade; in it).
139Sometimes I felt like Santa Claus, or some other mythical creature come to Earth.
140Mostly, I felt a little hot and slightly bored.
141The boredom crystallized into stress when the Veggie Tales show let out.
143Showstreet Palace held something like four hundred people, and for a show like Veggie Tales, around half were children.
144For this run our post was around the side of the theater, so we didn't get the full press of the crowd, but there were quite a few people streaming out of the side door, fresh from seeing Larry&trade;, Bob&trade; and friends performing in a show.
145Of course they were excited to see them giving out hugs in the street.
146Chance and Stacy became busy trying to form the crowd into some semblance of a line while I and Nina were hugging children, trying to take our time with each but painfully aware of the next in line.
147This was the worst part of the job---I felt like I was on a factory line gluing widgets onto a product all day.
148I was always looking ahead, always at the next kid, barely noticing what the ones old enough to talk were saying to me, trying to show me.
149I felt callous and aloof from humanity, and a deep unease passed over me.
151With all of this on my mind, of course I didn't see the teenager running toward me from my left.
152Chance and Stacy can't be blamed; they were busy with crowd control.
153I don't know what happened to the kid afterward.
154All I know is what happened to me: suddenly a great weight on my left side, the hiss of air being forced out of Larry&trade;, me almost falling over.
155The weight fell off.
156I turned around, too stunned to yell, though Chance had caught it out of the corner of his eye.
157"Hey! Don't do that!" he said, his eyes on the fallen teenager.
158The kid was maybe fifteen, tall, with a white T-shirt and dark hair.
159He had an indescribable look on his face---surprise, satisfaction, and something else I couldn't identify.
160Before Chance could reach him he ran off.
162"You okay?"
163he turned to me and asked.
164I said in a low voice, "Yeah I'm fine."
165"We're going in," he said to Stacy.
166She checked her watch, said, "Yeah, it's been twenty minutes."
167To the crowd: "We have time for just two more pictures!"
168A wave of disappointment went through the people there.
169Most stayed, hoping for an extension of the rule, but we took two more pictures, turned around, and began walking inside.
170Some family tried to follow us in; Chance hollered over his shoulder, "I'm sorry folks, we have to go in.
171Bob&trade; and Larry&trade; need a break."
172The father asked, "When will you be back out?"
173"After the next show," Chance said as Stacy opened the door.
175I deflated Larry&trade;'s face again, to get in the door, and was safe in the darkness of the hallway.
176Chance unzipped me, allowing real, cool air to wash over my body.
177Nina and I waddled down the hallway to peel the vegetables off ourselves, and to repeat the process of waiting, dressing, and standing again.
179[stripped to my underwear]: underwear.html
180[in bed]: in-bed.html
181[in my head]: hymnal.html
diff --git a/src/dream.txt b/src/dream.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 0e1121d..0000000 --- a/src/dream.txt +++ /dev/null
@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
2title: Dream
3id: dream
4genre: prose
7 title: "Buildings out of air: Paul in the Woods"
8 class: paul
9 order: 4
10 next:
11 - title: Axe
12 link: axe
13 - title: Early
14 link: early
15 prev:
16 - title: Underwear
17 link: underwear
18 - title: Cereal
19 link: cereal
22It had gotten cold.
23He went to lay down [in bed][] with a pad and paper.
24He began to write.
25Although he hadn't tried it much in bed before, he liked it mostly.
26His arm got tired journeying across the page like a series of switchbacks down the wall of the Grand Canyon.
27He wrote this down in the margin, for later:
29_Arm journeying across \
30the pg. like a \
31series of switch- \
32backs down the wall \
33of the Grand Canyon_
35His arm began to pain him.
36He adjusted his position in the bed.
37It didn't help much with the pain.
38It still hurt as he wrote.
39He began to be distracted by his mother's music playing in the next room.
41"Could you turn that down please" he hollered across the wall to his mother.
42She made no reply ([music too loud][]).
43He gave his arm a break to look at what he'd written.
44He couldn't make heads or tails of it.
45It looked like Arabic.
47He woke up gasping in a sweat.
49[in bed]: in-bed.html
50[music too loud]: music-433.html
diff --git a/src/early.txt b/src/early.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 05ccad8..0000000 --- a/src/early.txt +++ /dev/null
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
2title: Early
3id: early
4genre: prose
7 title: "Buildings out of air: Paul in the Woods"
8 class: paul
9 order: 35
10 next:
11 - title: Toothpaste
12 link: toothpaste
13 - title: Father
14 link: father
15 prev:
16 - title: Stump
17 link: stump
18 - title: Dream
19 link: dream
22_YOU CANNOT DISCOVER ART ART MUST BE CREATED_ he sat on the couch at home while his mother [watched TV][] and smoked.
23[Dinner had been chicken][] and peas with [milk][] and afterward Paul and his mother sat on opposite ends of the couch.
24At intervals she would look sideways at Paul writing.
25He pretended not to notice.
27_ART = ARTIFICE_ he wrote.
31He thought about this while someone else won a car.
33"Do you think humans are good at finding patterns because we are hunters" he asked his mother.
34She [looked sideways][] at him and said "Sure Paul."
35"Early on in our evolution we were hunters right?
36And to hunt we had to see the patterns in seemingly random events, like where the gazelle went each year"
37"Paul I'm trying to watch TV.
38If you're going to write this stuff go do it in your room you're distracting."
39Paul got up and went to his room and lay down on his bed.
41"If the gazelle went [to the same place][] every year" he thought "did they know the pattern too?
42Or was it random for them, did they think each year 'This seems like a good spot let's graze here' without knowing?"
44He wrote _PATTERN = MEMORY_ in his notebook.
46[watched TV]: real-writer.html
47[Dinner had been chicken]: when-im-sorry-i.html
48[milk]: shipwright.html
49[FIND A PATTERN]: fire.html
50[looked sideways]: movingsideways.html
51[to the same place]: serengeti.html
diff --git a/src/elegyforanalternateself.txt b/src/elegyforanalternateself.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 52a34a4..0000000 --- a/src/elegyforanalternateself.txt +++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
2title: Elegy for an alternate self
3id: elegyforanalternateself
4genre: verse
7 title: Autocento of the breakfast table
8 class: autocento
11Say there are no words. Say that we are conjoined \
12from birth, or better still, say we are myself. \
13---But I still talk to myself, I build my world \
14through language, so if we say there are [no words][] \
15this is not enough. Say we are instead some animal, \
16or better yet, [a plant][], or a flagellum motoring \
17aimlessly around. (Say that humans are the only things \
18that reason. Say that we're the [only things that worry][].)
20Say that I am separate. To say there's everything else \
21and then there's me is wrong. Each thing is separate: \
22[there is no whole in the world][]. Say this is both good \
23and bad, or rather, say there is no good or bad but only \
24being, more and more of it always added, none taken out \
25though it can be forgotten. Say that forgetting \
26is a function of our remembering. (Say that humans only \
27[worry about separation][]. Say that only humans feel it.)
29[no words]: hymnal.html
30[a plant]: plant.html
31[only things that worry]: movingsideways.html
32[there is no whole in the world]: i-wanted-to-tell-you-something.html
33[worry about separation]: swansong-alt.html
diff --git a/src/epigraph.txt b/src/epigraph.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 264bea6..0000000 --- a/src/epigraph.txt +++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
2title: epigraph
3id: epigraph
4genre: prose
7 attrib: Sylvia Plath
10 title: Elegies for alternate selves
11 class: elegies
12 order: 1
13 next:
14 title: How to read this
15 link: howtoreadthis
16 prev:
17 title: Death's Trumpet
18 link: deathstrumpet
21I saw my life branching out before me like the green fig tree in the story.
22From the tip of every branch, like a fat purple fig, a wonderful future beckoned and winked.
23One fig was a husband and a happy home and children,
24and another fig was a famous poet and another fig was a brilliant professor,
25and another fig was Ee Gee, the amazing editor,
26and another fig was Europe and Africa and South America,
27and another fig was Constantin and Socrates and Attila and a pack of [other lovers][] and queer names and offbeat professions,
28and another fig was an Olympic lady crew champion, and beyond and above these figs were many more figs I couldn't quite make out.
29I saw myself sitting in the crotch of this fig tree, starving to [death][], just because I couldn't make up my mind which of the figs I would choose.
30I wanted each and every one of them, but choosing one meant losing all the rest, and, as I sat there, unable to decide, the figs began to wrinkle and go black, and, one by one, they plopped to the ground at my feet.
32[other lovers]: spittle.html
33[death]: deathstrumpet.html
diff --git a/src/ex-machina.txt b/src/ex-machina.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 8b14e2e..0000000 --- a/src/ex-machina.txt +++ /dev/null
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
2title: Ex machina
3id: ex-machina
4genre: verse
7 content: with lines from National Geographic
8 link: ''
11 title: Autocento of the breakfast table
12 class: autocento
15Bottom of the drink: they had \
16to go. The Coke machine, the snack \
17machine, the deep fryer. Hoisted
19and dragged through the halls \
20and out to the curb, they sat with \
21other trash beneath gray, forlorn
23skies behind the elementary \
24school, wondering what their next \
25move would be. The Coke machine
27had always wanted to live \
28the life of a [hobo][], jumping trains, \
29eating from garbage, making fire
31in old oil drums. It had some \
32strange romantic notions of being homeless, \
33is what the deep fryer thought.
35Its opinion was to head to court, \
36sue the bastards at the school for early \
37termination of contract. It was
39the embodiment of [justifiable anger][]. \
40It believed privately that it was an incarnation \
41of Nemesis, the goddess of divine
43retribution. What the snack machine \
44thought, it kept to itself, but it did say \
45that [nothing ever ends][]. The others
47were confused, then angry, but finally \
48understood, or thought they did. The snack \
49machine's candy melted in the sun.
51[hobo]: prelude.html
52[justifiable anger]: table_contents.html
53[nothing ever ends]: no-nothing.html
diff --git a/src/exasperated.txt b/src/exasperated.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 67b3242..0000000 --- a/src/exasperated.txt +++ /dev/null
@@ -1,72 +0,0 @@
2title: Exasperated
3id: exasperated
4genre: verse
7 title: Stark Raving
8 class: stark
9 order: 8
10 next:
11 - title: The Death Zone
12 link: death-zone
13 - title: Boy on the bus
14 link: boy_bus
15 prev:
16 - title: AMBER alert
17 link: amber-alert
18 - title: The Death Zone
19 link: death-zone
22I didn't write this sestina yesterday. \
23It's the first time I fell behind in my task \
24and hopefully, the only time it will. \
25This means that today I must write two \
26sestinas. If I don't write them today, I \
27will have to write two later down the line.
29Although I feel I'm slogging through each line \
30I think I'm doing better every day, \
31though maybe this is wishful thinking: I \
32showed my friend my just-completed task \
33two days ago (my God, was it two \
34entire days? I've no idea what I'll
36do [after thirty-nine days][]. I think I'll \
37feel like [Inigo Montoya][], who'd been in the line \
38of revenging for so long, he didn't know what to \
39do with the rest of his life), and he deigned \
40to be polite, but I could tell the task \
41was hard for him. He told me finally that I
43had made a noble effort, but that ultimately I \
44failed. [So my question][]: when will \
45I be a decent sestina writer? For this is my task. \
46Maybe if I just keep cranking out line after line \
47I'll finally figure it out. Maybe one more day \
48or another week will do it, or maybe I'll need two,
50or maybe it'll never happen. Maybe a sestina's too \
51involved, too much [weaving][] of words too fine, and I \
52will never write a good one, even on my best day, \
53even if I employ all my skill and all my will. \
54I'm not used to writing poems with thirty-nine lines, \
55that must be the problem, must be why this task
57is Herculean. He only had to finish twelve tasks, \
58and I have one less one thousand, five hundred twenty-two, \
59and it's nothing but complaining lines \
60about [how hard it is to be a person][]. I \
61am getting sick of myself with these poems, and will \
62soon be loathe to get out of bed every day.
64But I tasked myself with this, which may be the worst I \
65ever do to myself. I thought a poem NaNoWriMo would \
66be fun, would line my resume, give me something I could publish someday.
68[after thirty-nine days]:
69[Inigo Montoya]: death-zone.html
70[So my question]: question.html
71[weaving]: tapestry.html
72[how hard it is to be a person]: deathstrumpet.html
diff --git a/src/father.txt b/src/father.txt deleted file mode 100644 index af24d8d..0000000 --- a/src/father.txt +++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
2title: Father
3id: father
4genre: prose
7 title: "Buildings out of air: Paul in the Woods"
8 class: paul
9 order: 37
10 next:
11 - title: Paul
12 link: paul
13 - title: Fire
14 link: fire
15 prev:
16 - title: Toothpaste
17 link: toothpaste
18 - title: Early
19 link: early
22"Is man the natural thing that makes unnatural things" he thought to himself as he looked out the kitchen window at the shed.
23He wondered who built the shed for the first time since he'd been going out there.
24"Mom who built the shed out back" he asked.
25"That was your father" she said.
27His father.
28Paul had never met him.
29His mother had said when he was a kid that his father was caught by a [riptide][] while swimming in the ocean.
30He hadn't noticed what was happening until the land was a thin line on the horizon.
31He became exhausted swimming back and drowned.
32His body was found a week later by the coroner's estimate.
33Paul never really believed this story because his mother's face was sad in the wrong way when she told it.
35She said he looked like his father but she also said all men look alike.
36Paul realized he'd been standing at the kitchen window for a long time looking out at the shed without realizing it.
37He went out to take an inventory of everything inside.
39"Where you going" asked his mother.
40"To the shed.
41I'll be back in a bit" he said.
43[riptide]: riptide_memory.html
diff --git a/src/feedingtheraven.txt b/src/feedingtheraven.txt deleted file mode 100644 index af0f74b..0000000 --- a/src/feedingtheraven.txt +++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
2title: Feeding the raven
3id: feedingtheraven
4genre: prose
7 title: Elegies for alternate selves
8 class: elegies
9 order: 11
10 prev:
11 - title: The angel to Abraham
12 link: angeltoabraham
13 next:
14 - title: On formal poetry
15 link: onformalpoetry
18You never can tell just when Charlie Sheen will enter your life.
19For me, it was last Thursday.
20I was reading some translation of a Japanese translation of "The Raven" in which the Poe and the raven become friends.
21At one point the raven gets very sick and Poe feeds him at his bedside and nurses him back to health.
22The story was very heartwarming and sad at the same time and my tears were welling up when suddenly I heard a knock on my door.
24I shuffled over, sniffling but managing to keep my cheeks dry to open it.
25Of course Charlie was beaming on the other side, with a bag of flowers and a grin like a [dog][]'s.
26He bounded in the room without saying hello and threw the flowers in the sink, opened the refrigerator and started poking around.
27I said "It's nice to see you too" and went to my room to get a camera, as well as a notebook for him to sign.
29When I came back he was on the floor, hunched and groaning.
30I looked on the table to see a month-old half-gallon of milk---now cottage cheese---half-empty and dripping.
31The remnants were on his mouth, and at once I saw my chance to become Poe in this [translation of a translation][] of a translation.
32I knelt next to Charlie, cradled his head in my lap.
33He looked up at me with a stare full of terror.
34I returned it levelly, making cooing noises at him until he calmed down.
36When he was calm he excused himself to be sick on my toilet.
37He wouldn't let me follow but said he would sign whatever I liked when he got back.
38After half an hour passed and all I'd had for company was the ticking of the [clock][], I went to the bathroom door.
39I knocked carefully---once, then twice---to no beaming face, no flowers.
40I opened the door.
41There was shit on the floor and the window was open.
42There was a breeze blowing.
44[dog]: purpose-dogs.html
45[translation of a translation]: todaniel.html
46[clock]: boar.html
diff --git a/src/finding-the-lion.txt b/src/finding-the-lion.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 068b18b..0000000 --- a/src/finding-the-lion.txt +++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
2title: Finding the Lion
3id: finding-the-lion
4genre: verse
7 title: Autocento of the breakfast table
8 class: autocento
11Tonight, as I look up, the stars \
12hide themselves in shame. [There is no moon][]. \
13The sky is black, like my desk,
15[nothing like a raven][]. The streetlights \
16look on the scene disinterested. \
17They have their own [small gossips of the dark][].
19I came here to find the Lion, old \
20friend, but he will not show his flanks, his \
21paws, his shoulders, [his mane][]. I
23can hear him laughing from his hiding-place \
24behind the moon, nonexistent, under \
25the cold dead earth. The mountain is in front
27of me now, a hole of stars daring me \
28to pierce it with my sight. The lion's still \
29laughing; the streetlamps talk about
31me amongst themselves, and go out. There \
32never was any lion, they tell me. \
33[You only hear the wind][] [on the mountain][].
35[There is no moon]: moongone.html
36[nothing like a raven]: feedingtheraven.html
37[small gossips of the dark]: the-night-we-met.html
38[his mane]: axe.html
39[You only hear the wind]: cold-wind.html
40[on the mountain]: mountain.html
diff --git a/src/fire.txt b/src/fire.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 25e8bcf..0000000 --- a/src/fire.txt +++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
2title: Fire
3id: fire
4genre: prose
7 title: "Buildings out of air: Paul in the Woods"
8 class: paul
9 order: 39
10 next:
11 - title: Hands
12 link: hands
13 prev:
14 - title: Paul
15 link: paul
16 - title: Father
17 link: father
20His mother ran out of the house in her nightgown.
21"What the hell do you think you're doing" she hollered as Paul watched the shed.
22"I'm burning the shed down" he said smiling "isn't it warm?"
23"It's warm enough out here without that burning down" she said "go get the hose and put this thing out."
24"But Mom---"
25"Do it" she said in the tone of voice that meant Do it now.
26He went around the side of the house screwed the nozzle on grabbed the end of the hose pulled it around the house and waited for water to come out the end.
27[When it did it was not in a very strong stream.][]
28"I don't think this is going to work" Paul said to his mother.
29"God damn it I have to call the Fire Department" she said and went inside the house.
30The shed continued in its burning.
32After the Fire Department put out the fire one of the men said "Your mother says you set this building on fire.
33You know Arson is a major offense."
34"I set it on fire" Paul said.
36"Because ART wants to be random, it wants to be natural, but it isn't.
37Humans create ART because we can't help but see patterns in randomness.
38But we feel guilty about it."
39The man nodded to another man in a blue uniform.
40"We want the ART to feel natural, to feel random, but we can't stop seeing the patterns" as the man in blue walked over and put a hand on Paul's shoulder "ART is unnatural by its very nature.
41I took my ART and gave it back to nature" as the man led him over to a [black and white][] car and put him inside.
42He was saying something about Paul's right.
43"No it's my [left that was hurt][]" said Paul "but it's all better now."
45[When it did it was not in a very strong stream.]: hard-game.html
46[black and white]: sense-of-it.html
47[left that was hurt]: x-ray.html
diff --git a/src/first-lines.txt b/src/first-lines.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 5e88c2b..0000000 --- a/src/first-lines.txt +++ /dev/null
@@ -1,167 +0,0 @@
2title: Autocento of the breakfast table
3id: first-lines
4subtitle: index of first lines
5genre: prose
8 title: About Autocento
9 class: meta
10 next:
11 - title: About _Autocento_
12 link: about
13 prev:
14 - title: Index of common titles
15 link: common-titles
18[A dead man finds his way into our hearts](deadman.html)
19[a dog moving sideways is sick; a man moving sideways is drunk.](movingsideways.html)
20[ART and CRAFT are only the inside and outside of the same building.](building.html)
21[Abraham, Abraham, you are old and cannot hear:](angeltoabraham.html)
22[after searching for days or even months](big-dipper.html)
23[and you were there in the start of it all](and.html)
24[apparently typewriters need ribbon.](tapestry.html)
25[Bottom of the drink: they had](ex-machina.html)
26[contents of the shed](paul.html).
28["Can one truly describe an emotion?" Eli asked me over the walkie-talkie.](statements-frag.html)
29[Case Duckworth is the cowardly but lovable Great Dane who solves mysteries on TV.](about_author.html)
30[Dimly remembered celebrity chefs shuffle](last-bastion.html).
31["Do you have to say your thoughts out loud for them to mean anything" Paul asked Jill on his first coffee break at work.](question.html)
34[God is love, they say, but there is](love-as-god.html)
35[hymn 386: jokes](window.html).
37[He builds a ship as if it were the last thing](shipwright.html)
38[he chopped down: a sapling pine tree and looked at his watch.](sapling.html)
39[He couldn't find a shirt to go to work in.](toothpaste.html)
40[He didn't go back into the shed for a long time.](wallpaper.html)
41[He didn't have any polish so he spit-shined the whole thing,](deathstrumpet.html)
42[he dropped the penny in the dryer, turned it on, and turned around.](underwear.html)
43[He is so full in himself:](squirrel.html)
44[He looked down at his hands idly while he was typing.](hands.html)
45[He said at the beginning, "It's like rolling yarn into a too-small ball.](ouroboros_memory.html)"
46[He sat down at his writing desk and removed his new pen from its plastic wrapping.](writing.html)
47[He shrugged the wood off his shoulder, letting it fall with a clog onto the earth floor of his Writing Shack.](leaf.html)
48[He walked into the woods for the first time in months.](stump.html)
49[He was born on a few separate occasions: green traffic lights at night](about-the-author.html).
50[He woke up after eleven and didn't go outside all day, not even to his Writing Shack.](cereal.html)
51[He would enter data at work for fifty minutes and then go on break.](yellow.html)
52[He wrote JOKES on the top of a page in his notebook.](joke.html)
54["Hello Paul this is Jill Jill Noe remember me" the voice on the phone was a woman's.](phone.html)
55[His first chair was a stool.](leg.html)
56[His mother drove him to the Hardware Store on a Tuesday.](hardware.html)
57[His mother ran out of the house in her nightgown.](fire.html)
59["How astonishing it is that language can almost mean, / and frightening that it does not quite," Jack Gilbert opens his poem "The Forgotten Dialect of the Heart."](words-meaning.html)
60[How does one describe a poem?](on-genre-dimension.html)
61[I am a great pillar of white smoke.](i-am.html)
62[I can walk through the rain, that rare occurrence](walking-in-the-rain.html).
63[I didn't write this sestina yesterday.](exasperated.html)
64[I don't care if they burn he wrote on his last blank notecard.](snow.html)
65[I hear the rats run](in-bed.html).
66[I lost my hands & knit replacement ones](roughgloves.html).
67[I need a plant. I need a thing](plant.html).
68[I only write poems on the bus anymore.](sense-of-it.html)
69[I saw my life branching out before me like the green fig tree in the story.](epigraph.html)
70[I saw two Eskimo girls playing a game](weplayedthosegamestoo.html)
71[I think that I could write formal poems](onformalpoetry.html);
72[I thought I saw you walking](i-think-its-you.html).
73[I turned off the TV as soon as the end credits began.](dollywood.html)
75[I want to say I take it all back](i-want-to-say.html),
76[I wanted to tell you something in order to](i-wanted-to-tell-you-something.html) ---
77[I was away on vacation when I heard ---](howithappened.html)
78[I wish I'd kissed you when I had the chance.](time-looks-up-to-the-sky.html)
79[I'm writing this now because I have to.](poetry-time.html)
80[If Justin Bieber isn't going for the sixteenth](sixteenth-chapel.html) ---
81[if you swallow hard enough](listen.html) ---
82[importance is important.](philosophy.html)
83[Inside of my memory, the poem is another memory.](riptide_memory.html)
85["Is man the natural thing that makes unnatural things" he thought to himself as he looked out the kitchen window at the shed.](father.html)
86[It had gotten cold.](dream.html)
87[It was a gamble](stayed-on-the-bus.html);
88[it was one of those nameless gray buildings that could be seen from the street only if Larry craned his neck to almost vertical.](telemarketer.html)
89[It's all jokes Paul wrote in what he was now calling his Hymnal.](hymnal.html)
92"[Like 40 as I challenge anyone to come too!](call-me-aural-pleasure.html)
93[Look, I say --- look here ---](found-typewriter-poem.html)
94[Lost things have a way of staying lost.](amber-alert.html)"
95[Man of autumn, cold wind,](cold-wind.html)
96[memory works strangely, spooling its thread](last-passenger.html).
98["My anger is like a peach," he said.](peaches.html)
99"[My body is attached to your body by a thin spittle of thought.](spittle.html)"
100[My head is full of fire, my tongue swollen,](the-night-we-met.html)
101[nothing is ever over; nothing](nothing-is-ever-over.html) ---
102[nothing matters; everything is sacred.](proverbs.html)
103[Now the ticking clocks scare me.](boar.html)
105[Of course, there is a God.](prelude.html) ---
106[Okay, so there either is or isn't a God.](purpose-dogs.html)
107[On your desk I set a tangerine:](seasonal-affective-disorder.html)
108[Paul began typing on notecards.](notes.html)
110[Paul only did his reading on the toilet.](toilet.html)
111[Paul took his axe and went out into the woods to chop trees.](axe.html)
112[Paul was writing in his diary about art.](art.html)
114["Paul, you can't turn in your reports on four-by-six notecards" Jill told him after he handed her his reports, typed carefully on twelve four-by-six notecards.](reports.html)
115["Riding the bus to work is a good way to think or to read" Paul thought to himself on the bus ride to work.](stagnant.html)
117[Say there are no words. Say that we are conjoined](elegyforanalternateself.html):
118[silence lies underneath us all in the same way](music-433.html)
119[it's the fucking moon. Big deal. As if](apollo11.html)
120[two hyperintelligent pandimensional beings](creation-myth.html)
121[feel as though I am not a real writer.](real-writer.html)
122[Somewhere I remember reading advice for beginning writers not to show their work to anyone, at least that in the early stages.](words-irritable-reaching.html)
124[Swans fly overhead singing goodbye](swansong.html):
127[the definition of happiness is _doing stuff that you really like_.](likingthings.html)
128[The look she gave me (Half-hours in heaven are three times that in hell)](table_contents.html).
129[The moon is drowning the stars it pushes them](moon-drowning.html) ---
130[The moon is gone and in its place a mirror. Looking at the night sky now](moongone.html),
131[the other side of this mountain](mountain.html):
132[the problem with people is this: we cannot be happy.](problems.html)
133[The radio is screaming the man](worse-looking-over.html) ---
134[the self is a serengeti](serengeti.html) ---
135[there are more modern ideals of beauty](todaniel.html) ---
136[there is a cave just outside of Flagstaff made from ancient lava flows.](what-we-are-made-of.html)
138[There is a theory which states the Universe](initial-conditions.html),
139[this book, is an exploration of life, of all possible lives that could be lived.](howtoread.html)
140[This poem is dry like chapped lips.](swansong-alt.html)
141[Tonight, as I look up, the stars](finding-the-lion.html),
142[waiting for a reading to start](the-sea_the-beach.html),
143[walking along in the dark, is a good way to begin a song.](lovesong.html)
145[Walter rides the bus into work on Wednesday morning when he realizes, with the force and surprise of a rogue current, that he is in the home-for-death phase of life.](lappel-du-vide.html)
146[We found your shirt deep in the dark water](theoceanoverflowswithcamels.html) ---
147[what did he do when he was in the woods?](options.html)
149["What do you do all day in that shed out back" his mother asked one night while they ate dinner in front of the TV.](shed.html)
151[What is a poem?](manifesto_poetics.html)
152[What is poetry?](arspoetica.html)
153[What secrets does it hold?](largest-asteroid.html)
154[When I think of death I think](death-zone.html),
155[when Ronald McDonald takes off his striped shirt,](ronaldmcdonald.html)
156[when he finally got back to work, he was surprised they threw him a party.](punch.html)
157[When he said Bible I heard his southern accent](boy_bus.html):
158[whenever you call me friend](100-lines.html)
159[while chopping a tree in the woods with his hatchet (a Christmas gift from his mother) a bird he'd never heard before cried out.](x-ray.html)
160[While swimming in the river](no-nothing.html):
161[YOU CANNOT DISCOVER ART ART MUST BE CREATED he sat on the couch at home while his mother watched TV and smoked.](early.html)
163[You never can tell just when Charlie Sheen will enter your life.](feedingtheraven.html)
164[You think building Hoggle's a hard game?](hard-game.html)
165[Your casserole dish takes the longest:](when-im-sorry-i.html)
166[in mammals the ratio between bladder size](something-simple.html)
167[has been a part of the Unix toolset since the late 70s.](collage-instrument.html)
diff --git a/src/found-typewriter-poem.txt b/src/found-typewriter-poem.txt deleted file mode 100644 index d1fce47..0000000 --- a/src/found-typewriter-poem.txt +++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
2title: Look
3id: found-typewriter-poem
4subtitle: a found typewriter poem
5genre: verse
8 content: |
9 [Is he older]( I asked her.
