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Here are my system configurations. There are many like them but these are mine.


Clone this repo to $XDG_CONFIG_HOME, which in profile/profile I’ve set to $HOME/etc. See that file for other XDG directories I’ve set to non-standard places. (Just in case something hard-codes $XDG_CONFIG_HOME, I also symlink them in bootstrap.sh, which see below.)

Instead of GNU Stow or a Makefile, I use a short bootstrap.sh script that reads bootstrap.manifest, a tab-separated file mapping repo paths to paths in $HOME. It only contains files for programs that aren’t XDG-compliant, so it should stay short.

Anyway, run bootstrap.sh in this directory and you should be set.

Programs to install


  • bash + readline: I prefer this shell over others, since I don’t do anything super wild in the terminal nowadays anyway
  • git: Kind of required to do anything with this repo
  • keychain: Manages ssh-agent


  • mbsync: For mail.



Everyone is permitted to do whatever with this software, without limitation. This software comes without any warranty whatsoever, but with two pieces of advice:

  • Don’t hurt yourself.
  • Make good choices.