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radio player in sh

I just want a simple script to play radio sometimes, or shuffle music on my computer, or play noise. I don’t need tagging, playlist building, blah blah blah. So, I wrote RADISH.


Copied from radish -h:

RADISH: radio, music, static
USAGE:  radish [-h|-k|-r|-s|-S]
  radish -l [NAME]
  radish [STATION]

 -h    Show this help and exit.
 -s    Show radish's status and exit.
 -S    Show radish's status indefinitely.
 -k    Kill the currently-playing radish invocation.
 -r    Replay most recently-played station.

 -l [NAME]  List available stations.
    If NAME is given, narrow the list to those matching it.

 STATION  Which configured station to play.
          Stations are defined in the $RADISH_STATION_FILE
          (default: /home/case/etc/radish/stations).
          If STATION is not present, or if it matches
          more than one station, radish will present a menu.


A default radish.stations is provided in this repo; save it to $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/radish/stations and edit as you see fit.

Radish’s station file is a tab-separated file with the following schema:


Lines starting with # are ignored as comments.

A URL can be the URL of an internet radio or other stream, or one of file://<FOLDER>, shuf://<FOLDER>, or noise://<NOISE-SPEC>. The file: protocol simply finds all music files underneath FOLDER and plays them in order. shuf: does the same, but shuffles the files. noise: uses SoX’s play binary to generate noise.

NOTE: Currently the noise: URL parsing doesn’t work. Patches welcome!

NOTE: I’m looking at using a previously-existing playlist format, like pls or m3u, instead of this ad-hoc tab-separated deal. Expect change in this area.


# make install


# make uninstall


Patches, comments, complaints are welcome. You can email me at the address listed on the bottom of this page.

RADISH and its associated files are licensed under the Fair License. See COPYING for more details.