10 And I never got an answer, because at the moment she disappeared in a puff of smoke.
11 I like to think nothing ever happened to her save that she went over to the spirit realm.
12 I usually know better though.
15 title: Autocento of the breakfast table
16 class: autocento
19Look, I say---look here--- \
20at this [old place \
21where nothing changes][old-place]. \
22Look at the people \
23who pass by. Look at \
24the trees. The flowers \
25full of wanting: look \
26[how full they are][] with \
27color. Look how they mock \
28us, empty people who \
29must fill themselves \
30with changes---emptiness.
32"[There is nothing][] to be \
33but happy. [There is no][] \
34sadness to fall down \
35like cherry petals."
37The [trees don't under- \
38stand:][trees] they are too \
39tall to see the germ \
40of discontent in us.
42[old-place]: planks.html
43[how full they are]: squirrel.html
44[There is nothing]: elegeyforanalternateself.html
45[There is no]: no-nothing.html
46[trees]: plant.html
diff --git a/src/hands.txt b/src/hands.txt deleted file mode 100644 index adf08a9..0000000 --- a/src/hands.txt +++ /dev/null
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
2title: Hands
3id: hands
4genre: prose
7 title: "Buildings out of air: Paul in the Woods"
8 class: paul
9 order: 10
10 next:
11 - title: Toilet
12 link: toilet
13 - title: Hardware
14 link: hardware
15 prev:
16 - title: Shed
17 link: shed
18 - title: Fire
19 link: fire
22He looked down at his hands idly while he was typing.
23They were [dry and cracked in places][].
24He thought he might start bleeding so he went inside for some lotion.
26"Do we have any lotion" he asked his mother.
27"In the medicine cabinet" she said without looking up from the TV.
28He walked into the [bathroom][] and looked at himself in the mirror.
29"I look strange" he said to himself "I look like a teenager."
30He stared into his [right eye, then his left][].
31He saw nothing but [his own reflection fish-eyed][] in his pupils.
32He opened the medicine cabinet.
34Back in his Writing Shack, he started to type.
36> What is it about hands that gives
37> them such power? It is that their
38> power is hidden in the arm. Push
39> on the inside of the wrist--the
40> hand closes. Reach under the skin
41> and pull on the outside tendons--
42> the hand opens again. Hands are
43> only [machines][] for grasping,
44> controlled by the arm, not the
45> mind.
47[dry and cracked in places]: weplayedthosegamestoo.html
48[bathroom]: boar.html
49[right eye, then his left]: man.html
50[his own reflection fish-eyed]: deathstrumpet.html
51[machines]: ex-machina.html
diff --git a/src/hard-game.txt b/src/hard-game.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 7ad6d65..0000000 --- a/src/hard-game.txt +++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
2title: A hard game
3id: hard-game
4genre: verse
6dedication: Jim Henson
9 title: Autocento of the breakfast table
10 class: autocento
13You think building Hoggle's a hard game? \
14You know bunk. Writing a ghazal's a hard game.
16Let's meet in a place where words & fabric play--- \
17but not [plastic][] words. (Boggle's a hard game.)
19A cookout where we can hash our differences \
20over steak, though making it sizzle's a hard game.
22Let's go to a brothel, [rub shoulders][] with bare \
23shoulders, or a bar. Being wastrel's a hard game.
25Maybe we could switch professions, you and I, \
26you write the poems, I'll puppet Fozzie---a hard game.
28When you call me, you never say my name. \
29Creativity's [a hose][]---shutting the nozzle's the hard game.
31[a hose]: fire.html
32[plastic]: sense-of-it.html
33[rub shoulders]: finding-the-lion.html
diff --git a/src/hardware.txt b/src/hardware.txt deleted file mode 100644 index dfe46bb..0000000 --- a/src/hardware.txt +++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
2title: Hardware
3id: hardware
4genre: prose
7 title: "Buildings out of air: Paul in the Woods"
8 class: paul
9 order: 14
10 next:
11 - title: Treatise
12 link: treatise
13 - title: Hymnal
14 link: hymnal
15 prev:
16 - title: Planks
17 link: planks
18 - title: Hands
19 link: hands
22His mother drove him to the Hardware Store on a Tuesday.
23"I'm glad to see you've taken my advice for once" she said.
24"What do you mean."
25"Applying to work at the Hardware Store.
26I'm [proud of you][] Paul."
28"Oh right.
29Sure thing."
30They pulled into the parking lot.
31"Just be a minute" he said as he opened the car door.
33He walked under the door resplendent in its King William orange and white.
34He saw the towering rows of shelves like mountain ridges in Hell.
35He strolled among the fixtures, pipes, planks, sheets, plants (Why plants? he thought), switches.
36He realized he didn't know the first thing about building [furniture][].
37"I don't know the first thing" he muttered to himself "about building furniture.
38I know the last thing would be a couch or chair or stool but the first thing is a [mystery][]."
39He turned around and walked straight out of the store and to his mother's car without looking up.
41"How'd it go" she asked starting the car.
42"Great" he said.
44[proud of you]: sixteenth-chapel.html
45[furniture]: real-writer.html
46[mystery]: love-as-god.html
diff --git a/src/howithappened.txt b/src/howithappened.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 4e606f4..0000000 --- a/src/howithappened.txt +++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
2title: How it happened
3id: howithappened
4genre: 'verse'
7 title: Elegies for alternate selves
8 class: elegies
9 order: 14
10 prev:
11 - title: I am
12 link: i-am
13 next:
14 - title: Love Song
15 link: lovesong
18I was away on vacation when I heard--- \
19someone sat at my desk while I was away. \
20They took my pen, while I was taking \
21surf lessons, and wrote the sun into the sky. \
22They pre-approved the earth and the waters, \
23and all of the living things, without even \
24having the decency to text me. It was not I \
25who was behind the phrase "creeping things." \
26When I got back, of course I was pissed, \
27but it was [already written][] into the policy. \
28I'm just saying: don't blame me for Cain \
29killing Abel. That was a murder. I'm not a cop. \
30The Tower of Babel fell on its own. The ark \
31never saw a single drop of rain. I'm [the drunk][] \
32sitting on the curb who just pissed his pants, \
33holding up a sign asking where I am.
35[already written]: shipwright.html
36[the drunk]: problems.html
diff --git a/src/howtoread.txt b/src/howtoread.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 3f3a3eb..0000000 --- a/src/howtoread.txt +++ /dev/null
@@ -1,101 +0,0 @@
2title: How to read this
3id: howtoread
4genre: prose
7 title: Elegies for alternate selves
8 class: elegies
9 order: 2
10 next:
11 - title: And
12 link: and
13 prev:
14 - title: epigraph
15 link: epigraph
18This book is an exploration of life, of all possible lives that could be lived.
19Each of the poems contained herein have been written by a different person, with his own history, culture, and emotions.
20True, they are all related, but no more than any of us is related through our genetics, our shared planet, or our yearnings.
22Fernando Pessoa wrote poems under four different identities---he called them *heteronyms*---that were known during his lifetime, though after his death over sixty have been found and catalogued.
23He called them heteronyms as opposed to pseudonyms because they were much more than names he wrote under.
24They were truly different writing selves, concerned with different ideas and writing with different styles:
25Alberto Caeiro wrote pastorals;
26Ricardo Reis wrote more formal odes;
27Álvaro de Campos wrote these long, Whitman-esque pieces (one to Whitman himself);
28and Pessoa's own name was used for poems that are kind of similar to all the others.
29It seems as though Pessoa found it inefficient to try and write everything he wanted only in his own self;
30rather he parceled out the different pieces and developed them into full identities, at the cost of his own:
31"I subsist as a kind of medium of myself, but I'm less real than the others, less substantial, less personal, and easily influenced by them all."
32de Campos said of him at one point, "[Fernando Pessoa, strictly speaking, doesn't exist.][pessoa-exist]"
34It's not just Pessoa---I, strictly speaking, don't exist, both as the specific me that writes this now and as the concept of selfhood, the ego.
35Heraclitus famously said that we can't step into the [same river][] twice, and the fact of the matter is that we can't occupy the same self twice.
36It's constantly changing and adapting to new stimuli from the environment, from other selves, from inside itself, and each time it forms anew into something that's never existed before.
37The person I am beginning a poem is a separate being than the one I am finishing a poem, and part of it is the poem I've written has brought forth some other dish onto the great table that is myself.
39In the same way, with each poem you read of this, you too could become a different person.
40Depending on which order you read them in, you could be any number of possible people.
41If you follow the threads I've laid out for you, there are so many possible selves; if you disregard those and go a different way there are quite a few more.
42However, at the end of the journey there is only one self that you will occupy, the others disappearing from this universe and going maybe somewhere else, maybe nowhere at all.
44There is a scene in *The Neverending Story* where Bastian is trying to find his way out of the desert.
45He opens a door and finds himself in the Temple of a Thousand Doors, which is never seen from the outside but only once someone enters it.
46It is a series of rooms with six sides each and three doors: one from the room before and two choices.
47In life, each of these rooms is a moment, but where Bastian can choose which of only two doors to enter each time, in life there can be any number of doors and we don't always choose which to go through---in fact, I would argue that most of the time we aren't allowed the luxury.
49What happens to those other doors, those other possibilities?
50Is there some other version of the self that for whatever complexities of circumstance and will chose a different door at an earlier moment?
51The answer to this, of course, is that we can never know for sure, though this doesn't keep us from trying through the process of regret.
52We go back and try that other door in our mind, extrapolating a possible present from our own past.
53This is ultimately unsatisfying, not only because whatever world is imagined is not the one currently lived, but because it becomes obvious that the alternate model of reality is not complete: we can only extrapolate from the original room, absolutely without knowledge of any subsequent possible choices.
54This causes a deep disappointment, a frustration with the inability to know all possible timelines (coupled with the insecurity that this may not be the best of all possible worlds) that we feel as regret.
56In this way, every moment we live is an [elegy][] to every possible future that might have stemmed from it.
57Annie Dillard states this in a biological manner when she says in *Pilgrim at Tinker Creek*, "Every glistening egg is a memento mori."
58Nature is inefficient---it spends a hundred lifetimes to get one that barely works.
59The fossil record is littered with the failed experiments of evolution, many of which failed due only to blind chance: an asteroid, a shift in weather patterns, an inefficient copulation method.
60Each living person today has twenty dead standing behind him, and that only counts the people that actually lived.
61How many missed opportunities stand behind any of us?
63The real problem with all of this is that time is only additive.
64There's no way to dial it back and start over, with new choices or new environments.
65Even when given the chance to do something again, we do it *again*, with the reality given by our previous action.
66Thus we are constantly creating and being created by the world.
67The self is never the same from one moment to the next.
69A poem is like a snapshot of a self.
70If it's any good, it captures the emotional core of the self at the time of writing for communication with future selves, either within the same person or outside of it.
71Thus revision is possible, and the new poem created will be yet another snapshot of the future self as changed by the original poem.
72The page becomes a window into the past, a particular past as experienced by one self.
73The poem is a remembering of a self that no longer exists, in other words, an elegy.
75A snapshot doesn't capture the entire subject, however.
76It leaves out the background as it's obscured by foreground objects; it fails to include anything that isn't contained in its finite frame.
77In order to build a working definition of identity, we must include all possible selves over all possible timelines, combined into one person: identity is the combined effect of all possible selves over time.
78A poem leaves much of this out: it is the one person standing in front of twenty ghosts.
80A poem is the place where the selves of the reader and the speaker meet, in their respective times and places.
81In this way a poem is outside of time or place, because it changes its location each time it's read.
82Each time it's two different people meeting.
83The problem with a poem is that it's such a small window---if we met in real life the way we met in poems, we would see nothing of anyone else but a square the size of a postage stamp.
84It has been argued this is the way we see time and ourselves in it, as well: Vonnegut uses the metaphor of a subject strapped to a railroad car moving at a set pace, with a six-foot-long metal tube placed in front of the subject's eye; the landscape in the distance is time, and what we see is the only way in which we interact with it. It's the same with a poem and the self: we can only see and interact with a small kernel.
85This is why it's possible to write more than one poem.
87Due to this kernel nature of poetry, a good poem should focus itself to extract as much meaning as possible from that one kernel of identity to which it has access.
88It should be an atom of selfhood, irreducible and resistant to paraphrase, because it tries to somehow echo the large unsayable part of identity outside the frame of the self.
89It is the [kernel][] that contains a universe, or that speaks around one that's hidden; if it's a successful poem then it makes the smallest circuit possible.
90This is why the commentary on poems is so voluminous: a poem is tightly packed meaning that commentators try to unpack to get at that universality inside it.
91A fortress of dialectic is constructed that ultimately obstructs the meaning behind the poem; it becomes the foreground in the photograph that disallows us to view the horizon beyond it.
93With this in mind, I collect these poems that were written over a period of four years into this book.
94Where I can, I insert cross-references (like the one above, in the margin) to other pieces in the text where I think the two resonate in some way.
95You can read this book in any way you'd like: you can go front-to-back, or back-to-front, or you can follow the arrows around, or you can work out a complex mathematical formula with Merseinne primes and logarithms and the 2000 Census information, or you can go completely randomly through like a magazine, or at least the way I flip through magazines.
96I think writing is a communication of the self, and I think this is the best way to communicate mine in all its multiversity.
98[pessoa-exist]: philosophy.html
99[same river]: mountain.html
100[elegy]: words-meaning.html
101[kernel]: arspoetica.html
diff --git a/src/hymnal.txt b/src/hymnal.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 4d7797e..0000000 --- a/src/hymnal.txt +++ /dev/null
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
2title: Hymnal
3id: hymnal
4genre: prose
7 title: "Buildings out of air: Paul in the Woods"
8 class: paul
9 order: 2
10 next:
11 - title: Underwear
12 link: underwear
13 - title: Joke
14 link: joke
15 prev:
16 - title: Art
17 link: art
18 - title: Hardware
19 link: hardware
22_It's all [jokes][]_ Paul wrote in what he was now calling his Hymnal.
23He had been writing non-stop all day, because he didn't count pee or cigarette breaks.
24_All art is an inside joke.
25The symbology involved must be_---and here he put down his pen and held his head in his hands.
26He could never think of the word---he said often that he had no words.
27He opened to a new page in his Hymnal.
28On the top of it was written in bold script _**HYMN 386: JOKES**_.
30Paul scowled.
31Who had written in his Hymnal? he wondered.
32He said it out loud a moment after: "Who has written in my Hymnal?"
33He realized he was alone in his Writing Shack, which was really a shed in the back of his mother's garden.
34He wondered why he had to say his thoughts before they became real to him (if this was a habit or an inborn trait).
35He realized simultaneously that
37(a) he could ask someone and
38(b) that this was something he wondered every time he spoke his thoughts out loud.
40He resolved to put the issue to rest by asking someone.
42[jokes]: joke.html
diff --git a/src/i-am.txt b/src/i-am.txt deleted file mode 100644 index c9d949f..0000000 --- a/src/i-am.txt +++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
2title: I am
3id: i-am
4genre: verse
7 title: Elegies for alternate selves
8 class: elegies
9 order: 13
10 prev:
11 - title: On formal poetry
12 link: onformalpoetry
13 next:
14 - title: How it happened
15 link: howithappened
18I am a great pillar of [white smoke][]. \
19I am Lot's nameless wife encased in salt. \
20I am the wound on Christ's back as he moans \
21with the pounding of a hammer on his wrist. \
22I am the nail that holds my house together. \
23It is a strong house, built on a good foundation. \
24In the winter, it is warm and crawling things \
25cannot get in. This house will never burn down. \
26It is the house that I built, with my body \
27and with my strength. I am the only one who lives \
28here. I am both father and mother to a race \
29of [dust motes that worship me as a god][]. I have \
30monuments built daily in my honor in dark \
31corners around the house. I destroy all of them \
32before I go to bed, but in the morning \
33there are still more. I don't think I know \
34where all of them are. I [don't think][not think] I can get \
35to all of them anymore. There are too many.
37[white smoke]: deathstrumpet.html
38[not think]: howithappened.html
39[dust motes that worship me as a god]: plant.html
diff --git a/src/i-think-its-you.txt b/src/i-think-its-you.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 8f90151..0000000 --- a/src/i-think-its-you.txt +++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
2title: I think it's you (but it's not)
3id: i-think-its-you
4genre: verse
7 content: When you fall in love everyone looks the same.
8 link: i-think-its-you.html
11 title: Stark Raving
12 class: stark
13 order: 15
14 next:
15 - title: Initial conditions
16 link: initial-conditions
17 - title: Riptide of memory
18 link: riptide_memory
19 prev:
20 - title: Boy on the bus
21 link: boy_bus
22 - title: L'appel du vide
23 link: lappel-du-vide
26I thought I saw you walking \
27to the bus stop but it was only \
28a [raven][]. His croaks sounded nothing \
29like your footsteps (as they pound \
30down the hallway toward my bedroom) \
31his [wings][] looked nothing like your \
32legs (running on the wrong side \
33of the road away from my house) \
34I think the one resemblance was the eyes
36But that's too easy \
37It's just that I was thinking \
38of you and a raven flew by \
39(maybe it was a [crow][])
41[raven]: feedingtheraven.html
42[crow]: stump.html
43[wings]: nothing-is-ever-over.html
diff --git a/src/i-want-to-say.txt b/src/i-want-to-say.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 52763fd..0000000 --- a/src/i-want-to-say.txt +++ /dev/null
@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
2title: I want to say
3id: i-want-to-say
4genre: verse
7 title: Autocento of the breakfast table
8 class: autocento
11I want to say I take it all back \
12I want \
13I want to take it back I want it none of it \
14to be ever have happened not \
15when I saw you step over the rope \
16when we went to New York for a week \
17but stayed upstate when you punched me \
18hard in the solar plexus in Prague \
19when I looked in your face and [saw myself][] \
20looking back smiling when we went on another trip \
21and another all the trips I want to have \
22stayed home I want to have seen the clouds \
23drifting past [my car window][] to have listened \
24to that sound the bridge makes driving over it \
25without thinking of you always it was you
27I want
29I [want to be fresh][] I want to roll out of bed \
30as though it were my [first morning in a new state][] \
31I want nothing more than absolution of sins \
32[a negation but there is no way to subtract here][] \
33I cannot remove this growth that appeared \
34seemingly overnight I cannot [cut you away from myself][] \
35I cannot forget what has already and will always have been \
36I cannot get out of a [new bed][] ever \
37New York will always be as it was when I saw it first \
38with you my breathing will always be labored outside \
39of the cafe I will always see you when [I look in a mirror][] \
40of someone's face the reflection of missed thoughts missed \
41[words will cease to give meaning][] the center will come out \
42of me I will make a new center yes I will drag what is \
43your center around with me and [repeat and repeat][] again \
44I cannot want cannot want want not
46[new bed]: in-bed.html
47[saw myself]: deathstrumpet.html
48[my car window]: boy_bus.html
49[want to be fresh]: plant.html
50[first morning in a new state]: collage-instrument.html
51[a negation but there is no way to subtract here]: no-nothing.html
52[cut you away from myself]: elegyforanalternateself.html
53[I look in a mirror]: lovesong.html
54[words will cease to give meaning]: words-meaning.html
55[repeat and repeat]: question.html
diff --git a/src/i-wanted-to-tell-you-something.txt b/src/i-wanted-to-tell-you-something.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 3f6423e..0000000 --- a/src/i-wanted-to-tell-you-something.txt +++ /dev/null
@@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
2title: I wanted to tell you something
3id: i-wanted-to-tell-you-something
4genre: verse
7 title: Autocento of the breakfast table
8 class: autocento
11I wanted to tell you something in order [to][] \
12explain the way I feel about the [Universe][], \
13its workings, etc. But I couldn't [yesterday][] \
14---I'm sorry---I wanted only to [ball][] \
15myself up and cry all day. It was the [sixteenth][] \
16day in a row this happened to me, and to [be][]
18more than two weeks waiting to cry is, \
19especially when, the whole time, I wasn't able to, \
20absolutely horrible. It was no sweet sixteen, \
21I'll tell you that much. Unless at yours, the Universe \
22kept telling you to quit having such a ball \
23and that you should have died, like, yesterday.
25At first, it feels like you're winning---that yesterday \
26you really were meant to die, but since you still _are_, \
27you beat the system somehow. But the Universe bawls, \
28"No, I meant you should've crawled into \
29a hole and fucking _died_!" And then the Universe \
30punches you right in the gut, something like sixteen
32times, and all you can think is, "Some sixteenth \
33birthday! Maybe I will go die in a hole." Yesterday, \
34at times like this, is a luxury the cruel Universe \
35refuses to give you. This is when it's a pain just to _be_, \
36when that Marvell line about "[rolling our stuff into one ball][Marvell]" \
37just seems glib, when you don't want one body, let alone two.
39Something else that may come as a surprise to \
40you: over the past more-than-a-fortnight, these sixteen \
41days, I've had nothing to eat but crackers and a cheese ball. \
42(That's not entirely true---yesterday \
43I had some candy, peppermints and Jujubes.) \
44Maybe this is why I'm so mad at the Universe---
46because all it has ever wanted, this Universe \
47that gave me life, fed me from its breast til I was two, \
48and even before that, made a place in which I could be--- \
49all it's wanted was for me to take the sixteen \
50steps to sobriety, fold the Eight-Fold Path over yesterday \
51and step around it lightly, as I would an exercise ball,
53but the problem is, dear Universe, there's no way I could be \
54something as hard as all that, to wake up yesterday \
55morning, stretch over my sixteen selves, bound out like a ball.
57[to]: poetry-time.html
58[Universe]: initial-conditions.html
59[yesterday]: exasperated.html
60[ball]: ouroboros_memory.html
61[sixteenth]: sixteenth-chapel.html
62[be]: love-as-god.html
diff --git a/src/in-bed.txt b/src/in-bed.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 300891f..0000000 --- a/src/in-bed.txt +++ /dev/null
@@ -1,149 +0,0 @@
2title: In bed
3id: in-bed
4genre: verse
7 title: Autocento of the breakfast table
8 class: autocento
11## I
13I hear [the rats][] run \
14in the walls like water \
15through a tree. My blood
17thickens. As I dream \
18the masturbation dream \
19the shelf above my bed
21falls covering me in \
22dirt and decaying beetles. \
23[I see my reflection is headless][].
25## II
27When the waves stop \
28[and the moon grins down][] \
29to overtake me: the car
31ran up the street that night \
32when you were nearly \
33molested in your neighbor's house:
35is this why we don't have \
36neighbors? For this the trees \
37[rot only for us][]?
39## III
41I woke screaming and you \
42came to sit next to me. I felt \
43my eyes were open too wide
45that I could not shut them \
46from the horror movie sitting \
47on your lap in the easy chair
49in the dream the other dream \
50in the living room under \
51the tree. Why do I feel guilty?
54## IV
56I wake up in a pool of water \
57[closed over me like an eyelid][]. \
58There is no longer comfort
60in staring at the ceiling. \
61Its pitch blackness beckons \
62into a future of blankness.
64My body lay still quaking. \
65My mind is chained fast \
66to the beating of my heart.
68## V
70I sit up slowly creaking. \
71I find myself alone buried \
72[in an ocean][]. Far off
74[there is an eagle][] flying \
75toward me. She lands on \
76my knee and lays an egg.
78I think *not this again* \
79something I've never \
80thought in my life.
82## VI
84I think *not this again* \
85something I've never \
86thought in my life. Not
88after losing my car keys \
89in the easy chair. Not after \
90scratching myself on a branch.
92Not after finding the thing \
93in your dresser drawer that \
94night. [I remember you suddenly.][]
97## VII
99[You run through me \
100like rats][rats] down an alley. \
101You are in my [blood][].
103You scared me once \
104remember? Jumped out \
105of the bathroom door.
107I fell screaming onto \
108the linoleum. Did you \
109apologize? Did you need to?
111## VIII
113The ocean that surrounds me \
114creaks like a rocking \
115cradle. Your face bright
117as the moon at eclipse \
118and as [red][]. Low song \
119my tide stretching
121to the horizon. Ripples \
122on the surface belie \
123something bigger beneath.
125## IX
127In bed I am alone for \
128the only time. In bed \
129I am a grown man.
131Below the blankets I \
132know you for who you are. \
133In bed I see your face
135pressed against the window. \
136I look out and see you \
137and I am not afraid.
139[the rats]: last-bastion.html
140[I see my reflection is headless]: deathstrumpet.html
141[and the moon grins down]: moon-drowning.html
142[rot only for us]: options.html
143[closed over me like an eyelid]: theoceanoverflowswithcamels.html
144[in an ocean]: the-sea_the-beach.html
145[there is an eagle]: mountain.html
146[I remember you suddenly.]: ouroboros_memory.html
147[rats]: #I
148[blood]: plant.html
149[red]: window.html
diff --git a/src/index.html b/src/index.html deleted file mode 100644 index 59a0021..0000000 --- a/src/index.html +++ /dev/null
@@ -1,152 +0,0 @@
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19 <section class="content prose">
20 <p>This is a list of the source files used in compiling
21 <em>Autocento of the breakfast table</em> by Case Duckworth.
22 </p>
23 <ul>
24 <li><a href="100-lines.txt">100-lines.txt</a></li>
25 <li><a href="about-the-author.txt">about-the-author.txt</a></li>
26 <li><a href="amber-alert.txt">amber-alert.txt</a></li>
27 <li><a href="and.txt">and.txt</a></li>
28 <li><a href="angeltoabraham.txt">angeltoabraham.txt</a></li>
29 <li><a href="apollo11.txt">apollo11.txt</a></li>
30 <li><a href="arspoetica.txt">arspoetica.txt</a></li>
31 <li><a href="art.txt">art.txt</a></li>
32 <li><a href="axe.txt">axe.txt</a></li>
33 <li><a href="big-dipper.txt">big-dipper.txt</a></li>
34 <li><a href="boar.txt">boar.txt</a></li>
35 <li><a href="boy_bus.txt">boy_bus.txt</a></li>
36 <li><a href="building.txt">building.txt</a></li>
37 <li><a href="call-me-aural-pleasure.txt">call-me-aural-pleasure.txt</a></li>
38 <li><a href="cereal.txt">cereal.txt</a></li>
39 <li><a href="cold-wind.txt">cold-wind.txt</a></li>
40 <li><a href="creation-myth.txt">creation-myth.txt</a></li>
41 <li><a href="deadman.txt">deadman.txt</a></li>
42 <li><a href="death-zone.txt">death-zone.txt</a></li>
43 <li><a href="deathstrumpet.txt">deathstrumpet.txt</a></li>
44 <li><a href="dream.txt">dream.txt</a></li>
45 <li><a href="early.txt">early.txt</a></li>
46 <li><a href="elegyforanalternateself.txt">elegyforanalternateself.txt</a></li>
47 <li><a href="epigraph.txt">epigraph.txt</a></li>
48 <li><a href="ex-machina.txt">ex-machina.txt</a></li>
49 <li><a href="exasperated.txt">exasperated.txt</a></li>
50 <li><a href="father.txt">father.txt</a></li>
51 <li><a href="feedingtheraven.txt">feedingtheraven.txt</a></li>
52 <li><a href="finding-the-lion.txt">finding-the-lion.txt</a></li>
53 <li><a href="fire.txt">fire.txt</a></li>
54 <li><a href="found-typewriter-poem.txt">found-typewriter-poem.txt</a></li>
55 <li><a href="hands.txt">hands.txt</a></li>
56 <li><a href="hard-game.txt">hard-game.txt</a></li>
57 <li><a href="hardware.txt">hardware.txt</a></li>
58 <li><a href="howithappened.txt">howithappened.txt</a></li>
59 <li><a href="howtoread.txt">howtoread.txt</a></li>
60 <li><a href="hymnal.txt">hymnal.txt</a></li>
61 <li><a href="i-am.txt">i-am.txt</a></li>
62 <li><a href="i-think-its-you.txt">i-think-its-you.txt</a></li>
63 <li><a href="i-wanted-to-tell-you-something.txt">i-wanted-to-tell-you-something.txt</a></li>
64 <li><a href="in-bed.txt">in-bed.txt</a></li>
65 <li><a href="index.html">index.html</a></li>
66 <li><a href="index.txt">index.txt</a></li>
67 <li><a href="initial-conditions.txt">initial-conditions.txt</a></li>
68 <li><a href="january.txt">january.txt</a></li>
69 <li><a href="joke.txt">joke.txt</a></li>
70 <li><a href="lappel-du-vide.txt">lappel-du-vide.txt</a></li>
71 <li><a href="largest-asteroid.txt">largest-asteroid.txt</a></li>
72 <li><a href="last-bastion.txt">last-bastion.txt</a></li>
73 <li><a href="last-passenger.txt">last-passenger.txt</a></li>
74 <li><a href="leaf.txt">leaf.txt</a></li>
75 <li><a href="leg.txt">leg.txt</a></li>
76 <li><a href="likingthings.txt">likingthings.txt</a></li>
77 <li><a href="listen.txt">listen.txt</a></li>
78 <li><a href="love-as-god.txt">love-as-god.txt</a></li>
79 <li><a href="lovesong.txt">lovesong.txt</a></li>
80 <li><a href="man.txt">man.txt</a></li>
81 <li><a href="moon-drowning.txt">moon-drowning.txt</a></li>
82 <li><a href="moongone.txt">moongone.txt</a></li>
83 <li><a href="mountain.txt">mountain.txt</a></li>
84 <li><a href="movingsideways.txt">movingsideways.txt</a></li>
85 <li><a href="music-433.txt">music-433.txt</a></li>
86 <li><a href="no-nothing.txt">no-nothing.txt</a></li>
87 <li><a href="notes.txt">notes.txt</a></li>
88 <li><a href="nothing-is-ever-over.txt">nothing-is-ever-over.txt</a></li>
89 <li><a href="onformalpoetry.txt">onformalpoetry.txt</a></li>
90 <li><a href="options.txt">options.txt</a></li>
91 <li><a href="ouroboros_memory.txt">ouroboros_memory.txt</a></li>
92 <li><a href="paul.txt">paul.txt</a></li>
93 <li><a href="philosophy.txt">philosophy.txt</a></li>
94 <li><a href="phone.txt">phone.txt</a></li>
95 <li><a href="planks.txt">planks.txt</a></li>
96 <li><a href="plant.txt">plant.txt</a></li>
97 <li><a href="poetry-time.txt">poetry-time.txt</a></li>
98 <li><a href="prelude.txt">prelude.txt</a></li>
99 <li><a href="problems.txt">problems.txt</a></li>
100 <li><a href="proverbs.txt">proverbs.txt</a></li>
101 <li><a href="punch.txt">punch.txt</a></li>
102 <li><a href="purpose-dogs.txt">purpose-dogs.txt</a></li>
103 <li><a href="question.txt">question.txt</a></li>
104 <li><a href="real-writer.txt">real-writer.txt</a></li>
105 <li><a href="reports.txt">reports.txt</a></li>
106 <li><a href="riptide_memory.txt">riptide_memory.txt</a></li>
107 <li><a href="ronaldmcdonald.txt">ronaldmcdonald.txt</a></li>
108 <li><a href="roughgloves.txt">roughgloves.txt</a></li>
109 <li><a href="sapling.txt">sapling.txt</a></li>
110 <li><a href="seasonal-affective-disorder.txt">seasonal-affective-disorder.txt</a></li>
111 <li><a href="sense-of-it.txt">sense-of-it.txt</a></li>
112 <li><a href="serengeti.txt">serengeti.txt</a></li>
113 <li><a href="shed.txt">shed.txt</a></li>
114 <li><a href="shipwright.txt">shipwright.txt</a></li>
115 <li><a href="sixteenth-chapel.txt">sixteenth-chapel.txt</a></li>
116 <li><a href="snow.txt">snow.txt</a></li>
117 <li><a href="something-simple.txt">something-simple.txt</a></li>
118 <li><a href="spittle.txt">spittle.txt</a></li>
119 <li><a href="squirrel.txt">squirrel.txt</a></li>
120 <li><a href="stagnant.txt">stagnant.txt</a></li>
121 <li><a href="statements-frag.txt">statements-frag.txt</a></li>
122 <li><a href="stayed-on-the-bus.txt">stayed-on-the-bus.txt</a></li>
123 <li><a href="stump.txt">stump.txt</a></li>
124 <li><a href="swansong-alt.txt">swansong-alt.txt</a></li>
125 <li><a href="swansong.txt">swansong.txt</a></li>
126 <li><a href="swear.txt">swear.txt</a></li>
127 <li><a href="table_contents.txt">table_contents.txt</a></li>
128 <li><a href="tapestry.txt">tapestry.txt</a></li>
129 <li><a href="telemarketer.txt">telemarketer.txt</a></li>
130 <li><a href="the-night-we-met.txt">the-night-we-met.txt</a></li>
131 <li><a href="the-sea_the-beach.txt">the-sea_the-beach.txt</a></li>
132 <li><a href="theoceanoverflowswithcamels.txt">theoceanoverflowswithcamels.txt</a></li>
133 <li><a href="time-looks-up-to-the-sky.txt">time-looks-up-to-the-sky.txt</a></li>
134 <li><a href="todaniel.txt">todaniel.txt</a></li>
135 <li><a href="toilet.txt">toilet.txt</a></li>
136 <li><a href="toothpaste.txt">toothpaste.txt</a></li>
137 <li><a href="treatise.txt">treatise.txt</a></li>
138 <li><a href="underwear.txt">underwear.txt</a></li>
139 <li><a href="wallpaper.txt">wallpaper.txt</a></li>
140 <li><a href="weplayedthosegamestoo.txt">weplayedthosegamestoo.txt</a></li>
141 <li><a href="when-im-sorry-i.txt">when-im-sorry-i.txt</a></li>
142 <li><a href="window.txt">window.txt</a></li>
143 <li><a href="words-meaning.txt">words-meaning.txt</a></li>
144 <li><a href="worse-looking-over.txt">worse-looking-over.txt</a></li>
145 <li><a href="writing.txt">writing.txt</a></li>
146 <li><a href="x-ray.txt">x-ray.txt</a></li>
147 <li><a href="yellow.txt">yellow.txt</a></li>
148 </ul>
149 </section>
150 </article>
151 </body>
diff --git a/src/initial-conditions.txt b/src/initial-conditions.txt deleted file mode 100644 index f22ebfc..0000000 --- a/src/initial-conditions.txt +++ /dev/null
@@ -1,78 +0,0 @@
2title: Initial conditions
3id: initial-conditions
4genre: verse
7 title: Stark Raving
8 class: stark
9 order: 11
10 next:
11 - title: Love as God
12 link: love-as-god
13 - title: Ouroboros of memory
14 link: ouroboros_memory
15 prev:
16 - title: I think it's you (but it's not)
17 link: i-think-its-you
18 - title: Last Bastion
19 link: last-bastion
22There is a theory which states the Universe \
23if it began with the same initial conditions \
24( [same gravity][] same strong weak nuclear force same \
25size and shape ) would unfold in exactly \
26the way it has : with the same planets [orbiting suns][] \
27same people making same mistakes : like this morning
29( It's actually past two but I will call it [morning][] ) \
30while turning on the shower : I as the Universe \
31intended ( although I was expecting the heat of suns ) \
32[had the ice of inner space][] : those pre existing conditions \
33before the Big Bang : the shower was almost exactly \
34freezing for a split second : every day it's the same :
36[I turn on the tap][] hop in pull the knob have the same \
37moment of utter panic then pain then a relaxing morning \
38shower where I spend between five to ten ( I'm not sure exactly ) \
39minutes : I have good thoughts : [this poem about the Universe][] \
40for example : I had the idea while I was conditioning \
41my hair : it came to me like accidentally looking at the sun :
43the pain and the wonder that something as large as suns \
44could appear so small and yet so hot all at the same \
45time : so hot in the summer we require air conditioning \
46( although now in the winter it's cold in the morning ) \
47and I can't wait to hop in the shower that tiny universe \
48of water and steam and soap and [body][] : that and only that exactly
50or rather exclusively ( it's hard to get the words exactly \
51right : the meanings bleed into each other like the sun's \
52shadows on pavement ) ready for me to [dream][] another universe \
53into it on top of it again and again until they all look the same : \
54I can't tell whether it's my morning or the shower's morning \
55or where I put the conditioner or what the initial conditions
57could have been that decided I would misplace my conditioner \
58today : and why and how much planning was involved exactly \
59that would cause so far down the production line of this morning \
60\: me to [wake up so long after the rising][] of the sun \
61\: me to stay inside all day even after showering to look at the same \
62[computer screen][] : to give up the actual universe to the universe
64in there with its conditions : where [the screen serves][] as sickly sun : \
65where there is apparently exactly what I need : no more : the same \
66three sites I visited this morning comprising my entire Universe
68[same gravity]: the-sea_the-beach.html
69[orbiting suns]: big-dipper.html
70[morning]: plant.html
71[had the ice of inner space]: 100-lines.html
72[I turn on the tap]: hard-game.html
73[this poem about the Universe]: howtoread.html
74[body]: ouroboros_memory.html
75[dream]: dream.html
76[wake up so long after the rising]: stump.html
77[computer screen]: telemarketer.html
78[the screen serves]: reports.html
diff --git a/src/january.txt b/src/january.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 71fe3be..0000000 --- a/src/january.txt +++ /dev/null
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
2title: January
3id: january
4genre: verse
7 title: Autocento of the breakfast table
8 class: autocento
11January. \
12It's cold, and I don't like it. \
13I prefer warm weather, \
14although I like sweaters. They are the one \
15warm spot in an otherwise [shitty][] season. \
16But fall is better sweater weather. So be patient,
18_patient_, \
19while waiting for the end of January. \
20A change of season \
21brings a change of mood along with it, \
22although I never thought I'd be one \
23to believe that [SAD][] junk about effects of weather---
25weather!--- \
26on a person. Who becomes a patient \
27just because of one \
28[month of snow][]? I did say of January: \
29"It's cold, and I don't like it," \
30but I hardly think it's fair, knocking whole seasons,
32seasoning \
33your conversation with demands for better weather. \
34(While I find it \
35nearly impossible, it's my mission to be patient \
36while waiting for the end of January.) \
37Oh, but how the long nights do so [tax][] one!
39One \
40[warm spot][] in an otherwise shitty season--- \
41all I ask, January, \
42is one warm day. Do you care whether \
43I'm a person who becomes a patient \
44in some psych ward? This just about does it.
46I.T., \
47although I never thought I'd call one, \
48is fair and patient \
49when I call. They talk with me, season \
50my conversation of demands for better weather \
51with an argument for the white beauty of January.
53They know it's hard; they say each season \
54has its detractors. _One day_, they say, _the weather \
55will be controlled---until then, patience in January_.
57[shitty]: tapestry.html
58[SAD]: seasonal-affective-disorder.html
59[month of snow]: snow.html
61[warm spot]: real-writer.html
diff --git a/src/joke.txt b/src/joke.txt deleted file mode 100644 index a9f5add..0000000 --- a/src/joke.txt +++ /dev/null
@@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
2title: Joke
3id: joke
4genre: prose
7 title: "Buildings out of air: Paul in the Woods"
8 class: paul
9 order: 33
10 next:
11 - title: Stump
12 link: stump
13 - title: Leaf
14 link: leaf
15 prev:
16 - title: Punch
17 link: punch
18 - title: Hymnal
19 link: hymnal
22He wrote _**JOKES**_ on the top of a page in his notebook.
23He had run out of notecards and hadn't been able to convince his mother to go to the Office Supply Store for him.
24He left a space underneath it and wrote.
26_"[Tell us a joke][]" the listeners say to the clown.
27They have gather together in the clearing because they have heard he would be there, and they have heard he knew very funny jokes that were also true.
28"Tell us a joke that is true" they say._
30_The clown does not move from the stump.
31He doesn't move at all.
32The listeners watch, gap-mouthed, as a butterfly lands on his hat.
33A breeze ruffles his coat and the butterfly flies away.
34Hours pass.
35The listeners grow impatient.
36Some begin yelling insults at the clown.
37Eventually, they begin to walk away into the woods._
39_The moon [rises][] on the clearing.
40The only people left are the clown and a listener, the [last listener][].
41She has been waiting for the joke a long time.
42The clown opens his mouth and she leans in closer to hear.
43He closes it as a tear falls onto his coat, then another.
44He opens his mouth again in a sob.
45The listener walks over to him and puts a hand on his shoulder._
47_"I'm sorry" says the clown.
48"Sorry for what" she asks.
49"I don't know.
50I don't know any jokes."
51He disappears.
52The last listener sits on the log and looks at the sky.
53There are no [stars][]._
55[Tell us a joke]: window.html
56[rises]: the-sea_the-beach.html
57[last listener]: listen.html
58[stars]: big-dipper.html
diff --git a/src/lappel-du-vide.txt b/src/lappel-du-vide.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 49c4da9..0000000 --- a/src/lappel-du-vide.txt +++ /dev/null
@@ -1,67 +0,0 @@
2title: L'appel du vide
3id: lappel-du-vide
4genre: prose
7 content: Don't you know you can't go home again?
8 attrib: Ella Winter
9 link: ''
12 title: Stark Raving
13 class: stark
14 order: 14
15 next:
16 - title: Boy on the bus
17 link: boy_bus
18 - title: I think it's you (but it's not)
19 link: i-think-its-you
20 prev:
21 - title: Ouroboros of memory
22 link: ouroboros_memory
23 - title: Love as God
24 link: love-as-god
27I. Walter
30Walter [rides the bus][] into work on Wednesday morning when he realizes, with the force and surprise of a rogue current, that he is in the home-for-death phase of life.
31That era in which the next time he goes under, to the fields of seaweed waving gently, the anemones slowly filtering seawater, it will most likely be for a death in the family.
33He is able to idly speculate on who it might be, and this surprises him.
34Not much does surprise him after these few months above the waves, because so many things did surprise him those first few months: the plants standing still, the quickness of the fluid these creatures walk in, the lack of pressure that still makes him feel so alone and cold---as if all of his life he had been in an embrace by the ocean, and now for some reason it's pulled away from him, and it doesn't love him anymore.
36His speculations lead him to picture his grandmother, small and frail and forgetful.
37He always assumed she'd be next, since last year when the other one died and Gina said,
38"I wonder who'll be next."
39She said what they'd both been thinking.
41Soon after that he'd come up to land, to the mountains of all places, the most land-like land, and started a job with an [accounting firm][].
42While it was challenging to adjust to the change in pressure and movement, to people staring at him on the bus, in the supermarket, at the job, him with his scales and fins and breathing machine, he'd always made a point to make the best out of a situation.
43The problem was that the best wasn't good enough.
45[accounting firm]: telemarketer.html
47II. L'appel du vide {.verse}
50And I'll get in my car and drive \
51and I'll want to keep driving \
52straight into the next state \
53or even the next country \
54or even even the ocean
56and go down deeper \
57keep exploring forever \
58find out what's down there \
59go to the Marianas trench \
60miss the air world and \
61come back up \
62itself a kind of unknown \
63the homecoming after
65What happened to the home I was?
67[rides the bus]: sense-of-it.html
diff --git a/src/largest-asteroid.txt b/src/largest-asteroid.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 5b245ac..0000000 --- a/src/largest-asteroid.txt +++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
2title: The largest asteroid in the asteroid belt
3id: largest-asteroid
4genre: verse
7 title: Autocento of the breakfast table
8 class: autocento
11What secrets does it hold? \
12Can it tell us who kissed Sara \
13that night on the veranda, or \
14who Joey is really in love with? \
15We all know it isn't Sara, we \
16mean look at them Christmas eve \
17and he's staring whistfully \
18at the stars, or the largest \
19asteroid in the asteroid belt. \
20She's staring at him, sure, but \
21she sees the twinkle in his eye \
22is not aimed in her direction. \
23The reflection of that reflection \
24will beam into space, lightyears \
25of space, dimming slowly each \
26second, until it dies out like \
27all of Sara's hopes for something \
28resembling love in this life, real \
29love that takes hold of her by \
30the throat and refuses to let go, \
31love that makes men travel for her \
32and only for her, love that launches \
33space ships to that asteroid, the \
34largest in the asteroid belt, that \
35jewel of dead rock and ice, harboring \
36something that could've been life \
37[and nothing that actually is][].
39[and nothing that actually is]:
diff --git a/src/last-bastion.txt b/src/last-bastion.txt deleted file mode 100644 index ebb0350..0000000 --- a/src/last-bastion.txt +++ /dev/null
@@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
2title: Last bastion
3id: last-bastion
4genre: verse
7 title: Stark Raving
8 class: stark
9 order: 10
10 next:
11 - title: AMBER alert
12 link: amber-alert
13 - title: Initial conditions
14 link: initial-conditions
15 prev:
16 - title: The Sixteenth Chapel
17 link: sixteenth-chapel.txt
18 - title: Boy on the bus
19 link: boy_bus
22Dimly remembered celebrity chefs shuffle \
23down the cold and darkened highways of the heart. \
24They are the last personality left. They are [the meek \
25who inherited the heart][meek], what was left of it.\
27Without food to cook in new or exciting ways \
28nor audience to gasp and cackle, the chefs \
29of the heart quietly waste away while staring \
30doe-eyed into now-empty Safeway windows \
31checking under the dusty produce shelves \
32for something they pray the [rats][] haven't found yet.
34Years ago, the economy of the heart boomed \
35and there was food everywhere. Produce \
36piled high in pyramids of devotion, meat in \
37gilded glass cases opulent under fluorescence, \
38dairy which ran like the [mythical river][] toward \
39cereals hot and cold. Under it all, thrumming \
40like great stone wheels on sand under a hot sun \
41near a river where reeds sang in the wind \
42the heart produced and gave reward for hard labor.
44No one knows when it all ended. No one can say \
45if it was the heart that dried up or the heart's supply. \
46Either way, food of the heart became scarcer and scarcer. \
47People began dying, not of starvation \
48but of a certain facial expression that could only \
49be described as desperation. Now \
50all that are left are the celebrity chefs, last bastion \
51of a once mighty empire of the [heart \
52are reduced to husks][heart] blown dry by wind.
55[rats]: in-bed.html
56[mythical river]: music-433.html
57[heart]: sense-of-it.html
diff --git a/src/last-passenger.txt b/src/last-passenger.txt deleted file mode 100644 index e54a456..0000000 --- a/src/last-passenger.txt +++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
2title: Last passenger
3id: last-passenger
4genre: verse
7 title: Autocento of the breakfast table
8 class: autocento
10TODO: revise based on reading notes
13Memory works strangely, [spooling its thread][] \
14over the [nails of events][] barely related, \
15creating finally some picture, if we're \
16lucky, of a life---but more likely, it knots \
17itself, catches on a nail or in our throats \
18that gasp, as it binds our necks, for air.
20An example: today marks one hundred years \
21since your namesake, the last living passenger \
22pigeon, died in Cincinnati. It also marks \
23a year since we last spoke. Although around \
24the world, zoos mourn her loss, I'm done \
25with you. I mourn no more your voice, the first \
26sound I heard outside my body that reached \
27[into my throat and set me ringing][]. But that string---
29memory that feels sometimes more like a tide \
30has yoked together, bound your voice to that bird, \
31the frozen, stuffed, forgotten pigeon---my heart \
32is too easy, but it must do---to blink, to flex \
33its unused toes, slowly thaw to the wetness \
34of [beating wings][], fly to me again, and alight, \
35singing full-throated, on my broken shoulder.
37[spooling its thread]: roughgloves.html
38[nails of events]: when-im-sorry-i.html
39[into my throat and set me ringing]: weplayedthosegamestoo.html
40[beating wings]: cold-wind.html
diff --git a/src/leaf.txt b/src/leaf.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 5563952..0000000 --- a/src/leaf.txt +++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
2title: Leaf
3id: leaf
4genre: prose
7 title: "Buildings out of air: Paul in the Woods"
8 class: paul
9 order: 3
10 next:
11 - title: Writing
12 link: writing
13 - title: Leg
14 link: leg
15 prev:
16 - title: Axe
17 link: axe
18 - title: Joke
19 link: joke
22He shrugged the wood off his shoulder, letting it fall with a clog onto the earth floor of his Writing Shack.
23He exhaled looking out of the window.
24He hoped to see a bird fly by, maybe a blue jay or raven.
25[No bird did][].
26He inhaled.
27He exhaled again in a way that could [only be classified][] as a sigh.
28He sat down at his writing desk.
29He began shuffling through what he'd written, trying to find some sort of pattern.
31"*Each piece of paper---each leaf---*" at this he smiled---"*is like a tree in the forest.*"
32He was writing as he thought aloud.
33"*I, as the artist, as the **writer**, must select which to use, chop down those trees, bring them back to my shed and*---and---" he frowned as he realized the only end to this [metaphor was fire][].
34He ran his fingers through his hair in a self-soothing gesture.
36"I need to build some furniture" he thought.
38[No bird did]: last-passenger.html
39[only be classified]: last-bastion.html
40[metaphor was fire]: the-night-we-met.html
diff --git a/src/leg.txt b/src/leg.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 6d9112c..0000000 --- a/src/leg.txt +++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
2title: Leg
3id: leg
4genre: prose
7 title: "Buildings out of air: Paul in the Woods"
8 class: paul
9 order: 12
10 next:
11 - title: Planks
12 link: planks
13 - title: Man
14 link: man
15 prev:
16 - title: Toilet
17 link: toilet
18 - title: Leaf
19 link: leaf
22His first chair was a stool.
23It was an [uneven wobbly stool][] that would not support even forty pounds.
24"So my first chair is a broken stool" he said after nearly breaking his tailbone on the dirt floor.
25"Maybe I should start again but this time only with legs."
26He began again but this time only with legs.
27He built [one leg][], which means he cut a straight piece of wood down to four feet in length, whittled the bark off, and sanded it down smooth in what he was now calling his Woodworking Shack.
28He typed up a note on how to make chair legs.
32> 1. get longish piece of wood
33> 2. cut it to length ([4 feet][] I'd
34> recommend)
35> 3. whittle off bark
36> 4. sand smooth the leg
38After he tried remembered tried standing the leg up, failing, and after much thought realizing that the ends needed to be flat, he typed one more line on his notecard:
40> 5. make ends flat
42He had no tools with which to flatten the ends of his leg.
44[uneven wobbly stool]: stump.html
45[one leg]: i-think-its-you.html
46[4 feet]: boar.html
diff --git a/src/likingthings.txt b/src/likingthings.txt deleted file mode 100644 index b48ec77..0000000 --- a/src/likingthings.txt +++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
2title: Liking Things
3id: likingthings
4genre: prose
7 title: Book of Hezekiah
8 class: hezekiah
9 order: 7
10 prev:
11 - title: Problems
12 link: problems
15The definition of happiness is *doing stuff that you really like*.
16That stuff can be eating soup, going to the bathroom, walking the dog, playing Dungeons and Dragons; whatever keeps your mind off the fact that you're so goddamn unhappy all the time.
17That, incidentally, is the definition of like: *that feeling you get when you forget how miserable you are for just a little bit*.
18Thus people like doing stuff they like all the time, as often as possible; because if they remember how horrible they really feel at not having a background to put themselves against, they will want to hurt themselves and those around them.
20The funny thing is that something we people really like to do is hurt ourselves and those around us.
21We do this by thinking other people are more unhappy than we are.
22We convince themselves that we are truly happy, ecstatic even, while they merely plod around life half-heartedly, or, if they're lucky, incorrectly.
23We take it upon ourselves (seeing as we are so happy, and can spare a little bit of happiness) to help them become happy as well.
24We fail to realize that the people will probably not appreciate our thinking that we're better than they are somehow, for that is what we do even if we don't mean it.
25We forget that we are also unhappy, and that we are just doing things we like in order to cheer ourselves up a little bit, which really means that this cheering is working; but there is such a thing as working too well.
26So in a sense what I'm doing here is cheering myself up by reminding you that you are unhappy; I'm trying to keep you honest in your unhappiness; and I admit this is usually called a dick move.
28In fact, the best way to overcome happy-hungering (this is the term as I dub it) is commit as many dick moves as possible, to keep people remembering that unhappiness abounds.
29If you see someone smiling like a little dog who knows it's about to get pet or get a treat or go to the vet to donate doggy sperm, smile back.
30Grin toothily (a little too toothily for a little too long).
31Their smile will start to fade if you're doing it right.
32Saunter to them, slide as if you're an Olympic quality ice-skater, as if you're a really good bowler who knows he's playing against twelve year olds and'll win by a hundred.
33Get really close.
34Far too close for what most people would call comfort.
35And remind them of how awful life can be: "I really like your [shirt][]---really only children chained to looms can get that tight of a weave," you can say, or "You're not really going to recycle that coffee cup, are you?"
36They will probably get angry, but that's what's supposed to happen.
37By making dick moves, you can overcome what may be the biggest evil on this earth: Happy-Hungering.
39[shirt]: theoceanoverflowswithcamels.html
diff --git a/src/listen.txt b/src/listen.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 1a6b05a..0000000 --- a/src/listen.txt +++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
2title: Listen
3id: listen
4genre: verse
7 title: Autocento of the breakfast table
8 class: autocento
11If you swallow hard enough \
12you'll [feel the stone][] \
13the one we all have waiting
15Once I [found the stone][] in \
16the sea it kissed me as \
17[the sea pawed at my back][]
19[the sea pawed at my back]: the-sea_the-beach.html
20[feel the stone]: serengeti.html
21[found the stone]: plant.html
diff --git a/src/love-as-god.txt b/src/love-as-god.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 12a45ca..0000000 --- a/src/love-as-god.txt +++ /dev/null
@@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
2title: Love as God
3id: love-as-god
4genre: verse
7 title: Stark Raving
8 class: stark
9 order: 13
10 next:
11 - title: Worse looking over
12 link: worse-looking-over
13 - title: L'appel du vide
14 link: lappel-du-vide
15 prev:
16 - title: Initial conditions
17 link: initial-conditions
18 - title: Ouroboros of memory
19 link: ouroboros_memory
22[God is love][], they say, but there [is][] \
23no god. Therefore, how can there be love? \
24And if there is no love, how can there be God? \
25There are things in life, I suppose, \
26that are simply unanswerable mysteries \
27of existence. Maybe this God and love are one.
29Maybe there are many loves, instead of one. \
30The difference between [what isn't][] and what is \
31could merely be one of scope. The mystery \
32is how we speak only of one love--- \
33to act as though we know we are supposed \
34to love only one other, or that one other and God.
36But supposing that one other is God? \
37What then? Is the God-lover to walk alone, \
38supported by God only when He feels He is supposed \
39to support her? What kind of love is \
40this? I would argue in fact this isn't love, \
41this [one-set-of-footprints-in-the-sand][] mystery.
43How to define two loves as one is the mystery. \
44It's obvious to many there is a thing called God, \
45and just as obvious that there is one called love. \
46Maybe we fool ourselves, we who can't be alone; \
47maybe we don't know what either God or love is. \
48Maybe, and perhaps; but I for one propose
50that we as only humans are not supposed \
51to know or understand capital-L Life, that mystery. \
52Isn't it enough to know that God is \
53love, and love is God, \
54no matter which one \
55does or does not exist? What is life, if no love,
57if no God? [Maybe][Maybe1] this saying, "God is love," \
58is less a definition of God what what love is supposed \
59to be. Of these two terms, [maybe2][] the one \
60we should capitalize is Love, that great mystery \
61of chemistry and longing. Maybe "Love is god" \
62is a more fitting [epigraph][] for what life is
64[made of:][made of] Love, that most delicate, most misty \
66of all emotions, is supposed to be their god, \
67as the one that binds us, that was, that will be, that is.
69[is]: i-wanted-to-tell-you-something.html
70[God is love]:
71[what isn't]: largest-asteroid.html
73[Maybe1]: cereal.html
74[maybe2]: death-zone.html
75[epigraph]: epigraph.html
76[made of]: tapestry.html
diff --git a/src/lovesong.txt b/src/lovesong.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 9f86d19..0000000 --- a/src/lovesong.txt +++ /dev/null
@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
2title: Love Song
3id: lovesong
4genre: prose
7 title: Elegies for alternate selves
8 class: elegies
9 order: 15
10 prev:
11 - title: How it happened
12 link: howithappened
13 next:
14 - title: Rough gloves
15 link: roughgloves
18Walking along in the dark is a good way to begin a song.
19Walking home in the dark after a long day chasing criminals is another.
20Running away from an imagined evil is no way to begin a story.
22I am telling you this because you wanted to know what it's like to tell something so beautiful everyone will cry.
23I am telling you because I want you to know what it is to keep everything inside of you.
24I am telling you.
26Can you see?
27Can you see into me and reach in your hand and pull me inside out, like an [old shirt][]?
28Will you wear me until I unravel on your shoulders, will you cut me apart and use my skin to clean up the cola you spill on the floor when you're drunk?
30I want you to know that I want you to know.
31Do you want me?
32To know is to know.
33I, you want we.
34We want.
35That is why we're here.
36To want is to be is to want and I want you.
37Do you also?
38Check yes or no.
40There is a way to end every story, [every song][].
41Every criminal must be caught.
42Even those who cry dry their tears.
43I cannot tell you all I want because I want to tell you everything.
44There is no art because there is no mirror big enough.
45We wake up every day.
46Sometimes we sleep.
48[old shirt]: ronaldmcdonald.html
49[every song]: swansong.html
diff --git a/src/makefile b/src/makefile deleted file mode 100644 index b637494..0000000 --- a/src/makefile +++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
1# Produce HTML & RIVER outputs with pandoc
2# Case Duckworth |
3# inspired by Lincoln Mullen |
5# Define directories, file lists, and options
6HTMLdir = ..
7RIVdir = ../river
8LUAdir = ../lua
9HTMLs := $(patsubst %.txt,%.html,$(wildcard *.txt))
10HTMopts = --template=$(HTMLdir)/.template.html
11HTMopts+= --smart --mathml --section-divs
12RIVERs := $(patsubst %.txt,%.river,$(wildcard *.txt))
13RIVopts =
14LOZENGE = ../js/lozenge.js
15LOZupd = ../js/
17# Do everything
18.PHONY: all html river lozenge
19all : html river lozenge
20html : $(HTMLs)
21river : $(RIVERs)
22lozenge : $(LOZENGE)
24# Generic rule for HTML targets and Markdown sources
25%.html : %.txt
26 pandoc $< -f markdown -t html5 $(HTMopts) -o $(HTMLdir)/$@
28# Generic rule for RIVER targets and Markdown sources
29%.river : %.txt
30 @echo River-ing $@
31 @sed -e '/^---$$/,/^...$$/d'\
32 -e "s/[^][A-Za-z0-9\/\"':.-]/ /g" $< |\
33 pandoc - -f markdown -t $(LUAdir)/river.lua $(RIVopts) -o $(RIVdir)/$@
35$(LOZENGE) : $(HTMLdir)/$(HTMLs)
36 @echo "Updating lozenge.js..."
37 @list=`ls $(HTMLdir)/*.html |\
38 sed -e 's,../,,g' |\
39 tr '\n' ' ' |\
40 sed -e 's/\(\S\+.html\) /"\1",/g'\
41 -e 's/^\(.*\),$$/var files=[\1]/'` &&\
42 sed -i "s/var files=.*/$$list/" $(LOZENGE)
43# TODO: add compiling hapax
44# TODO: add first line compiler
diff --git a/src/man.txt b/src/man.txt deleted file mode 100644 index c59084e..0000000 --- a/src/man.txt +++ /dev/null
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
2title: Man
3id: man
4genre: prose
7 image: tbedemugshot.jpg
8 title: This man refused to open his eyes
9 link: ''
12 title: "Buildings out of air: Paul in the Woods"
13 class: paul
14 order: 22
15 next:
16 - title: Snow
17 link: snow
18 - title: Notes
19 link: notes
20 prev:
21 - title: Cereal
22 link: cereal
23 - title: Leg
24 link: leg
29Paul read this on an old mugshot in the library.
30He had taken the [bus][] into town to check out a few books on woodworking and got distracted by the True Crime section.
31He found this mugshot in a book titled _Crooks like Us_ that was published in Sydney.
32He liked how cities were named after women, or how women were named after cities, whichever was true.
34The man in the picture's eyes were tightly shut, as though he'd just come into the brightness of day after being dark inside for a long time.
35His head was tilted up and slightly to the right.
36He was wearing a short light tie with hash marks, and a pinstripe suit.
37Paul wished the [photograph][] was in color.
38He was standing in front of a plain brown wall covered in fabric.
40The man's eyes were not so tightly shut as Paul first thought.
41His eyebrows lifted away from the eyes, giving the man a bemused look.
42His mouth was slightly opened in what seemed to Paul like a grin.
43This was accentuated by the man's ears, which were large.
44Paul wasn't sure why the ears made the man look happier.
45He wondered what crime he had committed.
47Above the man's head was written [_T. BEDE.22.11.28 / 203 A_.][emilia]
48_THIS MAN REFUSED TO OPEN HIS EYES_ was written over his suit, directly below his ribcage.
51[bus]: boy_bus.html
52[photograph]: about-the-author.html
diff --git a/src/manifesto_poetics.txt b/src/manifesto_poetics.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 988c047..0000000 --- a/src/manifesto_poetics.txt +++ /dev/null
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
2title: Manifesto of poetics
3id: manifesto_poetics
4genre: prose
7 title: Stark raving
8 class: stark
11What is a poem?
12I think it was Yeats that called a poem "the best words in the best order," and that isn't an inaccurate description, but I don't think it captures all of what a poem is.
13[Let me start][] with communication.
15Communication is a transaction, an exchange between two people or entities, in which one (the Speaker/Writer/Communicator) gives the other (the Reader/Listener/Consumer) a \
16set of ideas / \
17a wireframe organization of a concept / \
18a set of reasons/instructions for action.
19In many kinds of communication, for example speeches, reports, or advertisements, the kind of ideas transacted are generally factual/logical/brain-based in nature.
20In art, these ideas are emotional/heart-based.
21In short, Art is to Emotion as an [Article][] is to Information.
22I think art should strive to transmit the emotion the author feels as efficiently as possible to the reader of that art.
24In order to do this, multiple notation systems have been devised.
25Music is the most notable example that comes to mind, as it has the most rigid style, but grammar, as used self-consciously in writing, would be another example.
26Poetry has only a very loose set of rules and assumptions that allow it a sort of notational language, and this is complicated by the fact that when writing poetry, the author writes for a different medium: poetry is meant to be performed aloud.
27This makes the notation system even more important, but again, it's hard to come up with a system that will be read mostly the same by most people.
29What I've been trying to do since I began writing is develop a personal notation system, or what I think most would refer to as my "voice" as a poet/writer (I personally don't like the word "poet," as it sounds pretentious to me; I'm aware I should get over this).
31However, there were some places that still needed improving from my draft manuscript: most notably, my prose in "Rip Tide of Memory" (now only "Rip Tide") and "AMBER Alert."
32I rewrote each to tighten their syntactic and idea rhythm, to make them move more lightly and gracefully.
34The most notable difference in my series is the reordering of poems within it.
35I think that in my first draft, I spent so much time on getting my individual poems tight and polished that I threw them together somewhat haphazardly, using a loose thematic correspondence with the fake "Table of contents."
36With the new order, I hope this has been fixed: the piece consists of six sections, each with three poems (A new one, "Everything stays the same," makes the totals correct).
37Each section has a thematic/emotional/personal element that ties the sections together.
38They are ordered by the order in which I wrote the sestinas at the beginning of each section, which works out to make the series move from identity to memory to a feeling of universal justice, and from there to a discussion of death and (something like) love that culminates in an exploration of the nature of time and cosmology.
39The piece is bookended by the fake "Table of contents" (provided at the end as an ironic commentary on the rest of the text) and an "About the author" section.
40I think it works better this way, and I think the "About the author" at the beginning serves as a fair prelude poem to the piece.
42I'm excited to be a writer like I haven't been before.
44[Let me start]: prelude.html
45[Article]: README.html#fn1
diff --git a/src/moon-drowning.txt b/src/moon-drowning.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 3287895..0000000 --- a/src/moon-drowning.txt +++ /dev/null
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
2title: The Moon is drowning
3id: moon-drowning
4genre: verse
7 title: Stark Raving
8 class: stark
9 order: 3
10 next:
11 - title: Something about all music being performances of _4&prime;33&Prime;_ in places where other bands happen to be playing
12 link: music-433
13 - title: Worse looking over
14 link: worse-looking-over
15 prev:
16 - title: Something about the nature of poetry and time
17 link: poetry-time
18 - title: The Big Dipper
19 link: big-dipper
22[The moon is drowning][] the stars it pushes them \
23under into the darkness they cannot breathe \
24they are flailing the moon boasts to my shadow \
25how powerful is the moon how great its light
27My shadow nods and calls the moon father though \
28it acknowledges also the existence of others \
29headlights are like little moons father my shadow says \
30they pass like waves in a dark ocean
32Father moon becomes angry and threatens \
33I can maroon you shadow I can trap you in darkness \
34your strength comes from my own the little moons \
35are fleeting like foam on a darkened sea
37My shadow fears the night as it fears death \
38but it remembers the moon's strength is from another \
39my shadow wants the headlights like an ocean \
40might want the moon as a seducer as a lover
42[The moon is drowning]: moongone.html
diff --git a/src/moongone.txt b/src/moongone.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 6504823..0000000 --- a/src/moongone.txt +++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
2title: The moon is gone and in its place a mirror
3id: moongone
4genre: prose
7 image: moongone.jpg
8 title: The moon is gone
9 link: ''
12 title: Elegies for alternate selves
13 class: elegies
14 order: 18
15 prev:
16 - title: Ronald McDonald
17 link: ronaldmcdonald
18 next:
19 - title: The mountain
20 link: mountain
23The moon is gone and in its place a mirror. Looking at the night sky now
24yields nothing but the viewer's own face as viewed from a million miles,
25surrounded by the landscape he is only vaguely aware of being surrounded
26by. He believes that he is [alone][], surrounded by desert and mountain, but
27behind him---he now sees it---someone is sneaking up on him. He spins around
28fast, but no one is there on [Earth][]. He looks back up and they are yet
29closer in the night sky. Again he looks over his shoulder but there is
30nothing, not even a desert mouse. As he looks up again he realizes it's
31a cloud above him, which due to optics has looked like someone else. The
32cloud blocks out the moon which is now a mirror, and the viewer is
33completely alone.
35[alone]: apollo11.html
36[Earth]: serengeti.html
diff --git a/src/mountain.txt b/src/mountain.txt deleted file mode 100644 index abfac30..0000000 --- a/src/mountain.txt +++ /dev/null
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
2title: The mountain
3id: mountain
4genre: verse
7 title: Elegies for alternate selves
8 class: elegies
9 order: 19
10 prev:
11 - title: The moon is gone and in its place a mirror
12 link: moonegone
13 next:
14 - title: Serengeti
15 link: serengeti
18The other side of this mountain \
19is not the mountain. This side \
20is honey-golden, sticky-sweet, \
21full of phone conversations with mother. \
22The other side is a bell, \
23ringing in the church-steeple \
24the day mother died.
26The other side of the mountain \
27[is not a mountain. It is a dark][apollo] \
28valley crossed by a river. \
29There is a ferry at the bottom.
31This mountain is not a mountain. \
32I walked to the top, but it turned \
33and was only a shelf halfway up. \
34I felt like an unused Bible \
35sitting on a [dusty pew][].
37A hawk soars over the mountain. \
38She is looking for home.
40[apollo]: apollo11.html
41[dusty pew]: and.html
diff --git a/src/movingsideways.txt b/src/movingsideways.txt deleted file mode 100644 index c532447..0000000 --- a/src/movingsideways.txt +++ /dev/null
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
2title: Moving Sideways
3id: movingsideways
4genre: prose
7 title: Book of Hezekiah
8 class: hezekiah
9 order: 5
10 next:
11 - title: Problems
12 link: problems
13 prev:
14 - title: Proverbs
15 link: proverbs
18A dog moving sideways is sick; a man moving sideways is drunk.
19Thus if you want to be mindful of the movings of the universe sideways, become either drunk or sick.
20By doing this you remove yourself from the equation, and are able to observe, without being observed, the universe as it dances sideways drunkenly.
22Shit wait.
23The problem is not that by observing you are observed (although quantum mechanics may disagree[^1]), because obviously dogs don't know we're observing them when we watch them through cameras in their little yard while they play and eat and poop---who poops knowingly on camera?
24The problem is *the actual act of observing that distorts the world into what we want it to be*.
26What I want to know is this: Why is this necessarily a problem?
27The dog is made, by mankind, to frolic and poop and sniff and growl and dig.
28Why cannot the man be made to observe the world incorrectly around him, and worry about it?
29Men have always wandered about the earth; does it not make sense that also they should wonder in their minds what makes it all work?[^2]
30In fact this is the very center of the creative being: the ability to move sideways, to dance with reality and judge it as it judges you, much like teenagers at the junior prom.
32Of course, reality doesn't judge us back.
33But that doesn't mean that it doesn't!
34If you think it's judging you, then *observe in your surroundings your own insecurities*.
35It is obvious that this way of doing things is far from vogue; usually projecting [inner pain][] onto the outer world is classified as pathology.
36However, this is because it is assumed that the outer world is *on its own terms*, which it obviously isn't, as far as we know.
37It follows that as [there is no backdrop][backdrop] against which to judge our quirks, the quirks must not exist.
38Thus all is right with the world.
40[inner pain]: telemarketer.html
41[backdrop]: philosophy.html
43[^1]: Quantum mechanics, as is well known, are the most hornery and
44 least agreeable of all mechanics. The cost to get one quantum
45 serviced is usually at least eight times more expensive than the
46 cost of an average automobile tune-up, for reasons not clearly
47 known. The quantum mechanics themselves claim it's the smallness of
48 their work that justifies the price, but it doesn't really look like
49 they're doing anything, and besides, my quantum always seems to
50 break again within six months---maybe I'm just driving it too hard.
52[^2]: I attempted to strike this terrible pun from the account, but
53 Hezekiah demanded I keep it if he were to continue the relation of
54 his prophecy-slash-advice column.
diff --git a/src/music-433.txt b/src/music-433.txt deleted file mode 100644 index c75f931..0000000 --- a/src/music-433.txt +++ /dev/null
@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
2title: Something
3id: music-433
4subtitle: 'about all music being performances of _4&prime;33&Prime;_ in places where other bands happen to be playing'
5genre: verse
7dedication: '[Randall]('
10 title: Stark Raving
11 class: stark
12 order: 18
13 next:
14 - title: Riptide of memory
15 link: riptide_memory
16 - title: About the author
17 link: about-the-author
18 prev:
19 - title: The Moon is drowning
20 link: moon-drowning
21 - title: The Sixteenth Chapel
22 link: sixteenth-chapel
25Silence lies underneath us all in the same way \
26[the Nile has a river underneath ten times as large][nile] \
27(although this is an urban legend, apparently).
29So underneath [truth][] or legend, flowing by \
30the feel of their own [silence][], move the stars: \
31silence lies underneath us all in the same way.
33[John Cage][433], I think, understood this: the way \
34that, in a silent room, one still hears the nerves \
35(although this is an urban legend, apparently),
37or the heart, which I find more easily \
38believable: there simply is no way that, by and large, \
39silence lies underneath us all in the same way.
41There must be different silences, because we \
42have different [songs][] to drown them out, different gods \
43(although these are urban legends, apparently).
45But is not all [sound one sound][]? You and I \
46are two faces to the same head, the same body. \
47Silence lies underneath us all in the same way--- \
48although this is an urban legend, apparently.
51[truth]: phone.html
52[silence]: nothing-is-ever-over.html
53[songs]: swansong.html
54[sound one sound]: swansong-alt.html
55[nile]: "Personals"
diff --git a/src/no-nothing.txt b/src/no-nothing.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 2b97892..0000000 --- a/src/no-nothing.txt +++ /dev/null
@@ -1,72 +0,0 @@
2title: No nothing
3id: no-nothing
4genre: verse
7 title: Autocento of the breakfast table
8 class: autocento
11| While [swimming in the river][]
12| I saw [underneath it a river][]
13| of stars. Only there was no
14| river: it was noon. You can
15| say the sun is a river; you
16| can argue the stars back it
17| like [shirts behind a closet][]
18| door; you can say [the earth][]
19| holds us up with its weight
20| or that it means well or it
21| means anything.
22| There is no
23| closet, [nor door][]; there are
24| no shirts hanging anywhere.
25| There is no false wall that
26| leads deep into the earth's
27| bowels, [growing warmer][] with
28| each step. Warmth as a con-
29| cept has ceased to make any
30| sense. In contraposition to
31| cold, it might, but cold as
32| well [stepped out][] last night
33| and hasn't returned.
34| Last I
35| heard, it went out swimming
36| and [might've drowned][]. Trees
37| were the pallbearers at the
38| funeral, the train was long
39| and wailful, there was much
40| [wailing and gnashing][] of all
41| teeth--though there were no
42| teeth, no train, no funeral
43| or prayer or trees at all--
44| nor a [river underneath][] any-
45| thing. There was nothing to
46| be underneath anymore.
47| Look
48| around, and tell me you see
49| something. Look around, and
50| tell me something that I do
51| not know. I know, more than
52| anything, that the world is
53| always ending. Behind that,
54| there is nothing, save that
55| there is no nothing either.
57| Nothing somehow still turns
58| and flows past us, past all
59| time and beyond it, a river
60| returning, to its forgotten
61| origins deep within itself.
63[swimming in the river]: father.html
64[shirts behind a closet]: lovessong.html
65[the earth]: big-dipper.html
66[nor door]: amber-alert.html
67[growing warmer]: real-writer.html
68[stepped out]: i-think-its-you.html
69[might've drowned]: in-bed.html
70[wailing and gnashing]:
71[river underneath]: howtoread.html
72[underneath it a river]: music-433.html
diff --git a/src/notes.txt b/src/notes.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 1a3f52d..0000000 --- a/src/notes.txt +++ /dev/null
@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
2title: Notes
3id: notes
4genre: prose
7 title: "Buildings out of air: Paul in the Woods"
8 class: paul
9 order: 8
10 next:
11 - title: Shed
12 link: shed
13 - title: Options
14 link: options
15 prev:
16 - title: Writing
17 link: writing
18 - title: Man
19 link: man
22Paul began typing on notecards.
23Somehow this felt right to his sensibilities.
24It was difficult to get the little cards into the typewriter.
25It was a pain to readjust the typewriter for regular paper when he wasn't writing.
26He started typing everything on those little notecards: grocery lists, letters to his grandmother, [even reports for work][] (which is what got him in trouble).
28But this was all later.
29For now he was writing his ideas, "notes" he now called them, something for him to combine later into something.
30He didn't like to think about it.
31On this particular [cold winter morning][], he wrote
33> Woke up from a [dream][] I was famous.
34> One of the more famous people in
35> fact. I had written something
36> everyone could relate to and at
37> the same time proved my parents
38> wrong. Because I made a lot of
39> money. Or not a lot, but enough
40> and more than they thought I
41> would. It was a good day.
42> Woke up this morning and I was
43> still cold. [Still Paul.][] Still not
44> good at furniture.
46[even reports for work]: telemarketer.html
47[cold winter morning]: seasonal-affective-disorder.html
48[dream]: in-bed.html
49[Still Paul.]: something-simple.html
diff --git a/src/nothing-is-ever-over.txt b/src/nothing-is-ever-over.txt deleted file mode 100644 index a26d985..0000000 --- a/src/nothing-is-ever-over.txt +++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
2title: Nothing is ever over
3id: nothing-is-ever-over
4genre: verse
7 title: Autocento of the breakfast table
8 class: autocento
11[Nothing is ever over][]; nothing \
12is ever even begun. The foundation \
13hasn't been laid; how can we hope \
14to put in the plumbing? The bed \
15is unmade, not even made; the wood \
16[hasn't been cleft from the tree][]; \
17the seed hasn't been cast \
18out of water and growth and sun, \
19which itself hasn't started shining. \
20The cock has never stopped crowing \
21because he never started. Peter \
22[betrays us again][] and again with \
23silence. Christ wakes up at night, \
24[choking from a bad dream][], wrists \
25aching from a dreamt, torturous pain.
27[choking from a bad dream]: in-bed.html
28[Nothing is ever over]: no-nothing.html
29[hasn't been cleft from the tree]: axe.html
30[betrays us again]: spittle.html
diff --git a/src/on-genre-dimension.txt b/src/on-genre-dimension.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 088b489..0000000 --- a/src/on-genre-dimension.txt +++ /dev/null
@@ -1,91 +0,0 @@
2title: On genre and the dimensionality of poetry
3id: on-genre-dimension
4genre: prose
7 title: Autocento of the breakfast table
8 class: autocento
11How does one describe a poem?
13A genre is a set of creative outputs that fit a given set of criteria.
14Genres are useful as a sort of shorthand when describing a thing of art: instead of noting, for example, all of the objects depicted in a still-life that aren't people or land-features, we call it a still-life and get on to describing how the objects interrelate to each other on the canvas.
15If you ask me what kind of painting I'm working on, and I say, "a still-life," you have an expectation of certain elements the painting will contain.
16If you happen to be an agent and try to sell the painting later, you'll say to your prospective buyers, "It's a still-life," and whether the buyer is over the phone or standing in the gallery, they'll know whether they'll like it or not based on whether they like still-lifes.
17In the same way, they can call you up and ask if you have any still-lifes for sale right now, and get a simple yes-or-no answer for it.
18This is the first kind of genre, and it applies well within separate types of fundamentally-different media, such as painting, sculpture, film, or the written word.
20A poem, obviously, is in this last category, and for some reason its designation is hairier than others'.
21People refer to all sorts of art, or even dispassionate events, as poetry; dancing is called "poetry in motion," for example.
22I think the confusion is caused in part by the nature of writing as a medium, namely in that it captures thoughts more clearly and communicably than other art forms.
23While a picture can be "worth a thousand words," as the old cliché goes, when those words are actually written out they can contain shades of meaning impossible to capture in the picture itself, at least as quickly as they can be absorbed in writing.
24It seems as though writing is akin to the fundamental nature of thought, or at least of spoken language, which our thought is steeped in.
26So we know what _writing_ is.
27What is a _poem_?
28Especially in a world with such forms as prose poetry, flash fiction, short-shorts, lyrical essays, [lyrical _ballads_][], et cetera, what makes a poem a poem?
30I read an essay once that lamented the unidimensionality of writing.
31It posited that prose is really just a long, wrapped line of text that's bound by time---when you read a novel, for example, you really must start at the beginning and read through to the end, in order.
32Some newer forms of fiction are changing this, such as the Choose-Your-Own-Adventure genre in the 1970s and 80s, or hyperfiction found online, which raises the question for me if these newer forms could be considered on some level to be poetry.
34This is because poetry has more than one dimension, due to its linear nature---those line breaks are intentional, and the poem can't just fit into any-sized book or web page.
35If prose is a liquid, filling any container it's placed in with a constant volume, poetry is more like a crystallized form of prose, or to put it another way, poetry has between [one and two dimensions][].
36I wouldn't say that poetry has fully two dimensions, except for some of the more conceptually visual stuff that I'd call a word-picture anyway, because from line to line that unidimensionality of prose remains.
37Poetry has a higher dimensionality than prose, though, because it's crystallized there on the page; this fractal-dimensionality of poetry has interesting side effects on the genre itself.
39For one thing, poetry isn't as bound by time as prose is.
40It can, as Marianne Boruch writes, resist "narrative sequence," or "the forward press of _time_ itself," due to its repetitions and diversions, which are in turn made possible or more apparent by its line breaks.
41It's able to meditate on a subject, or expand on it lyrically, exploring the emotions connected with the images in the poem, or the connections between images.
42Through repitition of sounds, the poem builds meaning through resonance and rhyming, something that's harder to do in prose.
43Take, for example, the first lines of "[The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock][]:"
45> LET us go then, you and I, \
46> When the evening is spread out against the sky \
47> Like a patient etherized upon a table; \
48> Let us go, through certain half-deserted streets, \
49> The muttering retreats \
50> Of restless nights in one-night cheap hotels \
51> And sawdust restaurants with oyster-shells: \
52> Streets that follow like a tedious argument \
53> Of insidious intent \
54> To lead you to an overwhelming question.... \
55> Oh, do not ask, "What is it?" \
56> Let us go and make our visit.
58And here it is again, without line breaks:
60> LET us go then, you and I,
61> when the evening is spread out against the sky
62> like a patient etherized upon a table;
63> let us go, through certain half-deserted streets,
64> the muttering retreats
65> of restless nights in one-night cheap hotels
66> and sawdust restaurants with oyster-shells:
67> streets that follow like a tedious argument
68> of insidious intent
69> to lead you to an overwhelming question....
70> Oh, do not ask, "What is it?"
71> Let us go and make our visit.
73The end-rhymes that do so much for the sound of the poem are gone, and so part of the meaning of the poem---its obsessive self-consciousness, its paranoia---are gone as well.
74Additionally, line breaks act as punctuation in the entirety of this [fragment][]; without them, the meaning becomes obscured in the long first sentence of the poem.
76Perhaps due to this dwelling on scene, or on all aspects of a single scene at one time, poetry tends to be heavy on images, or lyrical.
77I think this is what's generally meant when someone describes a dance as "poetic," or a story or anything else: I think they really mean "lyrical," or maybe "beautiful." The images form sort of a narrative as the reader moves through them, as Cesare Pavese says, that's nevertheless [different than a traditional narrative][]: this "image narrative" jumps from image to image not by a logical progression but by the resonances between the images that run underneath them, on almost a subliminal plane.
78Almost without noticing, the reader of a poem is taken on an emotional journey that's not necessarily connected to the images of the poem, themselves.
80Poetry is a manipulation of emotion, or a communication of it.
81Prose has the space, the time to describe what's going on, even if the author stands by the old adage of "show, don't tell."
82_Showing_ in prose inherently involves more telling than poetry does, as poetry communicates a feeling itself.
83This definition may be broad enough to include certain dance performances or paintings, but that's okay.
84I'm of the opinion that the more useful genre distinctions are those which describe the thing technically: _verse_, for example, or _lyrical_.
85_Poetry_ is almost a value judgement, and that makes me a little uncomfortable.
87[lyrical _ballads_]:
88[one and two dimensions]:
89[The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock]:
90[fragment]: statements-frag.html
91[different than a traditional narrative]:
diff --git a/src/onformalpoetry.txt b/src/onformalpoetry.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 56ee52d..0000000 --- a/src/onformalpoetry.txt +++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
2title: On formal poetry
3id: onformalpoetry
4genre: verse
7 title: Elegies for alternate selves
8 class: elegies
9 order: 12
10 prev:
11 - title: Feeding the raven
12 link: feedingtheraven
13 next:
14 - title: I am
15 link: i-am
18I think that I could write formal poems \
19exclusively, or at least inclusive \
20with all the other stuff I write \
21I guess. Of course, I've already written \
22a few, this one included, though "formal" \
23is maybe a stretch. Is blank verse a form? \
24What is form anyway? I picture old \
25women counting [stitches on their knitting][knitting], \
26keeping iambs next to iambs in lines \
27as straight and sure as arrows. But my sock \
28is lumpy, poorly made: it's beginning \
29to unravel. Stresses don't line up. Syl- \
30lables forced to fit like [McNugget][] molds. \
31That cliché on the arrow? I'm aware. \
32My prepositions too---God, where's it stop? \
33The answer: never. I will never stop \
34writing poems, or hating what I write.
36[knitting]: roughgloves.html
37[McNugget]: ronaldmcdonald.html
diff --git a/src/options.txt b/src/options.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 7bdbaa4..0000000 --- a/src/options.txt +++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
2title: Options
3id: options
4genre: prose
7 title: "Buildings out of air: Paul in the Woods"
8 class: paul
9 order: 26
10 next:
11 - title: Stagnant
12 link: stagnant
13 - title: Paul
14 link: paul
15 prev:
16 - title: Swear
17 link: swear
18 - title: Notes
19 link: notes
22What did he do when he was in the woods?
23Where did he go?
24Was there always one spot, one clearing deep within the heart of them, that he would visit?
25Did he talk to the trees or only to himself?
26When he chopped down trees, did he leave them there to rot in the quiet or did he drag them out of the woods, behind his Shack, and [dismember them][]?
27Did he use any for firewood, or did the pieces rot behind his Shack, forgotten?
28When was the last time he built any furniture?
29Did he get any better at building it or did he just quit at some point, let the desire to create fall behind him like a forgotten felled tree?
31A tree fell in the forest: did it make a noise?
32Paul typed his thoughts on cards, or wrote them in a book: did anyone read it?
33If anyone did, was his life changed?
34For the better or the worse?
35Did he glance at the mess in the top drawer of his Writing Desk as he cleaned the Shack out long after Paul had quit using it?
36Did he put tools in there or leave it empty?
37[What did he do with the desk?][]
38Did he add it to the pile of rotting wood out back, or did he chop it up for a bonfire with friends, or a cozy fire with his wife and children, or did he take it to the dump three miles away to rot there?
39Are these all the options?
41Did Paul ever think about any of this?
42Walking in the woods one afternoon after becoming frustrated with his writing, did he sit on a stump and cry?
43Did he wonder whether he should have made other choices?
44Did he consider quitting smoking?
46[dismember them]: weplayedthosegamestoo.html
47[What did he do with the desk?]: finding-the-lion.html
diff --git a/src/ouroboros_memory.txt b/src/ouroboros_memory.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 732d525..0000000 --- a/src/ouroboros_memory.txt +++ /dev/null
@@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
2title: Ouroboros of Memory
3id: ouroboros_memory
4genre: prose
7 content: |
8 He used his body to remember
9 his body, but in the end could only
10 remember the string.
11 attrib: Jonathan Safran Foer
12 link: ''
15 title: Stark Raving
16 class: stark
17 order: 12
18 next:
19 - title: L'appel du vide
20 link: lappel-du-vide
21 - title: Love as God
22 link: love-as-god
23 prev:
24 - title: Table of contents
25 link: table_contents
26 - title: Initial Conditions
27 link: initial-conditions
30[He said][] at the beginning, "It's like rolling yarn into a too-small ball.
31Sure, you can roll the memories around for a while, and maybe even use some of them.
32Eventually, though, you'll wind them all the way out and you'll be left with nothing but a small loop.
33You can tie this loop around your finger, and start wrapping your body, but this is an extension of the same problem.
34You'll turn into a mummy of memory.
35There'll be nothing left underneath but a dead body.
37"But what does it mean, _To remember the body with the body?_
38I imagine a creature made of memory, putting its feet in its mouth, turning into a ball.
39In this way, it could roll all around the landscape of its memory.
40I've tried explaining this to other people, but it doesn't make any sense to them.
41The task of eating one's feet is, to them, an unsolvable problem.
42They seem to forgotten that, as babies, they were able to make themselves into loops.
44"So I increase the count to two: two snakes eating each other's tales, forming a loop.
45In this way they are able to put two heads on one body.
46This doubles the number of memories, which really only exacerbates the problem.
47It's like trying to roll two different materials up into a ball.
48The people I tell this to don't understand this either, they say using two animals makes sense to them.
49They say there must be different types of memory.
51"I disagree with this theory of memory.
52I think there is, at bottom, only one type of anything, with subtypes grouped together along the edge of a loop.
53Color becomes a good metaphor: look how many of them!
54yet they are all consumed by the same part of the body.
55Maybe two different materials are still made of material, and maybe they can be rolled into a ball.
56Maybe there actually never was a problem.
58"Or maybe, and this is more likely, I need to restate the problem.
59I think it all boils down to the fact that I have a truly lousy memory.
60I've tried different mnemonic devices, like imagining each thing I need to remember being visited by a bouncing ball.
61I've tried trying string into finger-loops.
62I've even tried writing the things I need to remember on my body.
63If you asked me, 'Do any of these work,' I would have to answer, 'None of them.'
65"Sometimes in the morning I realize dumbly I've forgotten my words, all of them.
66They generally come back by around ten o'clock, but the frequency with which this is occurring is becoming a problem.
67I feel that my brain is being separated from my body.
68Is there a place in the universe for a misplaced memory?
69Does it eat its own tail and roll around the universe as it loops?
70Does it shrink down and become lost as a tiny ball?
72No matter what happens, eventually _I_ will become _them_ as I lose the last of my memory.
73I won't be able to solve the problem of my being, and my being will become my problem, in an eternal loop.
74I will roll my body into a prenatal ball.
76[He said]: joke.html
diff --git a/src/paul.txt b/src/paul.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 67a019a..0000000 --- a/src/paul.txt +++ /dev/null
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
2title: Paul
3id: paul
4genre: prose
7 title: "Buildings out of air: Paul in the Woods"
8 class: paul
9 order: 38
10 next:
11 - title: Fire
12 link: fire
13 - title: Phone
14 link: phone
15 prev:
16 - title: Father
17 link: father
18 - title: Options
19 link: options
24> - typewriter
25> - writing desk
26> - notecards (top drawer of desk)
27> - [pen][] (fountain)
28> - inkpot (empty)
29> - wood (a lot, more out back)
30> - bare lightbulb
31> - candle
32> - wooden shelf with tools:
33> - claw hammer
34> - screwdriver
35> - prybar
36> - 2x wrench (different kinds)
37> - tiller machine
38> - push lawnmower
39> - hatchet
40> - axe
42He typed the list in the typewriter and looked around some more.
43He wanted to make sure he didn't miss anything.
44Finally it hit him and he smiled.
45He typed one more line, stood up, and went out of the shed.
47> - Paul Bunyon
49He got some kerosene from under the house, poured it around the base of the shed, lit a cigarette.
50He smoked half of it and threw it down to start the fire.
52[pen]: howithappened.html
diff --git a/src/peaches.txt b/src/peaches.txt deleted file mode 100644 index ddb1038..0000000 --- a/src/peaches.txt +++ /dev/null
@@ -1,85 +0,0 @@
2title: Peaches
3id: peaches
4genre: prose
7 title: Autocento of the breakfast table
8 class: autocento
11"My anger is like a peach," he said.
12He was trying to show how metaphors could be anything.
13I thought it worked.
14I wrote it down in my red notebook.
16In my other class, there was a long discussion about the difference between metaphor and simile as they relate to [Prufrock][].
17I could only think about his peaches.
18I wonder if he dared.
20A few years ago my friend dressed up as J. Alfred Prufrock for Halloween.
21Her costume consisted of rolled khaki trousers and a peach.
22(I wonder where she found that in [October][].)
23She was annoyed that she had to tell everyone who she was---"At a writers' party!"
24I don't remember if she ate that peach.
25I do remember the main meal was spaghetti.
27That party was held in a house in Chattanooga, in the basement.
28There was a big back yard where people drank and talked and sat in the darkness.
29Somewhere someone was smoking weed with a visiting writer.
31Earlier that day, [the writer had read a poem about his car accident][sebastian] a year ago, in Georgia, on the interstate.
32It had broken him pretty badly, and his wife, but somehow their child was unharmed.
33He said something about the peach pit being the one place Georgia held sacred.
34He said it was the place where all new things grow.
36I can see how anger could be like a peach: its juice runs out of the mouth and down the chin, dropping onto the pants and staining them.
37In the same way, I can see how [anger is like sex][]: they are both heightened states of emotional observation.
39In Atlanta, there are something like five or ten [Peachtree Streets][].
40I'm not sure if they all connect at some point, but from what I could see, they would have to do some contorting to get to the same point.
41I like to think a giant peach tree grows there, like the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil.
43I was walking down one of Atlanta's Peachtrees with my girlfriend when a man in tight pants, a runner, jogged past us.
44We both agreed he had a marvelous ass.
45I was annoyed, however, when she confessed that she wished I had one like his.
46Later, we ate at a taqueria with peach-habanero salsa.
48[My mother][] would read to us as children.
49The first real books I remember, the first novels, are Island of the Blue Dolphins and James and the Giant Peach.
50I don't remember Island of the Blue Dolphins as well, probably because no movie was made of it.
52There's an independent video rental store where I grew up called [Popcorn Video][], one of the only stores I went to in my hometown that wasn't a chain.
53Every time we went, my sister would rent two movies: _James and the Giant Peach_ and _Home Alone 3_.
55I wasn't allowed to stay home alone, or I don't remember it, until I was fifteen.
56I built a potato cannon out of PVC pipe and a barbecue lighter.
57I would load a potato, spray hairspray into the barrel, and light it.
58Once, the cannon wouldn't light.
59I looked down the barrel and pushed the trigger button to see if I could see a light.
60I forgot that I had already primed the barrel with hairspray.
61I singed my eyebrows and bangs.
63In peach season, my father would bring home a bag of the freestones every week or so.
64He always got the cheap ones, so they were usually dry and pithy, with a stone that fell apart and nearly broke my tooth.
65I don't eat them anymore when I go home.
67My mother would always eat canned peaches with cottage cheese.
68For some reason I didn't think this was common knowledge.
69I showed people how good it was when we went to a buffet: they said "I know."
71To be honest, I'm not even sure what a peach tree looks like.
72I do know what an orange tree looks like, from a backyard in Phoenix, and a fig tree, from a back yard in Chattanooga.
73I also know what a cherry tree looks like, or at least a type of them, from my own backyard at home, as well as mulberry and apple.
74If, for some reason, I find myself lost in a sinister Garden of Eden, I'll at least know a few of the trees I can eat from.
76I always heard growing up that the Fruit of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil was an apple.
77Maybe I'll luck out: maybe it'll be a peach.
80[October]: axe.html
82[anger is like sex]: statements-frag.html
83[Peachtree Streets]:,+Atlanta,+GA/@33.7779425,-84.3843615
84[My mother]: riptide_memory.html
85[Popcorn Video]:
diff --git a/src/philosophy.txt b/src/philosophy.txt deleted file mode 100644 index ce43a28..0000000 --- a/src/philosophy.txt +++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
2title: Philosophy
3id: philosophy
4genre: prose
7 title: Book of Hezekiah
8 class: hezekiah
9 order: 3
10 next:
11 - title: Proverbs
12 link: proverbs
13 prev:
14 - title: The purpose of dogs
15 link: purpose-dogs
18Importance is important.
19But meaning is meaningful.
20Here we are at the crux of the matter, for both meaning and importance are also human-formed.
21So it would seem that nothing is important or meaningful, if importance and meaning are of themselves only products of the fallible human intellect.
22But here is the great secret: *so is the fallibility of the human intellect a mere product of the fallible human intellect.*
23The question here arises: Is anything real, and not a mere invention of a mistaken human mind?
24By real of course I mean "that which is *on its own terms*," that is, without any [modification][] on the part of mankind by observing it.
25But such a thing is impossible to be known, for if it be known it has certainly been observed by someone, and so it is not on its own terms but on the terms of the observer.
26So it cannot be known if anything exists on its own terms, for it exists on its own terms we certainly will not know anything about it.
28By this it is possible to see that nothing is knowable without the mediating factor of our mind fucking up the "[raw][]," the "real" world.
29But by this time it would seem that this chapter is far far too philosophical, not to mention pretentious, so I must try again.
31[modification]: i-am.html
32[raw]: spittle.html
diff --git a/src/phone.txt b/src/phone.txt deleted file mode 100644 index b3c89f5..0000000 --- a/src/phone.txt +++ /dev/null
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
2title: Phone
3id: phone
4genre: prose
7 title: "Buildings out of air: Paul in the Woods"
8 class: paul
9 order: 16
10 next:
11 - title: Tapestry
12 link: tapestry
13 - title: Planks
14 link: planks
15 prev:
16 - title: Treatise
17 link: treatise
18 - title: Paul
19 link: paul
22"Hello Paul this is Jill Jill Noe remember me" the voice on the phone was a woman's.
23He nodded into the receiver.
24"Hello" Jill asked again "hello?"
25Paul remembered that phones work by talking and said "Hello Jill."
27"Do you remember me" she asked "we were in school together?
28How have you been?"
29"Pretty well" said Paul "I've been writing and making furniture."
30"Oh that's nice" [said the woman's voice][] tinny in the phone
31"Listen I ran into your mother at the [Supermarket][] the other day and she said you need a job.
32You still need one?"
33Paul had to tell the truth.
34His mother was watching him out of the corner of her eye as she was playing dominoes at the kitchen table.
35"Yes" he said sighing "Although woodworking takes up much of my time."
37"OK" she laughed uncomortably "I actually have something you could do for me if you think you can get away from woodworking a bit.
38It's just data entry really basic stuff entry-level."
39"What's it pay" he asked.
40"Minimum but there is room for movement."
41"OK" he said.
42"Start on Monday okay?"
43"Sure" he said "bye" and the tin voice in the phone said "Goodbye Paul see you" by the time he put it back on the hook.
45"Who was that" asked his mother.
46"Jill Noe" he said.
47"Oh her was she calling about a job for you?"
48"Yes starts Monday" he said.
49She smiled behind her glasses reflecting dominoes.
51[said the woman's voice]: telemarketer.html
52[Supermarket]: last-bastion.html
diff --git a/src/planks.txt b/src/planks.txt deleted file mode 100644 index de6535e..0000000 --- a/src/planks.txt +++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
2title: Planks
3id: planks
4genre: prose
7 title: "Buildings out of air: Paul in the Woods"
8 class: paul
9 order: 13
10 next:
11 - title: Hardware
12 link: hardware
13 - title: Punch
14 link: punch
15 prev:
16 - title: Leg
17 link: leg
18 - title: Phone
19 link: phone
25This sat alone on a blank notecard in Paul's typewriter.
26He stared at it, sipping at his too-hot coffee.
27This made sense to him.
29He looked at the spot on the wall where he wanted a window to be, at the rough planks above his desk as they were lit by the bare hanging lightbulb.
30He sipped his coffee again.
31It was still too hot.
32His Woodworking Shack was becoming full of wood that was not furniture.
33He feared it would never become so.
35He threw open the door to the snow and the ground below it.
36He reached for his axe on the wall.
37He reconsidered.
38He took a few tentative steps onto the [blankness][] on his own.
39He wasn't cold, not yet.
40He walked into the forest.
41The snow crunched under his feet and [did not echo][].
44[STAYS THE SAME]: howtoread.html
45[blankness]: in-bed.html
46[did not echo]: last-passenger.html
diff --git a/src/plant.txt b/src/plant.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 05d8ad1..0000000 --- a/src/plant.txt +++ /dev/null
@@ -1,132 +0,0 @@
2title: Litany for a plant
3id: plant
4genre: verse
7 title: Autocento of the breakfast table
8 class: autocento
11I need a plant. I need a thing \
12to take care of. I need \
13a little green brownspotted \
14[blackdirt][] growing \
15quietness. I need a sunlit \
16dawn knowing my name filtered \
17through a [thin green window][]. \
18I need chlorophyll \
19working its [magic][] on beams of \
20grassmade early morning dewdrop \
21sweetmaking green. I need \
22the dark earth sucking water \
23from a black crevice \
24its black magic churning \
25wormilled rockturned starblind \
26darkness and cold into \
27[the opposite of dust][]. I need the heat \
28to blind me. I need the dumb making \
29to charge my coldened blood. I need \
30the dropturned leaves to turn again \
31their [faces to the windblown sun][]. \
32I need millions of tiny years \
33summed up and burning out some unknown \
34new growth into the air. I need four \
35hundred feet of dark red gnarled wood \
36and needles glistening wetly on goldheaded \
37branches hoisting themselves \
38to the sky. I need ten strong men \
39to fail to bring you down. Old one \
40I need the peace that comes with knowing \
41something sacred holds still \
42in the world. I need your green tongues \
43[of flame to lick at old wounds][] \
44stitching us together away from ourselves. \
45I need your brownbranching grasp \
46to keep me from drifting off \
47into [unknowing terrible sleep][]. I need \
48[to know the snake][] hanging \
49from your branches. I need to watch \
50the dropping of flesh massful \
51onto the ground from a height. I need \
52the gnawer at your root to strike \
53a vein to quicken old brown stone \
54to movement. I need jeweleyed venom \
55barking new greennesses into the bark. \
56I need a knocker of dark secrets hidden \
57in the dark bark hiding a smallstone \
58smoldering pearl in the knot. I need \
59that [pearl held out in a hand][] like an offering. \
60I need the hand to be a plant's hand.
62I need a plant. I need a growing \
63growler [groaning][] toward heat and air. \
64I need a green thin stem surprisingly strong \
65holding up the weight of a plain \
66of fallow [greennesses of creases and caresses][] \
67of tiny worldmaking hardworking grandeur. \
68I need a singer of life crying \
69forward into old roads covered over \
70by dead trees. I need the rasping of root \
71in dirt. I need the unfurling of fiddleheads \
72to sing forth a new symphony. I need \
73fruits swelling large for the harvest. \
74I need yellow light shining through white bark. \
75I need juicecrush flowing waterlike \
76through valleys percolating up \
77through the ground. I need springs bubbling sap \
78into cabins of wood fought for by labor. \
79I need snow on the ground with shoots \
80dotting the melting patches. I need two \
81leaves on a thin stalk shivering \
82in [moonlight][]. I need robinsong warbling \
83over the heads of small seeds sprouting \
84to enliven their growth. I need rings \
85of woody material widening to push \
86the ground out of their way. I need \
87new greennesses pushing out from \
88the brown dark bark gnarled. I \
89need the robin to build its songfilled \
90nest in a [branchcrotch][]. I need \
91the fecundity of fungi on the branches. \
92I need quiet of the sunlight shooting \
93through thousands of branched leaves \
94quivering. [I need whisper at dawn.][] \
95I need burrows underground foxholes. \
96I need duff layers eaten through \
97by worms. I need brooks murmuring \
98through crooks of roots. I need small \
99[fish swimming][] in their schools at \
100midnight. I need oldnesses giving way \
101[to youngnesses giving way to oldnesses][]. \
102I need dapplegray yellowshot ashbark. \
103I need the crunch of dead leaves underfoot. \
104I need [snowquiet deadbranch][] mourning. \
105I need those [purple mountains majesty][]. \
106I need a walk between trees in the dark. \
107I need that moment when stopping to rest \
108it suddenly seems that all the weary \
109[forestroads][] in all their meandering come \
110[to rest their heads][] at my astonished \
111feet, none of them needing more than me.
113[blackdirt]: building.html
114[thin green window]: window.html
115[magic]: cereal.html
116[to rest their heads]: riptide_memory.html
118[purple mountains majesty]:
119[snowquiet deadbranch]: 100-lines.html
120[to youngnesses giving way to oldnesses]: about-the-author.html
121[fish swimming]: proverbs.html
122[I need whisper at dawn.]: apollo11.html
123[branchcrotch]: epigraph.html
124[moonlight]: finding-the-lion.html
125[greennesses of creases and caresses]: the-sea_the-beach.html
126[groaning]: feedingtheraven.html
127[pearl held out in a hand]: roughgloves.html
128[to know the snake]: ouroboros_memory.html
129[unknowing terrible sleep]: in-bed.html
130[of flame to lick at old wounds]: fire.html
131[faces to the windblown sun]: no-nothing.html
132[the opposite of dust]:
diff --git a/src/poetry-time.txt b/src/poetry-time.txt deleted file mode 100644 index b69130b..0000000 --- a/src/poetry-time.txt +++ /dev/null
@@ -1,74 +0,0 @@
2title: Something
3id: poetry-time
4subtitle: about the nature of poetry and time
5genre: verse
8 title: Stark Raving
9 class: stark
10 order: 5
11 next:
12 - title: The Moon is drowning
13 link: moon-drowning
14 - title: AMBER alert
15 link: amber-alert
16 prev:
17 - title: The Big Dipper
18 link: big-dipper
19 - title: Worse looking over
20 link: worse-looking-over
23I'm writing this now because I have to. \
24Not in some "my soul yearns for this and \
25I can't help it" way, but in the way that this \
26moment is structured as such, that it is \
27crystallized this way, me writing this, and later \
28you reading it, now for you, later for me,
30and this tenuous connection mates me \
31and you forever, combined with each other, two \
32[electrons momentarily entwined][]. Later, \
33when I'm dead or far too famous for you, and \
34you're in school, reading my words because it is \
35required reading, I want you to remember this
37connection we've always had, this \
38[spider's thread][] hanging between you and me. \
39Which of us is the spider and which is \
40the fly still remains to be seen. To \
41eat, perchance to fly: all of that and \
42more. We can settle all of this later.
44Yes, it is you I'm thinking of in your later \
45time: you specifically, not another. This \
46is true for all $x$ such that $x > 0$ and \
47$x$ is a real person, though it doesn't bother me \
48to write to a fictional figure or to \
49[a figment][], maybe, of my imagination. This is
51what you are right now, anyway, [dear Reader][], is \
52it not? I'm talking about my now, of course, not later, \
53which is your now. Later will be my now too, \
54and maybe I'm ultimately writing to a future part of this \
55self: you could very well be me. \
56In fact, you probably are me, [some other version][], and
58I am you in the past, or what you could've been, and \
59at the same time, this isn't true. Everything is, \
60and nothing isn't. The difference between "you" and "me" \
61is in name only. Maybe you'll get this later, \
62[when you're older][], when I'm older, when all of this \
63is something we'll look fondly back to,
65because I do hope to meet you, although much later, \
66and I hope your feeling is the same. All this \
67talk on me and you and you and me we'll keep between us two.
69[electrons momentarily entwined]: treatise.html
70[spider's thread]: last-passenger.html
71[a figment]: epigraph.html
72[some other version]: elegyforanalternateself.html
73[when you're older]: found-typewriter-poem.html
74[dear Reader]: real-writer.html
diff --git a/src/prelude.txt b/src/prelude.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 52ba8aa..0000000 --- a/src/prelude.txt +++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
2title: Prelude
3id: prelude
4genre: prose
7 title: Book of Hezekiah
8 class: hezekiah
9 order: 1
10 next:
11 - title: The purpose of dogs
12 link: purpose-dogs
15Of course, [there is a God][].
16Of course, [there is no God][].
17Of course, what's really [important][] is that these aren't important.
18No, they are; but not really important.
19All that's important is the relative importance of non-important things.
21Never mind; let's start over.
23[there is a God]: boar.html
25[Shit.]: january.html
26[important]: building.html
diff --git a/src/problems.txt b/src/problems.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 27df4df..0000000 --- a/src/problems.txt +++ /dev/null
@@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
2title: Problems
3id: problems
4genre: prose
7 title: Book of Hezekiah
8 class: hezekiah
9 order: 6
10 next:
11 - title: Liking things
12 link: likingthings
13 prev:
14 - title: Moving sideways
15 link: movingsideways
18The problem with people is this: we cannot be happy.
19No matter how hard or easy we try, it is not to be.
20It seems sometimes that, just as the dog was made for jumping in mud and sniffing out foxholes and having a good time all around, man was made for sadness, loneliness and heartache.
22Being the observant and judgmental people they are, people have for a long time tried to figure out why they aren't happy.
23Some say it's because we're obviously doing something wrong.
24Some say it's because we think too much.
25Some insist that it's because other people have more stuff than we do.
26These people don't have a clue any more than any of the rest of us.
27At least I don't think they do, and that's good enough for me.[^1]
28I think that the reason why people are unhappy (and this is a personal opinion) is that they realize on some level (for some it's a pretty shallow level, others it's way down there next to their love for women's stockings[^2]) that there is no background to put themselves against, no "[big picture][]" to get painted into.
29This makes sense, because on one level, the level of everyday life, the level of *observation*, there is always a background---look in a pair of binoculars sometime.
30But on another level, that of ... shit, wait.
31There are no other levels.[^3]
33What's more, people try to explain how to get happy again (although it's doubtful they were ever happy in the first place---people are very good at fooling).
34Some say standing or [sitting in a building][] with a lot of other unhappy people helps.
35Some say that you can't stop there; you also need to sing with those other unhappy people about how unhappy you are, and how you wish someone would come along and help you out, I guess by giving you money or something.
36I say all you really need to be happy is a good stiff drink.[^4]
38In any case, people have for some reason or another, and to some end or another, always been unhappy.
39And people have always tried to figure out ways to be less unhappy---one of the most important things to people everywhere is called "the pursuit of happiness."
40I think that calling it a pursuit makes people feel more like dogs, who are the most happy beings most people can think of.
41By pursuing happiness, they're like a dog pursuing a possum or a bone on a fishing rod: two activities that sound like a lot of fun to most people.
42I think most people wish they were dogs.
44[big picture]: ronaldmcdonald.html
45[sitting in a buiding]: feedingtheraven.html
48[^1]: This seems to be an attempt on Hezzy's part to set an example for
49 mankind. It should be noted that he is an alcoholic, and not in any
50 shape to be an example to anyone.
52[^2]: It is thought that only the leg coverings of the female sex are
53 here referenced
55[^3]: You have hereby found the super special secret cheat code room.
56 Yes, this is just like Super Mario Brothers---you can skip right to
57 the end. Go and face the final boss already!
59[^4]: See footnote, above
diff --git a/src/proverbs.txt b/src/proverbs.txt deleted file mode 100644 index bd59fb4..0000000 --- a/src/proverbs.txt +++ /dev/null
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
2title: Proverbs
3id: proverbs
4genre: prose
7 title: Book of Hezekiah
8 class: hezekiah
9 order: 4
10 next:
11 - title: Moving sideways
12 link: movingsideways
13 prev:
14 - title: Philosophy
15 link: philosophy
18[Nothing matters; everything is sacred.
19Everything matters; nothing is sacred][sacred].[^1]
20This is the only way we can move forward: by moving sideways.
21Life is a great big rugby game, and the entire field has to be run for a goal.
22The fact that the beginning two verses of this chapter have the same number of characters proves that they are a tautological pair, that is, they *complete each other*.
23Sometimes life seems like a dog wagging its tail, smiling up at you and wanting you to love it, just wanting that, simple simple love, oblivious to the fact that it just ran through your immaculately groomed flower garden and tracked all the mud in onto your freshly steamed carpet.
24Life is not life in a suburb.
25[There are no rosebushes, groomed never. There is no carpet, steamed at any time.][rosebush]
26The dog looks at you wanting you to love it.
27It wants to know that you know that it's there.
28*It wants to be observed*.[^2]
30[sacred]: words-meaning.html
31[rosebush]: lovesong.html
33[^1]: Thank you [Tom Stoppard][]. Ha ha ho ho and hee hee.
35[^2]: Ah ha! I knew this was going to happen at some point. Now things
36 are going to get more interesting because the dog wants what we
37 thought was a bad thing, right? Right? Didn't we go through that
38 part about how observing made it impossible to really know anything,
39 and I had to start over because it's really hard to figure out what
40 you're talking about when reality slips out of your hands like a
41 fish, but you're not a cat with claws so it just flops right outta
42 your hand back into the lake. (By the way, Nirvana is thought to be
43 what a drop of water feels upon flopping into a lake---doesn't that
44 seem important? Doesn't it seem like a fish and a drop of water here
45 are connected? It helps, of course, that the fish represents Reality
46 here.)
48[Tom Stoppard]:
diff --git a/src/punch.txt b/src/punch.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 46f9451..0000000 --- a/src/punch.txt +++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
2title: Punch
3id: punch
4genre: prose
7 title: "Buildings out of air: Paul in the Woods"
8 class: paul
9 order: 32
10 next:
11 - title: Joke
12 link: joke
13 - title: Question
14 link: question
15 prev:
16 - title: Wallpaper
17 link: wallpaper
18 - title: Planks
19 link: planks
22When he finally got back to work he was surprised they threw him a party.
23_**WELCOME BACK PAUL!**_ was written on a big banner across the back wall.
24Someone had ordered a confectioner's-sugar cake with [frosting flowers][] on the corners.
25It said the same thing as the banner.
26"Welcome back, Paul" said Jill as he was at the punch bowl.
27The cup was on the table as he ladled punch in with his right hand.
28His left was wrapped in [gauze][].
30"Let me help you with that" said Jill.
31Paul had a strange feeling this had happened before.
32She took the ladle and their hands touched.
33She picked the cup up in her right hand and used her left to lift the spoon.
34"You know" she said "we were worried about you.
35When Jerry heard about your hand he said 'There goes one of our best data entry men.'"
36"I still can't really move my left hand" said Paul.
37"That's alright you can take your time with the entry."
38"I'm sorry."
40"Sorry for what" she looked at his eyes.
41He imagined her seeing [fisheye][] versions of herself in them.
42"I don't know" he said because it was true.
43"It's alright anyway" she said and placed the full punch cup in his right hand.
45[fisheye]: hands.html
46[frosting flowers]: big-dipper.html
47[gauze]: 100-lines.html
diff --git a/src/purpose-dogs.txt b/src/purpose-dogs.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 0fb9356..0000000 --- a/src/purpose-dogs.txt +++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
2title: The purpose of dogs
3id: purpose-dogs
4genre: prose
7 title: Book of Hezekiah
8 class: hezekiah
9 order: 2
10 next:
11 - title: Philosophy
12 link: philosophy
13 prev:
14 - title: Prelude
15 link: prelude
18Okay, so as we said in [the Prelude][], there either is or isn't a God.
19This has been one of the main past times of humanity, ever since ... since the first man (or woman) climbed out of whatever slime or swamp he thumbed his way out of.
20What humanity has failed to realize is that an incredibly plausible third, and heretofore unknown, hypothesis also exists: There is a dog.
22In fact, there are many dogs, and not only that.
23There are also many types of dogs; these are called breeds, and each breed was created by man in order to fulfill some use that man thought he needed.
24Some dogs are for chasing birds, and some are for chasing badgers.
25Some are for laying in your lap and being petted all day.
26Some dogs don't seem to be really for anything, besides being fucking stupid and chewing up your one-of-a-kind collectible individually-numbered King Kong figurine from the Peter Jackson film.
27But the important thing is, (and here we go with important things again) all dogs have been bred by people for performing some certain function that we think is important.
29Note: *Just because we think it's important doesn't mean it is important.*
30But it might as well be, because what we as humans think is important is important.
31But be careful!
32Just because something's important doesn't mean it means anything, or that it actually makes anything happen.
33Even though just because something makes something else happen doesn't mean it's important.
35Let me start again.
37[the Prelude]: prelude.html
38[Shit]: feedingtheraven.html
diff --git a/src/question.txt b/src/question.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 8eb261b..0000000 --- a/src/question.txt +++ /dev/null
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
2title: Question
3id: question
4genre: prose
7 title: "Buildings out of air: Paul in the Woods"
8 class: paul
9 order: 19
10 next:
11 - title: Sapling
12 link: sapling
13 - title: Reports
14 link: reports
15 prev:
16 - title: Window
17 link: window
18 - title: Punch
19 link: punch
22"Do you have to say your thoughts out loud for them to mean anything" Paul asked Jill on his first coffee break at work.
23It was in the city and his mother told him she wouldn't drive him so he'd had to take the bus.
24Number 3 he thought it was.
25[He couldn't quite remember.][remember]
26Jill said "Sorry what?"
27Paul realized that she hadn't really noticed him there in the break room as he was hunched behind the refrigerator a little and she was busy pouring coffee and exactly two tablespoons of both milk and sugar into her mug before she put the coffee in.
28He decided to repeat the question.
30"How do you think" he asked.
31"Like everyone else I guess" she said "I have a thought and if it's important I write it down."
32"Do you have to say them out loud for them to make sense?"
33"Are you asking if I talk to myself?"
34A pause.
35"I guess so" he said looking down.
36He had a feeling this was a bad thing.
37"Sometimes" she said and walked out of the break room.
38She didn't understand the importance of his question.
39She popped her head back in a moment later and his heart leaped in his chest.
41"How's your first day going so far" she asked.
42"Can you understand everything okay?"
43"Yes" he said "you were right it's pretty basic."
44"Good" she said.
47"Do you have to say all of your thoughts out loud to remember them?"
48He shook his head.
50Only all of the time, Paul thought to himself but didn't speak.
52[remember]: riptide_memory.html
diff --git a/src/real-writer.txt b/src/real-writer.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 03840b1..0000000 --- a/src/real-writer.txt +++ /dev/null
@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
2title: A real writer
3id: real-writer
4genre: verse
7 title: Autocento of the breakfast table
8 class: autocento
11Sometimes I feel as though I am not a real writer. \
12[I don't smoke][]. I don't wake up early but I don't sleep \
13all day either. I find myself increasingly interested \
14in dumb luck. Chance: I've found two dimes in as many \
15days. Does this mean I've found twenty lucky pennies? \
16I want you to participate. You the reader. You, \
17the probabilistic god of my dreams. I've been having \
18[strange dreams][] lately. I don't remember them but \
19they leave impressions. A bare foot. A tunnel \
20of hair from her face to mine. A boat stranded \
21in a living-room. Something warm. Something like the sun \
22through my eyelids. [A hand, with all its dead symbology][]. \
23[My teeth have fallen out][]. No, you pulled them out \
24with your hands, threw them over your left shoulder \
25[like salt][], to wish away bad luck. I have something \
26to tell you: bad luck follows like a dog. It lets you \
27get ahead for a few days, a week, a year. You'll see, \
28it'll bite your sleeping face when you're not looking. \
29I've been dreaming about the future, I know. In my dream \
30I am not a writer, [I live in a place with rain][]. You \
31are sunning yourself as you read this, on a beach or \
32maybe a desert. Let me move in with you. I can cook \
33[or clean][] or take care of your dog while you're out. \
34I'll never have to write again. [I'll watch television][]. \
35Do I want to become a writer? Tell me. Should I smoke? \
36I can sleep all day in your attic if you want, become \
37[your god][], lose my own, settle to the bottom of the bed \
38like a boat in a river, dream about nothing but [furniture][].
40[I don't smoke]: cereal.html
41[strange dreams]: in-bed.html
42[A hand, with all its dead symbology]: roughgloves.html
43[My teeth have fallen out]: no-nothing.html
44[like salt]: i-am.html
45[I live in a place with rain]: riptide_memory.html
46[or clean]: when-im-sorry-i.html
47[I'll watch television]: about-the-author.html
48[your god]: love-as-god.html
49[furniture]: leaf.html
diff --git a/src/reports.txt b/src/reports.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 96d6451..0000000 --- a/src/reports.txt +++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
2title: Reports
3id: reports
4genre: prose
7 title: "Buildings out of air: Paul in the Woods"
8 class: paul
9 order: 24
10 next:
11 - title: Swear
12 link: swear
13 - title: Sapling
14 link: sapling
15 prev:
16 - title: Snow
17 link: snow
18 - title: Question
19 link: question
22"Paul, you can't turn in your reports on four-by-six notecards" Jill told him after he handed her his reports, typed carefully on twelve four-by-six notecards.
23He had spent the weekend
251. going to the Office Supply Store to buy notecards and typewriter ribbon (he
26 found it surprisingly easily) after his first payday
272. replacing the ribbon in his typewriter (this took approximately half an
28 hour, because he had to figure it all out on his own)
293. opening the package of notecards (this took approximately four seconds,
30 although he still had to figure out how to do it on his own. It was just
31 easier)
324. carefully typing the reports he'd handwritten on letter paper onto the
33 notecards (he made many mistakes and threw away many notecards, though
34 later he used them for kindling)
36so understandably he was upset.
37He told Jill all the work he'd gone to to type those notecard reports for her, for the company.
38[She shook her head.][]
39"Paul, you don't have to do all that work at home.
40Just type it up on the computers here, that's all you need to do.
41Thanks for the work though."
42He nodded as she threw the notecards into the trashcan and left his cubicle.
44[She shook her head.]: seasonal-affective-disorder.html
diff --git a/src/riptide_memory.txt b/src/riptide_memory.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 365d90f..0000000 --- a/src/riptide_memory.txt +++ /dev/null
@@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
2title: Riptide of memory
3id: riptide_memory
4genre: verse
7 title: Stark Raving
8 class: stark
9 order: 16
10 next:
11 - title: About the author
12 link: about-the-author
13 - title: The Sixteenth Chapel
14 link: sixteenth-chapel
15 prev:
16 - title: Something about all music being performances of _4&prime;33&Prime;_ in places where other bands happen to be playing
17 link: music-433
18 - title: I think it's you (but it's not)
19 link: i-think-its-you
22Inside of my memory, the poem is another memory. \
23The air up here is thin, but the wind blows harder \
24than anywhere else I know. It threatens to rip \
25my body away, like [an angel of death][], to the stars.
27In Arizona, I thought I would forget the rain, \
28forget its sound on a roof like a hard wind, forget \
29its smell like a far away ocean. Luckily for me \
30it rains here. Luckily, because I forget too easily.
32In a dream, [my father is caught by a riptide][] off-shore. \
33He's pulled far out, far enough that the shoreline's \
34a line in his [memory][] on the horizon. I can see him \
35swimming, hand over hand, pulling his small weight
37back to land. I see him as [another shipwreck][] victim, \
38coughing sand and seawater, beard woven with seaweed. \
39I see him laying there a long time. I see all this \
40as he tells me the story, years later, the riptide
42only a [ghost][] in his memory, I only a child falling \
43asleep. My mother's making mayonnaise rolls \
44in the kitchen, a recipe I'll send for years later, \
45in Arizona, in the monsoon season, when my thirst
47pulls me back home, my memory's lonesome twinkle \
48like [stars above the mountains][]. I'll send for it \
49and try to make them, but in the thin air they'll \
50crumble into dust like desert air, like a memory.
52[an angel of death]: angeltoabraham.html
53[my father is caught by a riptide]: father.html
54[memory]: ouroboros_memory.html
55[another shipwreck]: shipwright.html
56[ghost]: 100-lines.html
57[stars above the mountains]: finding-the-lion.html
diff --git a/src/ronaldmcdonald.txt b/src/ronaldmcdonald.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 63ec87a..0000000 --- a/src/ronaldmcdonald.txt +++ /dev/null
@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
2title: Ronald McDonald
3id: ronaldmcdonald
4genre: verse
7 title: Elegies for alternate selves
8 class: elegies
9 order: 17
10 prev:
11 - title: Rough gloves
12 link: roughgloves
13 next:
14 - title: The moon is gone and in its place a mirror
15 link: moongone
18When Ronald McDonald takes off his [striped shirt][], \
19his coveralls, his painted face: when he no longer looks \
20like anyone or anything special, sitting next to women
22in bars or standing in the aisle at the grocery, \
23is he no longer Ronald? Is he no longer happy to kick \
24a soccer ball around with the kids in the park,
26is he suddenly unable to enjoy the french fries \
27he gets for his fifty percent off? I'd like to think \
28that he takes Ronald off like a shirt, hangs him
30in a closet where he breathes darkly in the musk. \
31I'd like to believe that we are able to slough off selves \
32like old skin and still retain some base self.
34Of course we all know this is not what happens. \
35The Ronald leering at women drunkenly is the same who \
36the next day kicks at a ball the size of a head.
38He is the same that hugs his children at night, \
39who has sex with his wife on the weekends when they're \
40not so tired to make it work, who smiles holding
42a basket of fries in front of a field. He cannot \
43take off the facepaint or the [yellow gloves][]. They are \
44stuck to him like so many feathers with the tar
46of his everyday associations. His plight is that \
47of everyone's---we are what we do who we are.
49[striped shirt]: theoceanoverflowswithcamels.html
50[yellow gloves]: roughgloves.html
diff --git a/src/roughgloves.txt b/src/roughgloves.txt deleted file mode 100644 index d2de590..0000000 --- a/src/roughgloves.txt +++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
2title: Rough gloves
3id: roughgloves
4genre: verse
7 title: Elegies for alternate selves
8 class: elegies
9 order: 16
10 prev:
11 - title: Love Song
12 link: lovesong
13 next:
14 - title: Ronald McDonald
15 link: ronaldmcdonald
18I lost my hands & knit replacement ones \
19from [spiders' threads][], stronger than steel but soft \
20as lambs' wool. Catching as they do on nails \
21& your collarbone, you don't seem to like \
22their rough warm presence on your [cheek or thigh][]. \
23I've asked you if you minded, you've said no \
24(your face a table laid with burnt meat, bread \
25so stale it could [break a hand][]). Remember \
26your senile mother's face above that table? \
27I'd say she got the meaning of that look. \
28You'd rather not be touched by these rough gloves, \
29the only way I have to knit a love \
30against whatever winters we may enter \
31like a silkworm in a spider's blackened [maw][].
33[cheek or thigh]: feedingtheraven.html
34[break a hand]: weplayedthosegamestoo.html
35[maw]: serengeti.html
36[spiders' threads]: poetry-time.html
diff --git a/src/sapling.txt b/src/sapling.txt deleted file mode 100644 index b1ba401..0000000 --- a/src/sapling.txt +++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
2title: Sapling
3id: sapling
4genre: prose
7 title: "Buildings out of air: Paul in the Woods"
8 class: paul
9 order: 20
10 next:
11 - title: Cereal
12 link: cereal
13 - title: Shed
14 link: shed
15 prev:
16 - title: Question
17 link: question
18 - title: Reports
19 link: reports
22He chopped down a sapling pine tree and looked at his watch.
23From first chop to fall it had taken him eight minutes and something like twenty seconds.
24Maybe a little change.
25He leaned against another tree and fished in his pocket for a cigarette.
26He lifted it out of its box and fished in his other pocket for his lighter, failing to find it.
27He searched his other pockets.
28He came to the realization that he had forgotten it in his Shack (in confusion over his True Vocation, he'd resorted to calling it simply the Shack until he could figure it out).
29He sighed and put his hands in his pockets.
31"I wonder if trees are protective of their young" he said to himself, then wondered if why he had to think his thoughts out loud, then remembered he always did this, then remembered his conversation with Jill.
32He hoped she didn't.
33He hoped that conversation was like [the tree that fell in the forest][] with no one around.
34"I wonder if a thought said out loud isn't heard by anyone, if it was made.
35I think maybe this is what Literature (big L) is all about, if it's trying to make a connection because no idea matters unless it's connected to something else, or to someone else.
36Maybe no wood matters unless it's [bound to another][] by upholstery nails.
37If 'the devil is in the details,' as they say (who are 'they' anyway?), the details are the connections?
38That doesn't make sense.
39Details are details.
40Connections are connections.
42"Still, a neuron by itself means nothing.
43Put them all together though and connect them.
44You've got a brain."
46[the tree that fell in the forest]: options.html
47[bound to another]: last-passenger.html
diff --git a/src/seasonal-affective-disorder.txt b/src/seasonal-affective-disorder.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 0a7e7ed..0000000 --- a/src/seasonal-affective-disorder.txt +++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
2title: Seasonal affective disorder
3id: seasonal-affective-disorder
4genre: verse
7 title: Autocento of the breakfast table
8 class: autocento
11On your desk I set a tangerine: \
12a relic of a [winter][] quickly passing.
14I'm reminded, fiercely, of a summer: \
15I watched the [cemetery grass][] on my stomach.
17You hate the wind [blowing through buildings][]: \
18the coldness of fire, blister of a mountain stream.
20When you broke down that night: your aunt / you \
21never have been / [you shook that night][] /
23Seasonal affective disorder is real: you \
24[mutter under your breath on the highway][].
26The ant carries an orange peel past a headstone: \
27it carries her nearly as often.
29I set a tangerine on your desk: \
30an engagement ring, winter-returned.
32[winter]: january.html
33[cemetery grass]: death-zone.html
34[blowing through buildings]: building.html
35[you shook that night]: the-night-we-met.html
36[mutter under your breath on the highway]: last-bastion.html
diff --git a/src/sense-of-it.txt b/src/sense-of-it.txt deleted file mode 100644 index e21ea3c..0000000 --- a/src/sense-of-it.txt +++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
2title: Sense of it
3id: sense-of-it
4genre: verse
7 title: Autocento of the breakfast table
8 class: autocento
11I only write poems on [the bus][] anymore. \
12I sit far in the back to be alone. \
13I mark black things on white things in a black thing. \
14I try to make sense of it.
16Every time I see a plastic bag in the wind I think: \
17[This is the most beautiful thing I've ever seen.][] \
18Most of my life I relate to something on the TV: \
19This is how I try to make sense of it.
21The Talking Heads song ["Stop Making Sense"][stop] \
22is about a girlfriend caught cheating and willed oblivion. \
23The song's real title is "Girlfriend is Better" \
24but [lying][] about it is a way I try to make sense of it.
26The day after I lost her I found you again. \
27Your face made a plastic bag of my heart. \
28Your eyes were [the wind][] pushing the bus forward. \
29I couldn't make sense of it.
32[This is the most beautiful thing I've ever seen.]:
33[the wind]: cold-wind.html
34[lying]: the-night-we-met.html
35[the bus]: stagnant.html
diff --git a/src/serengeti.txt b/src/serengeti.txt deleted file mode 100644 index bbef77b..0000000 --- a/src/serengeti.txt +++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
2title: Serengeti
3id: serengeti
4genre: verse
7 title: Elegies for alternate selves
8 class: elegies
9 order: 20
10 prev:
11 - title: The mountain
12 link: mountain
13 next:
14 - title: The shipwright
15 link: shipwright
18The self is a serengeti \
19a wide grassland with baobab trees \
20reaching their roots deep into earth \
21like a child into a clay pot \
22A wind blows there or seems to blow \
23if he holds it up to his ear the air shifts \
24like stones in a stream uncovering a crawfish \
25it finds another hiding place watching you \
26Its eyes are blacker than wind \
27on the serengeti they are the [eyes of a predator][formal] \
28they are coming toward you or receding \
29a storm cloud builds on the horizon \
30Are you [running][] toward the rain or away from it \
31Do you stand still and crouch hoping for silence
33[formal]: onformalpoetry.html
34[running]: squirrel.html
diff --git a/src/shed.txt b/src/shed.txt deleted file mode 100644 index a2e82b2..0000000 --- a/src/shed.txt +++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
2title: Shed
3id: shed
4genre: prose
7 title: "Buildings out of air: Paul in the Woods"
8 class: paul
9 order: 9
10 next:
11 - title: Hands
12 link: hands
13 - title: Snow
14 link: snow
15 prev:
16 - title: Notes
17 link: notes
18 - title: Sapling
19 link: sapling
22"What do you do all day in that shed out back" his mother asked one night while they ate dinner in front of the TV.
23"Write" he answered.
24"Write what" she asked in that way that means he'd better not say I don't know.
25"I don't know" he said.
27"Goddammit Paul" his mother said.
28"You're [wasting your life][] out in that shed.
29You need to go out and get---"
30"I chop down trees too" he said.
31"I make furniture out of them."
32His mother's face did a Hitchcock zoom as she considered this new information.
33"Is it any good" she asked, eyes narrowed.
35"It's getting there" he answered.
36"I'm getting better every day."
37"When is it going to be there" she asked.
38"When are you going to sell [this furniture][] of yours?"
39"It'll be a while" he answered.
41"Then you'd better get a job until then" she said.
43[wasting your life]:
44[this furniture]: real-writer.html
diff --git a/src/shipwright.txt b/src/shipwright.txt deleted file mode 100644 index c60dcb0..0000000 --- a/src/shipwright.txt +++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
2title: The shipwright
3id: shipwright
4genre: verse
7 title: Elegies for alternate selves
8 class: elegies
9 order: 21
10 prev:
11 - title: Serengeti
12 link: serengeti
13 next:
14 - title: Spittle
15 link: spittle
18He builds a ship as if it were the last thing \
19holding him together, as if, when he stops, \
20his body will fall onto the plate-glass water \
21and shatter into sand. To keep his morale up \
22he whistles and sings, but the wind whistles [louder][] \
23and taunts him: Your ship will build itself \
24if you throw yourself into the sea; time \
25has a way of growing your beard for you. \
26Soon, you'll find yourself on a rocking chair \
27on some porch made from your ship's timbers. \
28The window behind you is made from a sail, thick \
29canvas, and no one inside will hear your calling \
30for milk or a chamberpot. Your children \
31will have all sailed to the New World and left you. \
32But he tries not to listen, continues to hammer \
33nail after nail into timber after timber, \
34but the wind [finally blows][] him into the growling ocean \
35and the ship falls apart on its own.
37[louder]: apollo11.html
38[finally blows]: theoceanoverflowswithcamels.html
diff --git a/src/sixteenth-chapel.txt b/src/sixteenth-chapel.txt deleted file mode 100644 index f117bc6..0000000 --- a/src/sixteenth-chapel.txt +++ /dev/null
@@ -1,84 +0,0 @@
2title: The Sixteenth Chapel
3id: sixteenth-chapel
4genre: verse
7 content: "Canadian High School!"
8 attrib: David Letterman
9 link: ''
11dedication: Max
14 title: Stark Raving
15 class: stark
16 order: 17
17 next:
18 - title: Last bastion
19 link: last-bastion
20 - title: Something about all music being performances of _4&prime;33&Prime;_ in places where other bands happen to be playing
21 link: music-433
22 prev:
23 - title: Worse looking over
24 link: worse-looking-over
25 - title: Riptide of memory
26 link: riptide_memory
29If Justin Bieber isn't going for the sixteenth \
30chapel, I'm not either. I admit he is my role \
31model. He's so current, so fresh and so new, \
32and Michelangelo is so old, his art so dated. \
33Where is the love in those old paintings? All \
34I see is [creation][], [judgment][], and [death][]---
36and I don't get the preoccupation with death. \
37I'm about life! Ever since my sixteenth \
38birthday, when me and my two sisters all \
39nearly died when the car I was driving rolled \
40into a creek. Even though I've [forgotten the date][], \
41I think it keeps me thinking on the new,
43something Biebs would be proud of if he knew. \
44I look at him, and see the [opposite of death][] \
45in his eyes, his youthful smile: though someday \
46he may [be a father][], and later host a Sweet Sixteen \
47for his daughter (who I know he'll buy a Rolls), \
48death will never find him. Living will be all
50he'll ever do, because it will be all \
51he'll ever need to do. He is the eternal new, \
52the [forever youth:][] this is the simple [role][] \
53of every celebrity, to let us forget death. \
54Bieber didn't make a mistake on the Sistine \
55Chapel's name. He merely showed that someday
57all old names must go, that on some day \
58a name must die so that the thing, which is all \
59that matters, can stay as it was in the sixteenth \
60century: fresh, ostentatious, and brand new. \
61In a way, [the name becomes a Christ][], experiencing death \
62so the world doesn't have to. But I am wary of this role
64for a name. It seems a name gives meaning, rolls \
65the general idea together with the concrete, daily \
66toil of the mundane. Are not life and death \
67intertwined? Is not everything tied up all \
68with everything? I guess I'm saying the new \
69necessarily comes from the old, as every sixteen-
71year-old has a parent. [Life rolls to death][], and all \
72is tied together. Each day is born of night, and dies so new \
73morning can occur. Even the sixteenth chapel holds death.
75[role]: words-meaning.html
76[death]: deathstrumpet.html
77[opposite of death]: death-zone.html
78[creation]: creation-myth.html
79[judgment]: movingsideways.html
80[forgotten the date]: riptide_memory.html
81[be a father]: i-am.html
82[forever youth:]: about-the-author.html
83[the name becomes a Christ]: nothing-is-ever-over.html
84[Life rolls to death]: ouroboros_memory.html
diff --git a/src/snow.txt b/src/snow.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 20e2c8d..0000000 --- a/src/snow.txt +++ /dev/null
@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
2title: Snow
3id: snow
4genre: prose
7 title: "Buildings out of air: Paul in the Woods"
8 class: paul
9 order: 23
10 next:
11 - title: Reports
12 link: reports
13 - title: Stagnant
14 link: stagnant
15 prev:
16 - title: Man
17 link: man
18 - title: Shed
19 link: shed
22_[I don't care if they burn][]_ he wrote on his last blank notecard.
23He'd have to go to the Office Supply Store tomorrow after work.
25He looked at what he'd written.
26He'd been thinking about this for a while, felt the frustration build slowly like a [thundercloud][] in the back of his mind.
27He thought he should write something else on the card, but everything he thought of seemed too confessional or too real compromising.
28[He didn't want anyone, not even the notecards, to know what he was thinking.][thinking]
29He decided to try for more of an interview with the paper.
31_Why?_ asked the notecard.
32_Because there is nothing important on any of them_ he wrote back.
33_What do you mean?
34You have some good stuff in that top drawer there._
35He looked in the top drawer.
36It was stuffed full of notecards in no organization.
37He could see bits and pieces of thoughts like leaves crunched underfoot in autumn.
38_It will take so much organization_ he wrote.
40_Why is organization important?
41Remember the trees, [how they formed rows][] without trying.
42No matter how the ideas fall, they make something.
43[The snow][] [does that too][]_ he wrote.
44_It doesn't try to make anything but it does._
46_No the snow is different_ the notecard was annoyed.
47_The snow is a blank canvas that humans build into shapes or doppelgangers.
48It makes nothing on its own._
50[I don't care if they burn]: fire.html
51[thundercloud]: serengeti.html
52[thinking]: lappel-du-vide.html
53[how they formed rows]: axe.html
54[The snow]: 100-lines.html
55[does that too]: weplayedthosegamestoo.html
diff --git a/src/something-simple.txt b/src/something-simple.txt deleted file mode 100644 index d657c37..0000000 --- a/src/something-simple.txt +++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
2title: "Let's start with something simple:"
3id: something-simple
4genre: verse
7 title: Autocento of the breakfast table
8 class: autocento
11in mammals the ratio between bladder size \
12and urethra is such that it takes \
13all of them the same time to piss. Take \
14for example the fact that Fibonnacci \
15numbers show up everywhere. How can you \
16look at this at all of this all of \
17these facts and tell me to my face there \
18is no God? And yet there isn't \
19you murmer quietly into my ear over \
20and over like a low tide sounding \
21its lonely waves on an abandoned beach. \
22The ocean that birthed us holds us \
23still. We are tied, you and I, together \
24in her arms. The [moon, caring father,][moon] \
25looks down from a dispassionate sky.
27[moon]: moon-drowning.html
diff --git a/src/spittle.txt b/src/spittle.txt deleted file mode 100644 index ac07496..0000000 --- a/src/spittle.txt +++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
2title: Spittle
3id: spittle
4genre: verse
7 title: Elegies for alternate selves
8 class: elegies
9 order: 22
10 prev:
11 - title: The shipwright
12 link: shipwright
13 next:
14 - title: The squirrel
15 link: squirrel
18My body is attached to your body by a thin spittle of thought. \
19When you turn away from me, my thought is broken \
20and forms anew with something else. Ideas are drool. \
21Beauty has been slobbered over far too long. [God][] \
22is a tidal wave of bodily fluid. Even the flea has some \
23vestigial wetness. We live in a world fleshy and dark, \
24and moist as a nostril. Is conciousness only a watery-eyed \
25romantic, crying softly into his [shirt-sleeve][]? Is not reason \
26a square-jawed businessman with a briefcase full of memory? \
27I want to kiss the world to make it mine. I want to become \
28a Judas to reality, betray it with the wetness of emotion.
30[God]: howithappened.html
31[shirt-sleeve]: lovesong.html
diff --git a/src/squirrel.txt b/src/squirrel.txt deleted file mode 100644 index d874530..0000000 --- a/src/squirrel.txt +++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
2title: The squirrel
3id: squirrel
4genre: verse
7 title: Elegies for alternate selves
8 class: elegies
9 order: 23
10 prev:
11 - title: Spittle
12 link: spittle
13 next:
14 - title: Swan song
15 link: swansong
18He is so full in himself: \
19how far down the branch to run, \
20how long to jump, when to grab the air \
21and catch in it and turn, and land on branch \
22so gracefully it's like dying, alone \
23and warm in a bed next to a summer window \
24and the [birds singing][]. And on that branch there \
25is the squirrel dancing among the branches \
26and you think *What if he fell?* but he won't \
27because he's a squirrel and that's what \
28they do, [dance][] and never fall. It was erased \
29long ago from the squirrel, even \
30the possibility of falling was erased \
31from his being by the slow inexorable evolution \
32of squirrels, that is why all squirrels \
33are so full in themselves, full in who they are.
35[birds singing]: mountain.html
36[dance]: movingsideways.html
diff --git a/src/stagnant.txt b/src/stagnant.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 56a3594..0000000 --- a/src/stagnant.txt +++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
2title: Stagnant
3id: stagnant
4genre: prose
7 title: "Buildings out of air: Paul in the Woods"
8 class: paul
9 order: 27
10 next:
11 - title: Building
12 link: building
13 - title: Stump
14 link: stump
15 prev:
16 - title: Options
17 link: options
18 - title: Snow
19 link: snow
22"Riding the bus to work is a good way to think or to read" Paul thought to himself on the bus ride to work.
23His thoughts couldn't become real to him because he didn't want to look insane to everyone else on the bus.
24His thoughts came to him like someone [yelling over a hard wind][].
25He was trying to write them on his memory but the act of writing was easier and more immediate than that of listening.
26He was afraid that when he looked at his memory later he wouldn't be able to read what was written.
28"Thoughts are like the wind outside a moving bus" he thought "or rather the bus is a brain slamming into columns of stagnant air causing them to whistle past in a confusion of something."
29He could barely hear the voice [yelling to him over the wind][].
30"Speak up" he thought to the voice, then remembered it was his own.
31He wished he'd remembered a book to read.
33He looked at his hands to pass the time.
34[They were dry in the winter air][] that had seeped its way into the bus.
35He tried to figure out how many hours they would make it before cracking and bleeding.
36"Maybe three or four" he thought accidentally out loud.
37He looked around expecting stares from everyone on the seat.
38[He was surprised that he was the only one on the bus.][]
40[He was surprised that he was the only one on the bus.]: stayed-on-the-bus.html
41[yelling over a hard wind]: sense-of-it.html
42[They were dry in the winter air]: hands.html
43[yelling to him over the wind]: cold-wind.html
diff --git a/src/statements-frag.txt b/src/statements-frag.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 63d160c..0000000 --- a/src/statements-frag.txt +++ /dev/null
@@ -1,71 +0,0 @@
2title: Statements
3id: statements-frag
4subtitle: a fragment
5genre: prose
8 title: Autocento of the breakfast table
9 class: autocento
12I. Eli {#eli}
15"Can one truly describe an emotion?" Eli asked me over the walkie-talkie.
16He was in the bathroom, & had taken the walkie-talkie in with him absent-mindedly.
17I could hear sounds of his piss hitting the toilet water.
19"I can hear you peeing," I said.
20He didn't answer so I said in apology, "It's okay. Humans are sexually dimorphic."
21I was sitting on my blue baby blanket texting Jon, who was funny and amicable over the phone.
22He made a three-message joke about greedy lawyers and I would have been laughing if not for my embarrassment toward Eli.
23He finally came out of the bathroom and kept his eyes straight ahead, toward the wall calendar and not at me, as he passed through the family room into his bedroom, were he shut the door quietly.
24Presently I heard some muffled noise as he turned on his iPod.
25I guessed he didn't feel like talking so I stayed on my blanket watching the _Price is Right_ and texting Jon.
27Drew Carrey was doing his wrap-up speech on TV when Eli finally came out of his room, red puffy streaks covering his face.
28His eyes and nose were red too, which was almost festive against the pale green and white of the [wallpaper][].
29I had been laughing at the goofy costumes on the _Price is Right_ and the jokes Jon was texting me, but when Eli came out of the room I stopped and just looked at him as well as I could.
30He was staring at my right shoulder as he said, "Go home now."
34"[I said go home now][].
35I don't want you here anymore, because I just remembered I have someone coming over and I have to clean."
37"Look, Eli, I'm sorry---"
39"It doesn't have anything to do with you, I swear.
40Just go, okay? [Go home now][]."
42I got up and tried to give him a hug but he withdrew from me sharply.
43So I walked around the coffee table as he sat down, not looking at me anymore, and stared at the blank TV.
44The blanket I had been sitting in was crumpled next to him like a dead bird.
45I opened my mouth but thought better of talking, and closed the door behind me slowly.
47II. Dimorphic {#dimorphic .verse}
50[Oranges][]. Poison. A compromise \
51between Mary & [Judas][]. Blue \
52baby blankets swaddling greedy lawyers.
54Can one truly describe an emotion? \
55I cut my ankle with a razor blade. \
56I can only go one at a time. Humanity \
57has a seething mass of eels \
58for a brain, mating in the water so forcefully \
59that it could [drown you under the moon][].
61III. Declaration of Poetry {#declaration-of-poetry}
64You have to go one line at a time, and you have to start on the first or second line.
66[Judas]: spittle.html
67[wallpaper]: wallpaper.html
68[I said go home now]: lappel-du-vide.html
69[Go home now]: riptide_memory.html
70[Oranges]: seasonal-affective-disorder.html
71[drown you under the moon]: moon-drowning.html
diff --git a/src/stayed-on-the-bus.txt b/src/stayed-on-the-bus.txt deleted file mode 100644 index c3dcae7..0000000 --- a/src/stayed-on-the-bus.txt +++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
2title: Stayed on the bus too long
3id: stayed-on-the-bus
4genre: verse
7 title: Autocento of the breakfast table
8 class: autocento
11It was a [gamble][] \
12I lost---thought I could get closer \
13than the library, stayed \
14on past the admin building, \
15back down the hill to my beginning, \
16the driver's second-to-last stop. \
17[I have to walk now][], \
18through the wind and sun, past \
19[traffic][] moving merrily along \
20taking their own gambles \
21staying on or getting off \
22too soon.
24[gamble]: hard-game.html
25[I have to walk now]: lappel-du-vide.html
26[traffic]: theoceanoverflowswithcamels.html
diff --git a/src/stump.txt b/src/stump.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 90454e4..0000000 --- a/src/stump.txt +++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
2title: Stump
3id: stump
4genre: prose
7 title: "Buildings out of air: Paul in the Woods"
8 class: paul
9 order: 34
10 next:
11 - title: Early
12 link: early
13 - title: Swear
14 link: swear
15 prev:
16 - title: Joke
17 link: joke
18 - title: Stagnant
19 link: stagnant
22He walked into the woods for the first time in months.
23It was a bright summer day but under the canopy of leaves it was cool and quiet and twilight.
24[There was no sound but his footsteps, his breathing.][]
25Instead of an axe, his right hand clutched his notebook.
26His left was in his pocket.
27A pencil perched behind his ear.
29He walked aimlessly until coming over a short rise he saw a stump.
30He recognized his handiwork in the way the stump made a kind of chair back---flat until the axe had gone through far enough, then a frayed edge like a torn page.
31Paul walked over to the stump and sat down.
33He looked up and tried to find a pattern in the placement of the trees.
34There was none.
35They grew randomly, beginning nowhere and ending in the same place.
36[A squirrel][] ran down one and up another for no reason.
37He opened his notebook and took his pencil from his ear but could think of nothing to write.
39A crow called hoarsely to another, something important.
40Paul looked up but could not see the black bird in the [leaves of the trees][].
41He looked back down to the cream-colored pages of his notebook.
43He was surprised that he'd written _YOU CANNOT DISCOVER ART_.
45[There was no sound but his footsteps, his breathing.]: music-433.html
46[A squirrel]: squirrel.html
47[leaves of the trees]: death-zone.html
diff --git a/src/swansong-alt.txt b/src/swansong-alt.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 0c470b7..0000000 --- a/src/swansong-alt.txt +++ /dev/null
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
2title: Swansong
3id: swansong-alt
4subtitle: alternate version
5genre: verse
8 title: Autocento of the breakfast table
9 class: autocento
12This poem is dry like [chapped lips][]. \
13[It is hard as teeth][]---hear the tapping? \
14It is the swan song of beauty, as all \
15swan songs are. [Reading][] it, you are \
16puzzled, perhaps a little repulsed. \
17Swans do not have teeth, nor do they sing. \
18A honking over the cliff is all \
19they can do, and that they do \
20badly. You don't know where I'm going. \
21You want to tell me, [You are not you][]. \
22[You are the air the swan walks on.][] \
23You are the fringe of the curtain \
24[that separates me from you][]. I say \
25that you are no longer the temple, \
26that you have been through [fire][] \
27and are now less than ash. You are \
28the subtraction of yourself from \
29the world, [the air without a swan][]. \
30Together, we are each other. You \
31and I have both nothing and everything \
32at once, we own the world and nothing in it.
34[chapped lips]: time-looks-up-to-the-sky.html
35[It is hard as teeth]: no-nothing.html
36[Reading]: poetry-time.html
37[You are not you]: about-the-author.html
38[You are the air the swan walks on.]: swansong.html
39[that separates me from you]: elegyforanalternateself.html
40[fire]: fire.html
41[the air without a swan]: finding-the-lion.html
diff --git a/src/swansong.txt b/src/swansong.txt deleted file mode 100644 index a032def..0000000 --- a/src/swansong.txt +++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
2title: Swan song
3id: swansong
4genre: verse
7 title: Elegies for alternate selves
8 class: elegies
9 order: 24
10 prev:
11 - title: The squirrel
12 link: squirrel
13 next:
14 - title: Telemarketer
15 link: telemarketer
18Swans fly overhead singing goodbye \
19to we [walkers of the earth][ithappened]. You point \
20to them in formation, you tell me \
21you are not you. [You are the air the swans \
22walk on][alt] as they journey like pilgrims \
23to a temple in the south. A curtain \
24there separates me from you, swans \
25from the air they fly through. I say \
26that you are no longer the temple, \
27that you have been through fire \
28and are now less than ash. You are \
29a [mirror][] of me, the [air without a swan][trumpet]. \
30Together, we are each other. You \
31and I have both nothing and everything \
32at once. We own the world and nothing in it.
34[ithappened]: howithappened.html
35[mirror]: moongone.html
36[trumpet]: deathstrumpet.html
37[alt]: swansong-alt.html
diff --git a/src/swear.txt b/src/swear.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 43d5e8e..0000000 --- a/src/swear.txt +++ /dev/null
@@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
2title: Swear
3id: swear
4genre: prose
7 title: "Buildings out of air: Paul in the Woods"
8 class: paul
9 order: 25
10 next:
11 - title: Options
12 link: options
13 - title: Tapestry
14 link: tapestry
15 prev:
16 - title: Reports
17 link: reports
18 - title: Stump
19 link: stump
24> First, a history: I was writing my
25> thoughts in a book. I got a typewriter
26> and typing things in a book
27> became impossible. I began typing
28> on 4x6 notecards. I ran out of
29> ribbon in my typewriter. I wrote
30> on the 4x6 notecards. I bought a
31> new ribbon and new notecards. Now
32> again I am typing on notecards.
34> What have I been typing?
35> Thoughts, impressions maybe, a log
36> of changes to my mental state. I
37> waited long enough and I began
38> recording them in the same way. If
39> I wait longer the ribbon will run
40> out again and I'll write again, on
41> notecards or in my book. The same
42> thoughts in different bodies.
44> That's what it means, "Every
45> thing changes or everything stays
46> the same." It might as well be
47> "and." Local differences add up to
48> global identities. It's a [hoop][],
49> right? And we keep going around
50> and we think it's flat but it's
51> round like the Earth.
54Paul pushed his chair away from the [Writing Desk][] and stared at the notecard.
55He stood up, knocked his head on the lightbulb, swore.
56He pulled the notecard from his typewriter and crumpled it up with his left hand.
57With his right hand he reached in his pocket and pulled out his cigarettes.
58He put one in his mouth, threw the paper in the corner, grabbed his axe, went out into the woods.
61[hoop]: ourobors_memory.html
62[Writing Desk]: finding-the-lion.html
diff --git a/src/table_contents.txt b/src/table_contents.txt deleted file mode 100644 index ba7286e..0000000 --- a/src/table_contents.txt +++ /dev/null
@@ -1,97 +0,0 @@
2title: Table of contents
3id: table_contents
4genre: verse
7 content: We are awash in the unseen and science has made us aware of the flood.
8 link:
11 title: Stark Raving
12 class: stark
13 order: 1
14 next:
15 - title: Ouroboros of memory
16 link: ouroboros_memory
17 - title: The Big Dipper
18 link: big-dipper
21------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------
224. [The look she gave me][] 4. Half-hours in heaven are three times
23 [that in hell][]
255. [Not out of anger][] 5. [Pay the toll][], mister, or nothing can
26 get done
286. [A desire to understand][] 6. [Misattributed][]
307. [Seven syllables amble][] 7. [Disassociated][]
328. [To drink at the pond][] 8. [Advice from a cereal box][]
349. [Two fall in and drown][] 9. [The challenges of][] a modern life
3610. [Odd-numbered ponies][] 10. Probability and the American [Dream][]
3811. [Buck and Whinny in the moonlight][] 11. [Two friends throw dice][]
4012. [To die tomorrow][] 12. [Fears of death][]
4213. [To be everywhere][] 13. The [solipsist talks to God][]
4414. [All at one time: my motto][] 14. [A phone conversation][] following
45 receipt of an ill-timed love letter
4715. [Of a perfect world][] 15. Woody Allen at [the horse races][]
4916. [This morning the sun][] 16. Whether you say [good morning][] or
50 good night
5217. [Wandering through the window][] 17. A traveler [waiting on the mountain][]
5418. [Alights on my shoulder][] 18. The impenetrable object falls in
55 [love][]
57 1. [Liquid messenger][]
59 2. [After a gate closes, dogs bark][]
61 3. [Finding old men at dusk][]
63------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------
65[The look she gave me]: ouroboros_memory.html
66[Not out of anger]: lappel-du-vide.html
67[A desire to understand]: boy_bus.html
68[Seven syllables amble]: i-think-its-you.html
69[To drink at the pond]: initial-conditions.html
70[Two fall in and drown]: love-as-god.html
71[Odd-numbered ponies]: worse-looking-over.html
72[Buck and Whinny in the moonlight]: sixteenth-chapel.html
73[To die tomorrow]: last-bastion.html
74[To be everywhere]: amber-alert.html
75[All at one time: my motto]: exasperated.html
76[Of a perfect world]: death-zone.html
77[This morning the sun]: big-dipper.html
78[Wandering through the window]: poetry-time.html
79[Alights on my shoulder]: moon-drowning.html
80[Liquid messenger]: music-433.html
81[After a gate closes, dogs bark]: riptide_memory.html
82[Finding old men at dusk]: about-the-author.html
83[A phone conversation]: phone.html
84[that in hell]: telemarketer.html
85[Pay the toll]: no-nothing.html
86[Misattributed]: howithappened.html
87[Disassociated]: howtoread.html
88[Advice from a cereal box]: cereal.html
89[The challenges of]: call-me-aural-pleasure.html
90[Dream]: in-bed.html
91[Two friends throw dice]: deadman.html
92[Fears of death]: seasonal-affective-disorder.html
93[solipsist talks to God]: boar.html
94[the horse races]: 100-lines.html
95[good morning]: big-dipper.html
96[waiting on the mountain]: mountain.html
97[love]: lovesong.html
diff --git a/src/tapestry.txt b/src/tapestry.txt deleted file mode 100644 index b135b0a..0000000 --- a/src/tapestry.txt +++ /dev/null
@@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
2title: Tapestry
3id: tapestry
4genre: prose
7 title: "Buildings out of air: Paul in the Woods"
8 class: paul
9 order: 17
10 next:
11 - title: Window
12 link: window
13 - title: Toilet
14 link: toilet
15 prev:
16 - title: Phone
17 link: phone
18 - title: Swear
19 link: swear
22_Apparently typewriters need ribbon.
23Apparently ribbon is incredibly hard to find anymore because no one uses typewriters.
24Apparently I am writing my hymns from now on._
25So he was back to calling his notes "hymns."
26He looked up "hymns" in the dictionary.
27It said that a hymn was "an ode or song of praise or adoration."
28Praise or adoration to what? he asked himself.
29He thought maybe furniture.
30There was still a lot of notfurniture in what he was again calling his Writing Shack.
32The dictionary also had this to say about "hymn": that it was possibly related to the old Greek word for "[weave][]."
33"[Weave what][]" Paul wondered to himself.
34He wrote this down on a new notecard.
35_Apparently "hymn" means weave somehow.
36Or it used to.
37Or its cousin did.
38What is it weaving?
39Who is it weaving for?
40I remember in school we talked about Odysseus and his wife Penelope, who wove a tapestry every day just to take it apart at night.
41I forget why._
43_Maybe she wove the tapestry for Odysseus.
44Maybe she wove it for herself.
45What did she weave it of?
46[Memory][], maybe?
47[Or dream][]?
48I think these words make a kind of tapestry, or at least the thread it will be made of.
49I will weave a hymn to the gods of Literature, out of fiction.
50My furniture was a try at weaving, but I am shit at furniture.
51So writing it is again._
53He wrote _**NOTES FOR A HYMN**_ at the top of this notecard.
55[weave]: likingthings.html
56[Weave what]: roughgloves.html
57[Memory]: ouroboros_memory.html
58[Or dream]: in-bed.html
diff --git a/src/telemarketer.txt b/src/telemarketer.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 1b25817..0000000 --- a/src/telemarketer.txt +++ /dev/null
@@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
2title: Telemarketer
3id: telemarketer
4genre: prose
7 title: Elegies for alternate selves
8 class: elegies
9 order: 25
10 prev:
11 - title: Swan song
12 link: swansong
13 next:
14 - title: We played those games too
15 link: weplayedthosegamestoo
18It was one of those nameless gray buildings that could be seen from the street only if Larry craned his neck to almost vertical.
19He never had, of course, having heard when he first arrived in the city that only tourists unaccustomed to tall buildings did so.
20He'd never thought about it until he'd heard the social injunction against such a thing; it was now one of the things he thought about almost every day as he rode to and from work in gritty blue buses.
22Inside the building, the constant sound of recirculating dry air made Larry feel as though he were at some beach in hell, listening to the [ocean][], or more accurately at a gift shop in a landlocked state in hell listening to the ocean as represented by the sound a conch shell makes when he holds it up to his ear.
23The buzz of the fluorescent bulbs overhead sounded like the hot sun bearing down all day in this metaphor, a favorite of Larry's.
25His cubicle was made of that cheap, grayish-blue plywood that cubicles are made of; inside it, his computer sat on his desk as Larry liked to think an [eagle perched][] on a mountainous crag much like the crag that was his desktop wallpaper.
26The walls were unadorned except for a few tacked-up papers in [report][] covers explaining his script.
27When Larry made a call to a potential customer it always went the same way:
29"Hi, Mr/Mrs (customer's name).
30My name is Larry and I'm with (client's name), and was just wondering if I could have a minute of your time?"
32"Oh, no, sir; I don't want whatever it is you're selling." (customer terminates call).
34Larry had only ever read the first line of the script on the wall.
35Sometimes he had an urge to read more of it, to be ready when a customer expressed interest in whatever it was Larry was selling, but something in him---he liked to think it was an actor's intuition that told him it was best to improvise, though he worried it was the futility of it---kept him from reading further into the script.
36So when Jane said, "Sure, I have nothing better to do," he was thrown completely off guard.
38"Um, alright Mrs ... Mrs. Loring, I was wondering---"
40"It's Ms, not Mrs.
41Em ess.
43No 'r,' Larry."
44She sounded patient, as if she were used to correcting people about the particulars of her title.
45But how often can that happen?
46Larry thought, and he was suddenly deeply confused.
48"Oh, sorry, ma'am, uh, Miz Loring, but I wanted to know whether you'd like to, ah, buy some..."
49Larry put his head in his hand and started twirling his hair in his finger, a nervous habit he'd had since childhood, and closed his eyes tightly.
50"Why don't you have anything better to do?"
52Immediately he knew it was the wrong question.
53Even before the silence on the other end moved past impatience and into stunned, Larry had a mini-drama written and staged within his mind: she would call customer service and complain loudly into the representative's ear.
54The rep would send a memo to the head of telemarketing requesting disciplinary action, and the head would delegate the action to Larry's immediate supervisor, David.
55David would saunter over to Larry's cubicle sometime within the next week, depending on when he got the memo and when he felt like crossing fifty feet of office space, and have one of what David liked to call "chats" but what Larry knew were lectures.
56After about half an hour of "chatting" David would give Larry a warning and ask him to come in for overtime to make up for the discretion, and walk back slowly to his office, making small talk with the cubicled workers on the way.
57The world suddenly felt too small for Larry, or he too big for it.
59Quietly, with the same patience but with a [bigger pain][], Jane said, "My husband just left me and I thought you could take my mind off of him for just a minute," and hung up.
61[ocean]: theoceanoverflowswithcamels.html
62[eagle perched]: mountain.html
63[bigger pain]: arspoetica.html
64[report]: reports.html
diff --git a/src/the-night-we-met.txt b/src/the-night-we-met.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 1d90227..0000000 --- a/src/the-night-we-met.txt +++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
2title: The night we met, I was out of my mind
3id: the-night-we-met
4subtitle: or lying in the dark
5genre: verse
8 title: Autocento of the breakfast table
9 class: autocento
12My head is [full of fire][], my tongue swollen, \
13pregnant with all the things I should've said \
14but didn't. Last night, we met each other \
15in the dark, remember? You told me time was
17pregnant with all things. I should've said \
18something, to draw you out from your place \
19in the dark. Remember, you told me time was \
20only an illusion, [and memory was][] only
22something to draw. You, out from your place, \
23I out from mine, that night, I believed in you. \
24Only illusion and memory were one, lying \
25[down on your couch][], through the night you drew
27me out from mine. That night, I believed in you \
28when you told me you loved me. I lay \
29down on your couch. Through the night, you drew \
30a picture of our [future together][].
32When you told me you loved me, I lied \
33[in the dark][]. Remember, you told me time was \
34[a picture of our future][] together. \
35My head is full of fire, [my tongue swollen][].
37[my tongue swollen]: plant.html
38[a picture of our future]: last-passenger.html
39[in the dark]: apollo11.html
40[future together]: 100-lines.html
41[down on your couch]: early.html
42[and memory was]: riptide_memory.html
43[full of fire]: found-typewriter-poem.html
diff --git a/src/the-sea_the-beach.txt b/src/the-sea_the-beach.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 60f44fa..0000000 --- a/src/the-sea_the-beach.txt +++ /dev/null
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
2title: The sea and the beach
3id: the-sea_the-beach
4genre: verse
7 title: Autocento of the breakfast table
8 class: autocento
11Waiting for a reading to start \
12when there's nobody coming anyway \
13is like waiting [for the tide][] \
14to make some meaning of the beach.
16The sea doesn't know or care \
17what the beach even is, let alone \
18its cares or its troubles, its \
19little nagging under-the-skin annoyances \
20[that make the beach the beach][].
22Sandworms, for example, or those crabs \
23with big pincers on one side \
24but not the other. Those really get \
25the beach's gander up, but the sea \
26doesn't care. The sea
28only wants to [caress][] the beach \
29with its [soft arms][], to tell the beach \
30how much it's loved by the sea, \
31that complex of water, salt, and \
32the moon's gravity, the mercury \
33rising up and down slowly, like a [yawn][].
35The sea only cares about itself. \
36The beach lays there and takes it.
38[for the tide]: cold-wind.html
39[that make the beach the beach]: real-writer.html
40[caress]: plant.html
41[soft arms]: something-simple.html
42[yawn]: serengeti.html
diff --git a/src/theoceanoverflowswithcamels.txt b/src/theoceanoverflowswithcamels.txt deleted file mode 100644 index fa1e12c..0000000 --- a/src/theoceanoverflowswithcamels.txt +++ /dev/null
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
2title: The ocean overflows with camels
3id: theoceanoverflowswithcamels
4genre: verse
7 title: Elegies for alternate selves
8 class: elegies
9 order: 7
10 prev:
11 - title: Ars poetica
12 link: arspoetica
13 next:
14 - title: The boar
15 link: boar
18We found your [shirt][] deep in the dark water, \
19caught on the clothesline of sleeping pills. \
20Your head on the shore was streaming tears \
21like sleeves or the coronas of saints saved \
22from fire. The burning bush began crying \
23like a child who misses his mother. Traffic \
24slammed shut like an eye. God's mean [left hook][] \
25knocked us out, and we began swimming. \
26Bruises bloomed like algae on a lake. \
27Your [father][] beat your chest and screamed \
28for someone to open a window. The air \
29stopped breathing. Fish clogged its gills. \
30Birds sang too loudly, trying to drown out \
31your father's cries, but all their sweetness \
32was not enough. No polite noises will be made \
33anymore, he told us, clawing your breastbone. \
34He opened your heart to air again. Camels \
35flowed from you both like water from the rock. \
36God spoke up, but nobody listened to him. \
37We hung you up on the line to dry.
39[shirt]: lovesong.html
40[left hook]: roughgloves.html
41[father]: angeltoabraham.html
diff --git a/src/time-looks-up-to-the-sky.txt b/src/time-looks-up-to-the-sky.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 50f8001..0000000 --- a/src/time-looks-up-to-the-sky.txt +++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
2title: Time looks up to the sky
3id: time-looks-up-to-the-sky
4genre: verse
7 title: Autocento of the breakfast table
8 class: autocento
11I wish I'd kissed you when I had the chance. \
12Your face hovering there, so near to mine, \
13your mouth pursed---what word was it you pronounced?
15When I think about you, [something in my pants][] \
16tightens, and my thoughts run, and I realize \
17I should've kissed you when I had the chance.
19I want that moment never to be past \
20like Keats's lovers on the grecian urn: \
21his mouth pursed, her figure turned to pronounce
23her hips in ways that are not feminist. \
24But time strolls mildly on, not glancing at my \
25wish to kiss you when I had the chance,
27whispered like a [beggar to a prince][] \
28outside his palace: time looks up to the sky, \
29purses his lips, and hears what I pronounce
31but pays it little mind. If he would just \
32turn back, bend down, and follow my design, \
33I would have kissed you when I had the chance, \
34as your mouth pursed and you pronounced goodbye.
36[something in my pants]: howithappened.html
37[beggar to a prince]: about-the-author.html
diff --git a/src/todaniel.txt b/src/todaniel.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 37b0823..0000000 --- a/src/todaniel.txt +++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
2title: To Daniel
3id: todaniel
4subtitle: an elaboration of a previous comment
5genre: verse
8 title: Elegies for alternate selves
9 class: elegies
10 order: 27
11 prev:
12 - title: We played those games too
13 link: weplayedthosegamestoo
14 next:
15 - title: "Death's trumpet"
16 link: deathstrumpet
19There are more modern ideals of beauty \
20than yours, young padowan. Jessica has \
21some assets, that I'll give you easily, \
22but in my women I prefer pizzazz.
24I don't want to bring you down, or make you think \
25[that your perfected woman isn't so][trumpet]. \
26It's just that, like Adam said, 2006 \
27has come and gone. What did she do
29in that year anyway? IMDB \
30has, surprisingly, none, though in '05 \
31she's in four titles. _Sin City_ \
32I've never seen, although from many I've
34heard it's good. But it's still irrelevant--- \
35no matter how comely, she lacks talent.
37[trumpet]: deathstrumpet.html
diff --git a/src/toilet.txt b/src/toilet.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 44217d2..0000000 --- a/src/toilet.txt +++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
2title: Toilet
3id: toilet
4genre: prose
7 title: "Buildings out of air: Paul in the Woods"
8 class: paul
9 order: 11
10 next:
11 - title: Leg
12 link: leg
13 - title: Toothpaste
14 link: toothpaste
15 prev:
16 - title: Hands
17 link: hands
18 - title: Tapestry
19 link: tapestry
22Paul only did his reading on the toilet.
24He read in a magazine that the universe as we know it is actually a hologram, a three-dimensional projection of a lower, two-dimensional, "realer" reality.
25The article said that this model explains things like quantum entanglement, what it called "spooky action at a distance."
27After he finished, he ran back out to his Writing Shack and hammered out a Treatise on Literature as Spooky Action.
28His mind was reeling.
29He typed out an entire [notecard][] on the subject.
31He stopped to catch his breath.
32Reading it over, he realized he was completely wrong.
33"Paper is made from trees" he thought "and so is furniture."
34He had thought that ART and CRAFT were two separate enterprises but he realized in a flash that they were two sides of the same building.
35Were there other walls?
37[notecard]: treatise.html
diff --git a/src/toothpaste.txt b/src/toothpaste.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 89d15d0..0000000 --- a/src/toothpaste.txt +++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
2title: Toothpaste
3id: toothpaste
4genre: prose
7 title: "Buildings out of air: Paul in the Woods"
8 class: paul
9 order: 36
10 next:
11 - title: Father
12 link: father
13 - title: Treatise
14 link: treatise
15 prev:
16 - title: Early
17 link: early
18 - title: Toilet
19 link: toilet
22He couldn't [find a shirt][] to go to work in.
23They all had stains on them somewhere.
24He pulled out a vest to put on over the stains but somehow all of them were still visible.
25Most of them were unidentifiable but one he thought could have come from [that peach][] he ate two weeks before.
26Another looked like toothpaste but he was paranoid it was something else.
28When he took the bus into work he couldn't relax.
29He was paranoid everyone was staring at his stain and kept looking out the corners of his eyes to make sure they weren't.
30They didn't seem to be but they could also be looking away just as he looked at them.
31"The [Observation][] Paradox" he muttered to himself.
33Jill was the only one to notice the stain at work.
34She came around to his cubicle during a break because he dared not show his stain in the break room.
35"You have a stain on your shoulder" she said "it looks like toothpaste."
36"Do I" he feigned ignorance but [went red][] at the same time "I didn't see that there this morning."
37"How do you get toothpaste on your shoulder?"
38"I don't know skills I guess" he said and she grinned.
39"You know vinegar will take that out" she said "although I think I like it.
40You should start a museum of shirt stains!"
41"I don't have that many shirts with stains" he said frowning.
42"Yes you do" she said.
44[find a shirt]: no-nothing.html
45[that peach]:
46[Observation]: problems.html
47[went red]: statements-frag.html
diff --git a/src/treatise.txt b/src/treatise.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 2fdbde8..0000000 --- a/src/treatise.txt +++ /dev/null
@@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
2title: Treatise
3id: treatise
4genre: prose
7 title: "Buildings out of air: Paul in the Woods"
8 class: paul
9 order: 15
10 next:
11 - title: Phone
12 link: phone
13 - title: Underwear
14 link: underwear
15 prev:
16 - title: Hardware
17 link: hardware
18 - title: Toothpaste
19 link: toothpaste
25> There is this thing called "spooky
26> action at a distance." Einstein
27> mentioned it first I believe. It
28> is about how two electrons can act
29> like they are right next to each
30> other although they are very far
31> away (lightyears even). For a long
32> time this puzzled scientists until
33> someone (not Einstein) figured out
34> that maybe the universe is a
35> hologram or projection. So what
36> appears to be very far apart in
37> the hologram might actually be
38> very close in the substrate
39> reality.
41> I want to talk about this
42> effect in literature. In literature
43> the writer writes words on a
44> substrate (paper) and later the
45> reader reads the same words off
46> the substrate. Although the writer
47> and reader might be very far apart
48> from each other in time and space,
49> they experience the same effect
50> from reading the words. Even the
51> writer reading his own words after
52> he has written them becomes a
53> reader and feels who he was at
54> that time, [like a ghost][].
58> Maybe the substrate isn't
59> paper it's what the writing is
60> about. [Where is the hologram][]? Are
61> physics and literature comparable?
62> What if the universe isn't a
63> hologram what then?
65[like a ghost]: howtoread.html
66[Where is the hologram]: toilet.html
diff --git a/src/underwear.txt b/src/underwear.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 34e52aa..0000000 --- a/src/underwear.txt +++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
2title: Underwear
3id: underwear
4genre: prose
7 title: "Buildings out of air: Paul in the Woods"
8 class: paul
9 order: 3
10 next:
11 - title: Dream
12 link: dream
13 - title: Wallpaper
14 link: wallpaper
15 prev:
16 - title: Hymnal
17 link: hymnal
18 - title: Treatise
19 link: treatise
22He dropped the penny in the dryer, turned it on, and turned around.
23"What" he called upstairs, pretending not to hear his mother's [question][] over the noise of the dryer.
24He had heard her ask "Could you bring up my underwear from the dryer" but didn't want to touch her underwear any more than he had to.
25"I don't want to bring up your underwear" he said to himself, and walked back upstairs as his mother was calling down again for her underwear.
27"Did you get them" she asked when he opened the basement door to the kitchen.
28She was sitting at the table playing [dominoes][].
29"Get what" he asked.
30She peered at him and said "my underwear."
32"Oh I didn't see them" he answered.
33He reflexively opened the refrigerator, reflexively bent down, reflexively tried to feign non-disappointment (appointment? he thought) at seeing the same disappointing empty pickle jar, old head of lettuce, [crusty mayonnaise][] he'd seen already on the way down to switch his laundry over.
34"Paul" she said in that way that means [Look at me][].
35Paul [looked at her][].
37"You had to get them out of the dryer to put your clothes in.
38Where did you put them?"
40[question]: exasperated.html
41[dominoes]: phone.html
42[crusty mayonnaise]: riptide_memory.html
43[looked at her]: angeltoabraham.html
44[Look at me]: found-typewriter-poem.html
diff --git a/src/walking-in-the-rain.txt b/src/walking-in-the-rain.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 010e172..0000000 --- a/src/walking-in-the-rain.txt +++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
2title: Walking in the rain
3id: walking-in-the-rain
4genre: verse
7 title: Autocento of the breakfast table
8 class: autocento
11I can walk through the rain, [that rare occurrence][] \
12and never be hit by a drop. There is a space around me \
13that refuses to be [penetrated][] by weather of any kind \
14be it rain or snow or sunshine. [Is it cold I hear you][] \
15asking in your voice soft as a breeze. No it is not \
16[particularly cold][]. If I were to describe it as warm \
17[I would be lying as well][]. If I were to pretend I heard \
18you, far-off, mirage, breeze on the horizon, [no truth][] \
19would ever be said to have come from [my frozen lips][].
21[that rare occurrence]: collage-instrument.html
22[Is it cold I hear you]: seasonal-affective-disorder.html
23[particularly cold]: cold-wind.html
24[I would be lying as well]: todaniel.html
25[no truth]: no-nothing.html
26[my frozen lips]: swansong-alt.html
27[penetrated]: lovesong.html
diff --git a/src/wallpaper.txt b/src/wallpaper.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 501e89a..0000000 --- a/src/wallpaper.txt +++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
2title: Wallpaper
3id: wallpaper
4genre: prose
7 title: "Buildings out of air: Paul in the Woods"
8 class: paul
9 order: 31
10 next:
11 - title: Punch
12 link: punch
13 - title: Window
14 link: window
15 prev:
16 - title: X-ray
17 link: x-ray
18 - title: Underwear
19 link: underwear
22He didn't go back into the shed for a long time.
23His hatchet was in there, and his axe.
24He didn't want to face them.
25His papers, he decided, could wait in the top drawer for a while before being looked at again.
26The pain medication made him loopy.
27He couldn't think as well as he was used to, which wasn't well to begin with.
28Even saying his thoughts out loud, it was as though they were on the [TV in the next room][].
29Someone was cheering.
30They had just won a car.
32His mother came in with lunch on a tray.
33It was hot tomato soup and a grilled cheese sandwich.
34"What have you been doing all day" she asked "you haven't just been staring at the wall have you?"
35He had been staring at the wall most of the day.
36[The wall without the window on it, with the woodgrain wallpaper.][]
37"No" he said.
38"What have you been doing then" she asked setting the tray down on his lap.
39He sat up and almost upset it, but she caught it before it spilled anything.
40"Composing in my head" he lied. "A novel of my experience."
42"[Do you really think anyone will want to read about you][do you]" she asked and walked out of the room.
44[TV in the next room]: statements-frag.html
45[The wall without the window on it, with the woodgrain wallpaper.]: in-bed.html
46[do you]:
diff --git a/src/weplayedthosegamestoo.txt b/src/weplayedthosegamestoo.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 18a96bb..0000000 --- a/src/weplayedthosegamestoo.txt +++ /dev/null
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
2title: We played those games too
3id: weplayedthosegamestoo
4genre: verse
7 title: Elegies for alternate selves
8 class: elegies
9 order: 25
10 prev:
11 - title: Telemarketer
12 link: telemarketer
13 next:
14 - title: 'To Daniel: an elaboration'
15 link: todaniel
18I saw two Eskimo girls playing a game \
19blowing on each other's' vocal chords to make music \
20on the tundra. I thought about how \
21once we played the same game \
22and the sounds blowing over the chords of our throats \
23was the same as a wind over frozen prairie. \
24We are the Eskimo girls who played \
25the game that night to keep ourselves warm. \
26I run my hands over [my daughter][]'s \
27voicebox as she hums a song \
28about a seal and about killing the seal and about \
29skinning it and rendering the blubber \
30into clear oil to light lamps. \
31I remember you are my lamp. She remembers \
32you although you left before she arrived. \
33I can never tell her about you. \
34I will never be able to express that taste of your oil \
35as we [pushed our throats together][spittle]. \
36I will never be able to say how \
37we share this blemish like conjoined twins. \
38I will fail you always to remember you.
40[my daughter]: and.html
41[spittle]: spittle.html
diff --git a/src/what-we-are-made-of.txt b/src/what-we-are-made-of.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 304cc17..0000000 --- a/src/what-we-are-made-of.txt +++ /dev/null
@@ -1,92 +0,0 @@
2title: What we are made of
3id: what-we-are-made-of
4genre: prose
7 title: Autocento of the breakfast table
8 class: autocento
11There is a cave just outside of Flagstaff made from ancient lava flows.
12We went inside it to where the darkness was a presence, it walked with us like a Christ, our footsteps fell dead on its walls.
13We learned what space felt like, and drowning, and being crushed, and going blind and deaf.
14We made up words to push the feeling away, to goad it like mockingbirds fighting hawks.
15We called it creepy to its face.
16It stared back dispassionate.
18In a bathroom I know there is a low thrumming that comes from the air ducts in the ceiling.
19It comforts me in the same way the smell of toilet-water calms my stomach, it is a sound so close to quiet, so close to the porcelain whiteness of the toilet, it pushes all other noise away.
20It is deafening quiet in its most real form, its most realizable form.
22The eggs on the floor, broken.
23Not the eggs in their journey to the floor or from the farm or from the hen on the farm, in the cage, glowing under fluorescent lights, its neighbors pressed to its body, rotten-smelling, grotesque.
24Not the fateful meeting with the floor.
25Not the long wait in darkness for the fluorescent dawn, cacophonous with pain and smell.
26None of this: the sunlight on the kitchen tile, the refrigerator softly humming, the eggs on the floor.
27The yolks glistening.
29I compose with music best.
30Under its meaninglessness [I am able to hear the silence][], a different meaninglessness, a somehow-deeper meaninglessness, the inverse of repeating a word until it is only sound.
31I can hear the taboo, the never-spoken, unacknowledged.
32I write to drown its sound, with the scratching of my pen.
34Silence lies underneath us all in the same way \
35the Nile has a river underneath ten times as large \
36(though this is an urban legend, apparently) \
38I threw a party in my dream and went to the bathroom, down a long dark hallway.
39I began to leave and noticed the bathtub full of stuffed animals in a heap.
40I examined them each in turn: an elephant, a tiger, each backgrounded by white tile.
41A warthog sat at the top of the heap.
42It caught my eye, I stared, it slowly winked, sneering.
43I reached out my finger and poked it, like the Pillsbury Doughboy.
44It responded in kind, chuckling.
45I woke with a start, terrified.
46It had made no sound.
48There are at least two kinds of silence, in the same way that there are at least two kinds of sadness.
49There is the silence of after, the staring, open-mouthed silence, the what-do-we-do-now silence.
50There is the silence of before, the still before rainfall, the just-woken-up.
52There is, now I'm thinking about it, the silence of between:
53the waiting room after the heart attack,
54after the phone call,
55after the hurried drive,
56the fast walking down hospital hallways,
57the finding the room,
58my family,
59their faces the silence of after,
60the TV quietly playing _Maurie_,
61the silence underneath that; the waiting room _before_ the doctor comes in,
62tells us what happened,
63the chances,
64before my parents drive down,
65their three long hours in the car,
66before we become the Hospital People for five days,
71doing crosswords,
72watching her die.
74The silence of wondering whether we could've known each other better.
76The silence of the long trip we prefer to believe she's gone on, which is really the silence of her absence.
78The eggs on the floor, broken.
80In other dreams, all I've watched all of my family dying.
81My father I remember best: he was on the wicker rocking chair on the porch, staring at the back yard, the evergreen trees in a magic triangle, their branches intertwined.
82We were all on the porch, and I heard like a far-away bell the moment of his death.
83I woke up crying, my throat closed with grief.
85Leaving after the goodbye at the hotel, [realizing I won't be home][] until Christmas, that I'm on my own long trip, someone on the radio station I'm listening to in the car screws up transferring tapes, broadcasts dead air.
86The silence yawns like a chasm, lasting for years.
87[The wind picks me up and carries me away][], I see everything from a great height, I see the future.
88I'm waiting.
90[I am able to hear the silence]: music-433.html
91[realizing I won't be home]: lappel-du-vide.html
92[The wind picks me up and carries me away]: riptide_memory.html
diff --git a/src/when-im-sorry-i.txt b/src/when-im-sorry-i.txt deleted file mode 100644 index ef99fc7..0000000 --- a/src/when-im-sorry-i.txt +++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
2title: When I'm sorry I wash dishes
3id: when-im-sorry-i
4genre: verse
7 title: Autocento of the breakfast table
8 class: autocento
11Your casserole dish takes the longest: \
12it has some baked-in crust from when you \
13cooked chicken last night. Washing it \
14allows me to think about this poem's title \
15and the first few lines. Now that I've \
16written them down, I've [forgotten the rest][].
18While scraping at something with my finger- \
19nail, I catch myself wondering again whether \
20you'll thank me for washing your dishes. \
21I realize that this would defeat the point \
22of my gesture, that this has destroyed \
23all good thoughts I've had about saying
25"I'm sorry." This, [this is the reason][] why \
26I am always apologizing: because I never \
27mean it, because there is always, in [some \
28attic][attic], a thought roaming that says, insists: \
30"I've done nothing wrong, and I deserve \
31all I can take, and more than that."
33[this is the reason]:
34[forgotten the rest]: elegyforanalternateself.html
35[attic]: real-writer.html
diff --git a/src/window.txt b/src/window.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 64402b6..0000000 --- a/src/window.txt +++ /dev/null
@@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
2title: Window
3id: window
4genre: prose
7 title: "Buildings out of air: Paul in the Woods"
8 class: paul
9 order: 18
10 next:
11 - title: Question
12 link: question
13 - title: Writing
14 link: writing
15 prev:
16 - title: Tapestry
17 link: tapestry
18 - title: Wallpaper
19 link: wallpaper
22_**[HYMN 386: JOKES][]**_
24_"[Tell us a joke][]" everyone asks of the clown.
25He sits on a log and begins to think.
26Everyone waits gap-mouthed in anticipation.
27A slight breeze ruffles the clown's coat, his pompom buttons, [his bright red hair][].
28His nose becomes redder in the cold.
29Hours pass.
30All but the most dedicated of joke listeners leave him to rot ~~for all they may care~~._
32_The clown opens his mouth to speak but no words come out.
33A tear falls down his cheek, and another.
34He begins to sob.
35The last joke listener comes over to comfort him.
36She puts a hand on his shoulder.
37He looks up at her, red face, red nose, white lips, and says ~~"Thank you."~~
38He vanishes from the clearing.
39The last joke listener sits on the log and looks up at the sky.
40[The moon is full.][]
41The world creaks on its axis._
43Paul looked up to the space on the wall where a window should be.
44The shadow of his face wavered in the candle light.
45He looked back down at the card he'd been writing on.
46He read the card.
47He crossed out the _for all they may care_ in the first paragraph, and _"Thank you"_ from the second one.
48"[What could he say][]" he thought to himself.
49"What could he possibly say to her."
50He went outside to clear his head with a cigarette.
51He took his axe with him this time.
53[Tell us a joke]: joke.html
54[HYMN 386: JOKES]: hymnal.html
55[his bright red hair]: ronaldmcdonald.html
56[The moon is full.]: moon-drowning.html
57[What could he say]: elegyforanalternateself.html
diff --git a/src/words-irritable-reaching.txt b/src/words-irritable-reaching.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 77ce7c5..0000000 --- a/src/words-irritable-reaching.txt +++ /dev/null
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
2title: Words and their irritable reaching
3id: words-irritable-reaching
4genre: prose
7 title: Autocento of the breakfast table
8 class: autocento
11Somewhere I remember reading advice for beginning writers not to show their work to anyone, at least that in the early stages.
12The author argued that it took all of the power out of the idea, like a pressure-release valve, before any of that creative power got to be applied to the page.
13It made me think of "[Meditation at Legunitas][]," when Hass writes "that each particular erases / the luminous clarity of a general idea."
14As a self-confessed General Idea person, I identify with the remark: it does seem as though, no matter how lofty the idea I originally have for a poem, once I sit down to write the thing I quickly get bogged down in the details, the particulars.
15I guess the writer of that lost article must work the same way, leading to their advice: if the "luminous clarity of a general idea" is so fragile that just beginning to write it down ruins it somehow, _telling_ people about it is even worse.
17But back to that Robert Hass poem: while he does say that thing about the "luminous clarity of a general idea," and he adds to it that "[a word is elegy][] to what it signifies," his tone is lightly chiding this philosophy.
18He opens his poem with "All the new thinking is about loss. / In this it resembles all the old thinking," which to my mind lampoons both the new and the old thinking for not having anything new, ultimately, to say.
19He attributes these thoughts to a friend, whose voice carried "a thin wire of grief, a tone / almost querulous" about that loss of luminous clarity.
20The speaker of Hass's poem remembers a woman he made love to, once, and this image takes over the poem in all its specificity, from "her small shoulders" to his "childhood river / with its island willows," to "the way her hands dismantled bread."
22Even in disproving his friend's remarks through his imagery, the speaker of "Meditation at Legunitas" admits that "It hardly had to do with her"---and here is the heart of what Hass is saying about poetry.
23A poem hardly has to do with what it's written about, on the surface level; as Richard Hugo says it in [a famous essay][], a poem has a "triggering subject" and it has a "real or generated subject," which for Hugo in "Meditation at Legunitas" is something about the way that not only general ideas, but particulars, such as the body or hands or "the thing her father said that hurt her," which is such a beautiful generality that is somehow also a particular truth, are luminous to poetry and to life-as-lived.
24The philosophers can say what they want, but we experience the world bodily and particularly to ourselves.
26There's still a problem with language, however, to which Hass speaks by the end of his poem, with those repetitions of "blackberry, blackberry, blackberry," in that, as Jack Gilbert says in his poem "[The Forgotten Dialect of the Heart][]," "How astonishing it is that language can almost mean, / but frightening that it does not quite."
27There is still that "[irritable reaching][] after fact & reason" that language, as communication, requires---I think Keats would agree that he wrote about a near-unattainable ideal in his letter that only Shakespeare and maybe Coleridge and a few others could achieve, this "Negative Capability."
28Gilbert furthers Keats in asserting that no matter what we write, "the words / Get it wrong," that utterance is itself that irritable reaching.
30In Gilbert's poem, though, he does reach after something.
31In the second half of the poem he begins to imagine what the "mysterious Sumerian tablets" could be as poetry, instead of just "business records:"
33> [...] My joy is the same as twelve \
34> Ethiopian goats standing in the morning light. \
35> O Lord, thou art slabs of salt and ingots of copper, \
36> as grand as ripe barley under the wind's labor. \
37> Her breasts are six white oxen loaded with bolts \
38> of long-fibered Egyptian cotton. My love is a hundred \
39> pitchers of honey. Shiploads of thuya are what \
40> my body wants to say to your body. Giraffes are this \
41> desire in the dark.
43This is my favorite part of the poem, and I think it's because Gilbert, like Hass, reaches for the specific in the general; he brings huge ideas like the Lord or Love or Joy into the specific images of salt, copper, or honey, or like he says at the end of his poem: "What we feel most has / no name but amber, archers, cinnamon, horses and birds."
44This, ultimately, is what Keats was getting at, and Hugo, too: that the real subject of any poetry is not capturable in the words of the poem, but that rather a poem speaks around its subject.
45To be honest, all [art][] may do this.
46What sets a poem apart is its honesty about that fact.
48[Meditation at Legunitas]:
49[a word is elegy]: words-meaning.html
50[a famous essay]:
51[The Forgotten Dialect of the Heart]:
52[irritable reaching]:
53[art]: art.html
diff --git a/src/words-meaning.txt b/src/words-meaning.txt deleted file mode 100644 index d23284c..0000000 --- a/src/words-meaning.txt +++ /dev/null
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
2title: Words and meaning
3id: words-meaning
4genre: prose
7 title: Elegies for alternate selves
8 class: elegies
9 order: 4
10 prev:
11 - title: And
12 link: and
13 next:
14 - title: On seeing the panorama of the Apollo 11 landing site
15 link: apollo11
18"How astonishing it is that language can almost mean, / and frightening that it does not quite," Jack Gilbert opens his poem "The Forgotten Dialect of the Heart."
19In a similar vein, Hass's "Meditation at Legunitas" states, "A word is elegy to what it signifies."
20These poems get to the heart of language, and express the old duality of thought: by giving a word to an entity, it is both tethered and made meaningful.
22Words are the inevitable byproduct of an analytic mind.
23Humans are constantly classifying and reclassifying ideas, objects, animals, people, into ten thousand arbitrary categories.
24A favorite saying of mine is that "Everything is everything," a tautology that I like, because it gets to the core of the human linguistic machine, and because every time I say it people think I'm being [disingenuous][].
25But what I mean by "everything is everything" is that there is a continuity to existence that works beyond, or rather underneath, our capacity to understand it through language.
26Language by definition compartmentalizes reality, sets this bit apart from that bit, sets up boundaries as to what is and is not a stone, a leaf, a door.
27Most of the time I think of language as limiting, as defining a thing as the [inverse of everything][] is not.
29In this way, "everything is everything" becomes "everything is nothing," which is another thing I like to say and something that pisses people off.
30To me, infinity and zero are the same, two ways of looking at the same point on the circle---of numbers, of the universe, whatever.
31Maybe it's because I wear an analogue watch, and so my view of time is cyclical, or maybe it's some brain trauma I had in vitro, but whatever it is that's how I see the world, because I'm working against the limitations that language sets upon us.
32I think that's the role of the poet, or of any artist: to take the over-expansive experience of existing and to boil it down, boil and boil away until there is the ultimate concentrate at the center that is what the poem talks around, at, etc., but never of, because it is ultimately made of language and cannot get to it.
33A poem is getting as close as possible to the speed of light, to absolute zero, to God, while knowing that it can't get all the way there, and never will.
34A poem is doing this and coming back and showing what happened as it happened.
35Exegesis is hard because a really good poem will be just that, it will be the most basic and best way to say what it's saying, so attempts to say the same thing differently will fail.
36A poem is a kernel of existence.
37It is a description of the kernel. [It is][].
39[disingenuous]: likingthings.html
40[inverse of everything]: i-am.html
41[It is]: arspoetica.html
diff --git a/src/worse-looking-over.txt b/src/worse-looking-over.txt deleted file mode 100644 index d5bcdb0..0000000 --- a/src/worse-looking-over.txt +++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
2title: Worse looking over
3id: worse-looking-over
4genre: verse
7 title: Stark Raving
8 class: stark
9 order: 4
10 next:
11 - title: The Sixteenth Chapel
12 link: sixteenth-chapel
13 - title: Something about the nature of poetry and time
14 link: poetry-time
15 prev:
16 - title: Love as God
17 link: love-as-god
18 - title: The moon is drowning
19 link: moon-drowning
22[The radio is screaming the man][] \
23on the radio will not be quiet he is \
24pushed far into the background \
25while some NPR talkers murmur over \
26his screaming he lost something \
27very important. He says it over \
28and over but they do not listen \
29they think of their children at home \
30lying [in bed][] dreaming sweet \
31childhood one of them is staying over \
32at a friend's house they are staying \
33up late they never want it to be over \
34not like the man. His life on the radio \
35will be the only one he ever has \
36his life it is wasted he's being spoken over \
37such pain is in his voice. I wish you \
38could hear it. [It's something never over][]. \
39Suffering everywhere always and over it \
40the same serene murmur of the comfortable \
41distracted or worse looking over \
42the [shoulder][] and quietly looking away.
44[The radio is screaming the man]: moon-drowning.html
45[in bed]: in-bed.html
46[It's something never over]: nothing-is-ever-over.html
47[shoulder]: last-passenger.html
diff --git a/src/writing.txt b/src/writing.txt deleted file mode 100644 index a245014..0000000 --- a/src/writing.txt +++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
2title: Writing
3id: writing
4genre: prose
7 title: "Buildings out of air: Paul in the Woods"
8 class: paul
9 order: 7
10 next:
11 - title: Notes
12 link: notes
13 - title: X-ray
14 link: x-ray
15 prev:
16 - title: Leaf
17 link: leaf
18 - title: Window
19 link: window
22He sat down at his writing desk and removed his new pen from its plastic wrapping.
23He remembered how to fill it from _[The View from Saturday][]_, which he'd read as a kid.
24It had been one of his favorite books.
25He remembered the [heart][] puzzle they completed, the origin of the word "posh," and most of all his fourth-grade teacher [Ms. (Mrs? He could never remember)][ms] Samovar.
26He smiled as he opened the lid on the ink well he'd just bought.
28He dipped his pen in the inkwell, screwed the converter piston up, and watched as nothing entered the chamber.
29He screwed it back down and up again, while dipping the nib more deeply into the ink well.
30He watched as again nothing filled the capsule.
31He screwed it down a third time.
32His thumb knocked the inkwell over somehow by accident.
34As he [swore][], stood up and away from the table, and went into the house proper for paper towels, he resolved to buy a typewriter.
36[ms]: telemarketer.html
37[The View from Saturday]:
38[swore]: swear.html
39[heart]: swansong-alt.html
diff --git a/src/x-ray.txt b/src/x-ray.txt deleted file mode 100644 index aeef3c4..0000000 --- a/src/x-ray.txt +++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
2title: X-ray
3id: x-ray
4genre: prose
7 title: "Buildings out of air: Paul in the Woods"
8 class: paul
9 order: 30
10 next:
11 - title: Wallpaper
12 link: wallpaper
13 - title: Yellow
14 link: yellow
15 prev:
16 - title: Yellow
17 link: yellow
18 - title: Writing
19 link: writing
22While chopping a tree in the woods with his hatchet (a Christmas gift from his mother) a bird he'd never heard before cried out.
23He jerked his head up and to the right as the hatchet fell down and to the left.
24It cut deep into the back of his left hand.
25A low thud didn't echo in the forest because all the needles and snow absorbed ~~sound well~~ the sound.
27When he got back to the house his hand wrapped in the end of his shirt he still felt no pain.
28He called for his mother and found her watching TV in the main room.
29He stayed in the kitchen not wanting to get blood on the carpet.
30She turned around cigarette dangling from her open mouth said "Oh god what happened."
32She drove him to the hospital in the car.
33[The radio stayed off the entire way.][]
34Paul wanted to turn it on but ~~he didn't want~~ the desire not to annoy his mother was stronger.
35They drove in silence.
37At the hospital after the X-rays and stitching and pain medication prescription the doctor said "You got lucky, son.
38If that axe had hit a half-inch lower you'd [have lost your hand][].
39You won't get full mobility back because we had to tie the tendons, but with therapy you should be able to work it pretty well."
41On the drive back home all he could think was that he was glad he didn't hit his writing hand.
43[The radio stayed off the entire way.]: worse-looking-over.html
44[have lost your hand]: roughgloves.html
diff --git a/src/yellow.txt b/src/yellow.txt deleted file mode 100644 index eb88c80..0000000 --- a/src/yellow.txt +++ /dev/null
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
2title: Yellow
3id: yellow
4genre: prose
7 title: "Buildings out of air: Paul in the Woods"
8 class: paul
9 order: 29
10 next:
11 - title: X-ray
12 link: x-ray
13 prev:
14 - title: Building
15 link: building
16 - title: X-ray
17 link: x-ray
20He would enter data at work for fifty minutes and then go on break.
21He would walk down the hallway to the breakroom, which had a white [refrigerator][], a black microwave on a brown plyboard cart stocked with powdered creamer, sugar, and swizzle sticks, a dark red coffee maker, and yellow paint on the wall.
22He'd remember that somewhere he'd read an article about yellow walls being calming.
23"They use yellow in asylums" he'd say to himself.
25He would sit down at the round table covered in newspapers that took up the half of the room not occupied by the refrigerator, microwave, or counter with coffee pot and sink.
26He didn't drink coffee but he would think about starting.
27He would shuffle the newspapers around on the table and see they were all the same ones as an hour ago.
28"Or technically fifty minutes ago" he would say to himself.
29Sometimes Jill would come in for a cup of coffee.
30She would always check that her lunch, which she brought each morning in a Tupperware container with a blue lid with her name written on it in black sharpie, was still there.
31Once he asked her why she checked.
33"Why do you always check if your lunch is in the fridge" he asked.
34"I don't" she said.
35"Oh I thought you did."
36"I don't think so."
37"Why do you check at all?"
38"Once it was stolen out of the fridge and returned empty before I had a chance to eat my lunch" she said.
39"So you make sure it won't happen again."
40"No I'm waiting for the day that it does."
42[refrigerator]: feedingtheraven.html